He was talking about the Panther II, I think.
P II clearly stands for that, no relation to the R2Y2s.
He was talking about the Panther II, I think.
P II clearly stands for that, no relation to the R2Y2s.
Ah. That was not clear to me.
Anyway, No Panther II. Too much guesswork involved, same reason that Gaijin won’t add the O-i. Unless someone comes up with the blueprints and a photograph of the complete version, then I may accept a revised version given that we still have the hull sitting around somewhere in the United States.
The Panther II hull is very much real and could just be added as is, with the G turret it has now.
Panther 8.8 was just a paper project.
O-I definitely existed, there’s enough evidence of it already and there’s documents about it that we don’t have yet.
I’m not disagreeing that it existed- but to put it in Gaijin’s words.
“Yes, we still do not have enough information on these machines, and as far as is possible to judge, it is impossible to find the missing info. There will be too much room for guesswork and paper design, which we would like to avoid.” (found at this link)
So, what I am really saying, is that while it definitely existed, too much about how it existed is unknown for it to be reasonable to add in game as a “non-paper” vehicle.
I would agree with gaijin there, if they also hadn’t already added some extremely dubiously documented vehicles.
Brother Wikipedia is like half your sources. And almost all the rest of them don’t provide proper sources either, and are mainly just “paper this” and “guesswork that”.
I’ve had this discussion a million times, I’m not having it again. For the same reason Gaijin isn’t adding the O-i, it should not add the Panther II in its “intended” (or at least, what the Internet thinks was intended without proof) form.
to be fair the tank is there thats proof it exists i dont see the problem as it just be a upgraded panther g similar to the jumbo as it would have a panther G turret on a new hull
Please read the works of jentz and doyle, those are not without proof.
I could remove wiki and my suggestion wouldn’t change at all lol.
They have reconstructed the design accurate to the original drawings of the turret.
Besides, the suggestion moderators agreed.
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Would you care to share that with everyone else?
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I don’t see why you can’t just post them here.
He is refering to this one.
Ah, that is just a shore gun installation.
um, clearly it isn’t
I have a larger version. You can clearly see it is mounted on a concrete bunker and looks nothing like the O-I’s turret.
So as far as I’m aware it is a picture of coastal artillery.
maybe it’s not O-I, but I believe it is linked to the project: https://forum-ru-cdn.warthunder.com/original/3X/f/a/fa056e3791feff8a1dac229d649e6001f0f5f7db.webp
That’s a fictional design.
clearly you do not know what fiction means