Players J-out to avoid getting shot down

It is becoming more and more common to see gamers escaping death by leaving the plane.

J-out should be counted as a kill. The player who “fought” the opponent the longest should get the points.

Or developer can introduce something alternative, but this problem must be solved. Often we end the match without points, because the opponent intentionally leave the plane.


When a player bails out of an aircraft, the reward goes to the closest enemy.


but if its almost 3km away from you, the kill credit goes to no one lol


This is why I try to crash on purpose before someone can get an inevitable shot and becomes rewarded for being better than me.


I’m pretty sure the range is like 9km. But idk for sure, but I remember reading that sonewhere

not always.

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And not if they crash, either.

Most people I’ve come across already knew that J-ing out would credit the kill anyway; so, instead, what they do is simply to dive and slam into the ground.

I really think these cases should also credit the kill to the nearest rival as well. Both to solve this issue, and brvause maneuver kills are a thing and should be counted.


It would help since Maneuver kills are still kills as well.

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Or just start banning people for deliberately crashing.

Nah, not happening, also professional team rammer killing a couple dozen teammates a day is also doing just fine. Because that’s the state of this game and his behaviour is exactly what is expected from Gaijin target demographic.


In sim,

You will spot a bomber from say 15 km away.

Due to gunner mechanics, the bomber will spot you first.

Those 15 km with a ~400 km/h prop will take you a few minutes at least, more if we account for climbing and pursuit.

In that time the bomber can easily decide they cannot lose you and j out.

You wasted a lot of time, likely moved far from fun objectives and spent most of your useful action slot doing nothing.

J-ing out should have a much wider range to credit kills.

And this isnt unusual.

I keep seeing bombers on both my and the enemy team J out constantly according to the kill feed.

Also yes to intentional crashing. I saw someone do that as well and it was highly disappointing.

Every game won’t punish players that do nothing against the game rule. (As I know, “passive behavior” or “unfair play” isn’t for intentional crashing or other things which make the “fighter jocks” get annoyed)

Bomber/attacker/af camper jocks should probably just git gud instead of whining and deliberately crashing just to make the game worse for normal players.

Bombers have plenty of powerful tools to fight back against fighters. Intentionally crashing is not one of them.

Bomber guns, used right, as lethal.

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Seems fighter jocks whines more about those game mechanics, in the forum and in the game. For crashing jocks it’s nothing about skill, but more about fun, and to annoy the fighters back in a way because they choose to hunt easy targets instead of climb and fight against other fighters.


Attacker mfs when their plane knowingly can’t trade with a fighter and still choose to groundpound anyway cope just like this.

A bomber has the ability to maintain near-perfect accuracy while engaging in defensive maneuver, have nearly 360 degrees of fire coverage with only a few blindspots (some of which only exist because mouse aim makes prop hang aiming far easier), require cannon rounds to take out with reasonable safety and even then can easily glide back to base with missing engines.

At higher BRs, bombers lose their advantage as superprops and heavy fighters/fighter-interceptors enter the playing field.

Also, bombers behave the same even in air sim when their defensive power becomes even more apparent (third person view, point and click aiming versus joystick aiming from cockpit). If bombers crash because they don’t want to be easy prey, why do they do it in sim? While I’m nowhere a good pilot, trying to take out an aware and attentive bomber almost always leaves me with leaking coolant, damaged control surfaces that force an RTB, with less frequent but still high frequency engine fires, engine cutoffs and even wings cut off from Pe8s, ju-288 and Me-264s (I’m yet to hunt american/british bombers, so cannot say if they’re as defensive as these three)

Edit: Although I’ll say hunting PBMs with anemic 7.7 mm machine gun japense planes has been an experience in… something not pleasant in RB.

Not punishing malicious, deliberate behaviour is a great way to improve the game indeed.

EDIT: Blame the game design. Or even better - just play the plane that’s effective in the selected gamemode.
I don’t blame the players that my beloved shotgun is sub-par on long range maps.


Playing effective planes is indeed a method to make gameplay fun, but

  1. sometimes I have to use an attacker/bomber to grind fast (and some enemy fighters don’t even let me drop the bomb)

  2. when all my teammates but me died and the enemies have captured the high attitude, things become not fun, and this is why people camp the airfield. It’s nothing about skills. I’ve seen some pro player win 1vs2 with the help of airfield aa.

Attacker MF justifying rushing down a grid that is infested with enemy planes:

Guys have moved too far from the main topic. For the crashing problem: I really don’t think a player deserve the kill if he was just chasing the enemy and didn’t even hit a single shot by his cannon. If your spraying ever hit the enemy once, his crashing would be counted as your kill.