to be fair the tank is there thats proof it exists i dont see the problem as it just be a upgraded panther g similar to the jumbo as it would have a panther G turret on a new hull
Please read the works of jentz and doyle, those are not without proof.
I could remove wiki and my suggestion wouldn’t change at all lol.
They have reconstructed the design accurate to the original drawings of the turret.
Besides, the suggestion moderators agreed.
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Would you care to share that with everyone else?
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I don’t see why you can’t just post them here.
He is refering to this one.
Ah, that is just a shore gun installation.
um, clearly it isn’t
I have a larger version. You can clearly see it is mounted on a concrete bunker and looks nothing like the O-I’s turret.
So as far as I’m aware it is a picture of coastal artillery.
maybe it’s not O-I, but I believe it is linked to the project:
That’s a fictional design.
clearly you do not know what fiction means
Show me the proof it’s real. A picture posted on a forum page with no real citations qualifies as fake in any academic subject ever. As far as I, or anyone that has experience in academia is concerned, that is very fictional.
I have a soulution to your promblem
sensha tank japans first tank it would play similar to char 2
heres its track link
two photographs and multiple soviet report documents are the proofs themselves
A thinly armored coastal gun on a concrete bunker is not a superheavy tank.
So far one of the two have been proven to be not even of the O-I but if coastal artillery. I doubt the second one as well, but.
Woaahhh, a track link! And what would its armament be? How about armor? Engine power? Engine type? # of crew? Etc. etc.
One thing about it is real. I don’t doubt it existed in a capacity. We just have no proof it existed in the capacity you think it did
you clearly cannot know its armor or it is a bunker instead of a hull, which is depicted in Soviet docs