Players Card:

You are not the only one on forum who has been like that.

World doesn’t resolve around You

Why is it you constantly capitalise y in you? It’s so weird.

You are the one who constantly does it in threads where I am in, and after I’ve commented, so it’s hardly a coincidence… Maybe you should stop using the same old throwouts to dismiss discussion and opposing opinion…

Maybe that’s why they should bring back the rule because that’s all that has come about from it being ‘gone’.

It is not my fault that You have to be in most topics on the forum and I can’t constantly watch the forum for new topics and be the first one to comment in them ;)

It’s not my problem that you have a problem with me posting on the forums, or being first.

I don’t have a problem with You.

I couldn’t care less really. Get over it, You are not that important.

Pro-tip: Mid sentence yous, don’t have capitals. They’re not names or anything deserving of a capital.

Sorry but I will stick to how I’m writing.

This is something I’m known of in many places so get over it again. In my first language it is normal.

Cool, then get over the fact that I can hold an opinion and a suggestion to people to use the things they have, and not be so fixated on being killed and lacking in your opinion about whether or not they deserve to be respected in thier commentary or opinion.

This is a polite form, but in Polish, where we write You, Yours and so on with capital letter ;)

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Seems interesting but it’s incorrect.

I have never had problem with You holding an opinion.

I was just pointing out the reality of things.

You did because you statchecked me at the first instance… That’s how much of a liar you are.

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You don’t understand one thing.

Just because You have an opinion doesn’t mean that people can’t check how things are in reality.

I don’t care about You having an opinion, You can have one about pigs flying, but I will always point out how things are in reality.

Stats had nothing to do with the point and opinion rendered so you bringing that into it was irrelevant, and your hammering of it continuously over and over shows your issue being that you can’t actually take on board the other opinion, without being able to check those stats.

You’ve done this to a lot of people and you constantly post that meme about checking stats.

It’s quite obvious that you really are just too confident in causing trouble that you seem like you’ve got a moderator on speed dial, or are protected because of knowing someone.

Seems like you are one of those who would be a reason for this suggestion to be the case. So you can’t check, then you’d be all ‘You’re a coward, you’ve got your stats hidden’

But they have to do how in reality things are.

Not when the stats that are being pointed to, and actions which do benefit the team, aren’t tracked by your precious KDR fantasy.

That’s how disingenuous you are.

If one can’t provide anything to back up his claims, stats are going to be used.

Nothing special.

That’s just your demand, it’s not equivocal. I don’t need to prove to you my opinion, much the same as your stats don’t show you to be a team player…

As I said, You can believe that pigs fly. Reality is just different and there are things to prove it

You’re merely proving the point that you entered in on… Stats aren’t infallible, and your reliance on them is ignorant.