Please don't move the M26 to 6.7


Not after denormalisation of shells

Oh, then there is something wrong with pen analysis.

No you’re just shooting from above, like this.

Where in reality, at any distance over 50 meters, this is the more accurate way of using protection analysis.

The height of a tank barely matters above 50 meters, and bullet drop is meaningless for most distances, so angling your camera for the penetration to be aligned with the actual angle of the UFP gives you a more accurate result.

Actual testing in the test drive

Using the M36B2 with late M82 at 853 m/s. Arcade settings so that I can see the distance accurately.

Non-pen at 70 meters.

Non-pen at 30 meters (sight shows green but it’s broken, I had fired quite a few shots before this screenshot).

Penetration at 25 meters.

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Tell me, what 8.0 medium will outclass Leopard I while Leo won’t have any redeeming features, I’ll wait.

I would like to see the trajectory of the shoot

Just use american test drive where is one panther standing for practice

You are. I asked if the Tiger E needed more post pen when the PzGr was added.

I’ve never said I want more pen for the sake of more pen. I want the tanks to be represented as they should be represented, the same as other trees are represented. Why is that so unreasonable?

I don’t main anything anymore. I play a couple games a week. I don’t grind or unlock anything. I play a few games in my M26 lineup. I play a few games in my M4A3 lineup. I occasionally take out my T32E1 lineup. After making it to high tier, I stopped grinding. I am tier V Germany but I don’t play enough to make significant progress anymore. I don’t bother because I’m not going to invest any more money in the game for premium time or to improve crew skills.

I absolutely did main the US when I started. No denial there.

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Please do. It might seem unassuming and it’s stats are not the best, but the M26’s performance is more than the sum of its parts.
In my experience it’s a far more capable vehicle overall than the T-44 or even Cent Mk 2. Within the greater context of the BR changes the M26 is 100% fair.
Compared to the T26s it trades armour for mobility (and is still pretty protected for the BR, especially the turret) and penetration for reload rate.

Just other heavy vehicles around 6.7 also need to go up (Jagdtiger, Tiger II H, IS-3, etc.).

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As I said, tank height barely matters past 50 meters. This can be calculated even via basic math. Taking a height advantage of 2 meters at a distance of 100 meters will wield an angle of 1.15º, and most tanks don’t have such a large height advantage.

And as I said, bullet drop is basically meaningless, specially with rounds that aren’t slow. Even on a Sturmpanther with its insanely slow subsonic rounds, at 1 km the bullet drop angle is roughly 5º. You won’t get such a bullet drop with a round going over 3 times faster.

Nope. M82 APHE straight through the upper plate easily at closer ranges. (I tested at 200m, was easy to do there)

How come my own test results, of which I posted screenshots, show non-pens at 30 meters then.

  1. I already checked 200m, goes through fine there, even with some slight angling from the Panther. If he angles enough to bounce the M82 his side becomes a weakspot.

  2. M82 is the Pershing’s main round… you can’t act like “only with M82” here. That is what you’ll be firing 99% of the time.

Jesus christ. The M26 is of similar height to the Panther… not a M2 or Panzer 2

I already checked 200m, goes through fine there, even with some slight angling from the Panther. If he angles enough to bounce the M82 his side becomes a weakspot.

Did you actually test it in the map or did you do it through protection analysis.

M82 is the Pershing’s main round… you can’t act like “only with M82” here. That is what you’ll be firing 99% of the time.

“Only” is related to the distance here. 25 meters is an extremely small amount of distance for the purposes of the game.

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@Balanced_Game see it?

Wow ok it’s almost like you haven’t read a single thing I’ve posted so far. You didn’t even click on the spoiler below those images. Nor did you read any of the explanation of why that camera angle is more accurate.


Your screanshoots shows that the ‘ammo’ would come from below not from up:

This is why I asked for a trajectroy of such shoot, as I can’t imagine how the trajectory would look like.

Just use test drive to see it with own eyes