Please Give Us Back the Original Panther II, Flakpanzer 341 "Coelian," and Tiger II 10.5cm KwK

I’m sorry for offtopic but, what about aircrafts that is unresearchable since switch to 20 tier system to rank 5 system?

Unlike Tiger 105, Panther II, Flak 341, all of them aren’t paper stuffs.


I think an accurate panther 2 should come to war thunder to make the 7.0 lineup a thing again. The rest isn’t needed


I’m not sure the 75mm-armed Panther II would really be 7.0 material. And even if it was, without the 88mm Panther II and Tiger II 105, it would be the only non-SPAA at that BR. Maybe 6.3 would be better, alongside the Jagdpanther and JPz 4-5?

As for the rest not being needed, I’d argue that the three removed tanks make for a very nicely rounded lineup on their own. We never really got a replacement for that.


They want fake vehicles not real vehicles XD


At least there was a hull of panther 2 made. Most the parts for FV215 were built too but Britain won’t ever be allowed that because “it’s not real”

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Honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing that too. And the 183mm version? Yes, please.
I think an argument could be made for them coming to the game if the Ho-Ri is considered acceptable - and goodness knows Britain needs a bit of love in the same way Japan does.

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Yeah, it should be taken out of the game. It is fake and our only proof of existence is what, a track link?

I, generally, don’t consider any of these fake vehicles as alright in game. Even the Panther II is pushing it; simply because we can’t tell what the turret was, which is where 95% of the big fighting components exist. Yes, this means I don’t believe in the Ostwind II. Yes, this means I don’t believe in the R2Y2s. yes, this means I don’t believe in the F-16AJ.

Fake is fake is fake is fake. If it is not real, don’t let it be in game; or at the very least, limit it to arcade battles. Keep Realistic Battles Realistic and Sim Battles Realistic.

please find these documents

Documents? Either way there is a ‘replacement’ single 37mm…

But looking at the historical image:

You can tell by the vision blocks that it was a late version panther hull. Possibly a G or A type hull, probably A just going off of the fact it doesn’t have the crew compartment radiator/heater system.


thanks :D

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Ho-Ri does not meet current standards for a vehicle and would have been removed already if Japan wasn’t so strapped for vehicles at that BR.

As for the track link, no. The real Ho-Ri had 5 examples partially built (none are known to survive); you’re thinking of the O-I which was built, tested, and then scrapped/thrown into a lake. Of it, only a track link has survived.

Panther 2 is also entirely fictional in its current (removed) configuration.

Ostwind 2 very likely existed, just in a slightly different configuration. The source that gaijin is using specifically states 2 guns side by side though.

It could be argued one R2Y2 V1 was in construction at the end of the war, I believe I’ve seen a photo or two of what seems to be its fuselage.

I don’t know why they made the F-16AJ when the XF-2A prototype used a mechanical radar and had weapons appropriate for the AJ’s BR.

It’s an early Panther hull. The hull MG uses a retractable ‘door’ instead of a ball mount.


Honestly, they should really consider replacing the TT one with the actual Ho-Ri. I suppose they could leave the premium one in, though.

Ostwind II is honestly a tough one because, on the one hand, there’s allegedly a shipping manifest that mentions a twin-gun Ostwind. On the other hand, Hillary Doyle (who has the Ostbau Sagan papers) has stated unequivocally that the thing was little more than a late-war German pipe dream they lacked the capability to build—Ditto with the Zerstorer 45.

If that’s the photo I’m thinking of, it’s just an R2Y1. The V1 was in the design phase but hadn’t been fully designed.

All that said, I don’t see the issue with paper stuff. I’ll be honest. The only things I’d be super iffy on are stuff that wasn’t finalized or in an advanced design stage. That said, I would still prefer finalized designs that just weren’t built for one reason or another. So in essence, Ostwind II and a real Zerstrorer 45 would be fine by me, ditto with the 341, a Panther II with a 7.5 (could even add in the American Panther II with G turret), and the real Ho-Ri

(The premium one is fake too)

The ‘real’ Ho-Ri would be nothing like the current ones. It was a mostly unmodified Chi-Ri hull with a superstructure on top, and a high velocity 105mm gun - not sure if this would be either of the guns from the in-game Ho-Ris or an entirely new one. It would receive a much lower BR, and half of japan’s 7.3 tanks would be gone.

I’m okay with that, though. They can add the also partially-built Ka-To which would have a similar gun as above, just not sure which.


The issue with the Zerstorer’s current implementation is that the vehicle we got and the vehicle that was named “Zerstorer 45” are two completely different things. We got the Mobelwagen testbed vehicle, while the real Zerstorer 45 would have been a Wirbelwind lookalike.

Whichever way you look at it, we didn’t get THE Zerstorer 45.

Perhaps, but if I recall the cutouts in the fuselage were different from the other R2Y1s, and that’s where the suspicion comes from. I’m not too fussed about them though.

I’d be down for things like the jet-powered J7W2 or a ‘finalized’ turbosupercharged XP-72 being added just because they would be cool as hell. But those were planned modifications of existing aircraft (with existing/easy to source parts) and not entirely new designs, which I think is a fair line to make.
As it stands, gaijin is against it however. Maybe one day if they run out of vehicles to add.

Aye, the “real” Ho-Ri, I’m betting, would likely be around 6.0-6.3 if that assuming they give it the gun the Ho-Ri’s have in game. The Ka-To would be neat, though. Sort of a Japanese counterpart to the Su-100P and probably around the same BR.

Aye, and that in part, is my issue with the Ostwind II. Gaijin gave us a vehicle that already is very dubious, and yet they chose to give us the testbed of a similar project with about the same nature while claiming that their vehicle is THE Zerstorer 45

The gun is different between the Ho-Ris. I haven’t used the Prototype’s, but the one on the Production is VERY punchy. I don’t think it’d be 6.3 though, the Jagdpanther and Ferdinand used to be there with far better armor and a faster reload (both unfairly moved IMO). I don’t know what the armor on the casemate would be, but the hull was unchanged and even kept the hull-mounted 37mm.

As for the Ka-To, it’s largely the same chassis as the Na-To (much taller than the SU-100P) except now it has an actual turret and a much better gun. It would definitely be higher BR.

I’d have to know which gun they’d get to really say where they belong as it makes a pretty big difference:



The extra velocity really lets you be a threat to more things even though it’s the same shell since it meets a few ‘breakpoints’, critical for the role these unarmored TDs would take.

They should have given it a proper name like “Mobelwagen mit 3cm Flakvierling” and it would have been more welcomed than it was. Instead we had a new source of entertainment both here on the forum and in the bug report site of gaijin-affiliated people hopelessly trying to justify it.

better remove them from all players (maybe compensation but germains do not need it, really)

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The issue with that is giving gaijin the green light to remove vehicles from player inventory.

Currently, they dont even remove vehicles that you cant use. (I emailed about removing a coupon i cant use/sell and they said they dont do that)

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regarding P II id wait a few days… maybe youll see an interesting new thread

Which source?

hm, why can’t you use a coupon ?