Please don't move the M26 to 6.7

Don’t know. There’s plenty of factual discrepancies with all ammo in game. I am more familiar with the misrepresentation of German ammo because that’s the part I have more knowledge of, and I’m not just referring to the fact that Pz.Gr has an exaggerated “sphere of death” postpen effect, but also to pen values lower than those reported in sources like this, where for instance the Jagdtiger’s PaK 44 is quoted as having considerably higher pen values than it has in-game.

We also have further issues that affect all vehicles in all trees, for example the kinetic impact of the casing of a high-explosive shell is not simulated in-game. A high calibre HE, like to continue with this example the 128mm HE, was able to pen 188mm of RHA. The casing doesn’t just disappear when the HE explodes.

I also suspect all solid shot ammunition is significantly much less lethal than IRL in terms of post pen effects.

But, like I said, Gaijin use their calculator. So, you can’t just bug report it. Different countries use different definitions of “penetration” during testing, which does make it difficult to normalise historical data and make sure they’re all referring to the same thing. Hence they’ll never accept a bug report based on existing documentation that is obviously not standardised, and they’ll just apply DeMarre to every shell in game.

Because you realize that the 122mm was most likely not able to penetrate the tiger 2H yoke, during the tests it appears that the is2 has about 170mm of penetration and everyone who knows a little knows that such a 75mm/l70 in irl has more penetration than the 122mm in irl, in wt 122mm it only has so much penetration for balance, because it has nothing to do with irl.

In kubinka 100mm D-10T penetrated front of tiger 2 h turret.
Бронебойные снаряды пушек БС-3 (100 мм) и А-19 (122 мм) производят сквозное пробитие в лобовом листе башни танка “Тигр-Б” на дистанциях 1000-1500м.

It’s a 6.7 vehicle, it’s a bigger gun that you don’t really need as the Tiger ll H is strong enough, and you get a longer reload in return, an 8 second reload is a lot more useful than a slightly stronger shell with a 17 second reload, but Gaijin in it’s infinite wisdom, which one could easily mistake for the roll of the dice, thinks otherwise.

Just like a Panther ll is a 5.3 chassis with a 5.3 gun with speed, but dear god Germany has some mobility for once and everyone is whining because they’re used to just flanking Germany, they couldn’t handle the Ru 251 either.

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Why it so fast? It same with soviet 85 mm and american 90mm. Are german loaders eating only steroids?

It gets improved reload speed in return for something called: Guaranteed death by storing ammo in the turret right behind the weakspot as to ensure you die every single time you get penned.


Tiger 1 users are familiar with this concept known as: f- you.
It’s a Gaijin special where they intentionally place one of the first ammo racks at the very front of the tank, defying all logic and common sense because of course you would store ammo as far away from the gunner as possible in the most precarious location possible.
It’s how Gaijin ensures the Tiger explodes every time it gets shot in the corner because reasons, as it does not give you improved reload speeds.


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On russian forum that problem with tiger 1 was reported and supported by players. Now just wait before they will fix it

Yeah, I wouldn’t put my money on that, they can also remove the mine launchers they obstruct the gun depression when angled then.

Pershing have ammo in front of the turret. M36 have ammo is same place, but shorter and lighter but reloads with same speed.

Change smokes for depression ? Good and fair idea

They’re not smoke grenades, I think they’re S-mine launchers which is anti-personnel, in a tank game without infantry so we really need those to obstruct the gun depression and turret rotation for a tank that heavily relies on being angled.

The smoke launchers are on the turret.


Gaijin loves to add random features to the game that are detrimental and offer nothing of value, like the Leopard PSO they added, which was specifically designed for urban warfare, in a tank game, but at least we get a dozer blade, that’s super useful…


New gunner thermal and UFP reinforcement is useless?

Can always not use a heavy in a full uptier.

Churchill faced Panther D and Tiger H two BR brackets above, the Jumbo too, the 190mm penning APHE ONE bracket higher in a medium. It might havs bad traverse but still faster than a non-falling Church VII.

Double standards on Tiger H/E (Heavies) facing 4 max players in a FULL uptier but never seen you point out the inconsistencies of the VII at its own BR and 1 bracket up… ONE.

Just angle bro…

IS-3 now on 7.3 tigres won’t fight it.

Crappy first gen thermals, and thermals in general are just trash now in my opinion where I don’t even bother using it anymore myself.
UFP does nothing.

Still a discount Sweden, wait 3 years for a new top tier tank and you get a vehicle designed for warfare that does not exist in the game.

Indeed, but Church faces Jumbo at 5.7 still, Panther D at 5.3 (heck, I have not seen final changes so not sure).

Again, not a good vehicle to decide BRs around, but people still kept quiet on its 103mm max pen weak AP at 4.7.

Tiger E still fights T29 and T95

Tiger e is 5.7 material

Can always not use a heavy in a full uptier.

So you just don’t play the game then? How does that work? That’s how uptiers work.

never seen you point out the inconsistencies of the VII

Yeah somehow I’m supposed to bring up every individual vehicle in the game? UK and US don’t need any more supporters anyways, the entire reddit is filled with allied players.

The Churchill is just a bad tank.

If you want a 1 vehicle lineup fill your boots. Your choice but I know many make actual lineups. If you are saying in a full uptier all your team are the same BR I advise bug reporting to Gaijin.

Relevant, how? Moving on…

Yes, agreed. So are Tigers and Panthers so accept it. Most popular ground nation in queues are Germany at every tier and time and zone, give me a break about your biases. I care about all nations.

The point being you are adamant Germany should not face x,y,z in a FULL uptier but ignore pretty much everything but… Germany. So yes a bit less of the bias thanks.