Spawn in an SPAA for a few matches, and found the lowww amount of planes here. Spawned a CAP, no one’s up. A4E throws walleyes and die to stinger energy drain, not many f58s who knows why, and not much of other planes, which basically all dies to proxy york and stinger rains, or wandering alone over air spawn
Bucanneer S.2
Harrier GR.1
Harrier GR.3
Jaguar GR.1a
Alphajet TH
A-4E early(M)
20 Strike dedicated aircrafts from 9.3 and 9.7, and we shall count in the 11 others from 8.7 and 9.0 which completes every nations and those still have abilities to strike hard.
Of these, only really A-4E fits. AV-8 can definitely do CAS but you’re limited to doing CCIP/CCRP bomb drops or Zuni CCIP runs, both of which get you way too close to the battle. This kind of CAS was stronger earlier in the BRs when it first appeared.
Same problem as above
Same problem as above, none of these are really “CAS aircraft” but more just air RB bombers. CAS already graduated to using guided weapons at 8.7 and these aircraft are using outdated methods.
Pretty sure this has same issue
Same issue
This one does fine in GRB so idk why its listed
Pretty sure same issue
Pretty sure same issue
Same issue, though this one is at 9.0 so avoids most issues described in this thread with spaa in downtiers or 9.3 games
Same issue
Everything you listed are more “Air RB bombers” rather than CAS planes in GRB
For the Germans it’s just the Ozelot and Gepard 1A2. You basically run the risk of fighting 2A4’s, T-80B’s and M1’s just for better SPAA.
A few other nations get one or two vehicles. China doesn’t have any iirc. It’s a weird BR, but the lack of vehicles is most likely why 10.7 is 99% uptiers these days.
Why not try make them to fit their intended role? At 8.-ish BRs planes fight gepards, no ccip vs shaking radar, should we have something like ccip vs firm radars e.g Chinese 09? And stingers or more for a4e f58 ofc TV ammo is a whole other story than close flights
The only fun point here is that you assumed having to close into the SPAAM threat = death
→ many players would prove you wrong.
Not because something have no guided ammo that it can’t even work, the problem for most those aircrafts came from pilots that are not thinking both way in and out of the battlefield.
Most of the time, i would agree that pilots are doing shamelessly bad rushing straight for the battlefield.
But that’s not a weaponary issue,… only a Player issue(the one standing between the chair and the table.)
Decompression for you - killed the whole 9.7 lineups, 9.7 became 10.0. Other 9.7 were too good to stay 9.7 (Strela - which was 9.3 before that). Then, the few remaining 9.7 are typically just ran in the 10BR lineups because they’re suited for it (Khriz, ZLT11, Wiesel, etc).