Players Card:

I have noticed a lot of turret automatically locking on in game going on. Like when two guys that had the same tank and apparently platooned together both came around the corner and their turrets automatically locked onto the tank around the corner at the same time. And a 292 on Middle East map making impossible shots at Br 11.0 from a distance at their spawn. But I also see that some players like Laserdestroy has two accounts with subtle changes in user id to hide the fact that they buy their way to the top and have great stats only to have played a majority of their vehicles once including a Tiger. So, him being a Marshall makes you wonder how a individual like that can have great stats only playing a vehicle once or a few times and mostly prems. A 100% and a majority of his vehicles that been played once or twice but yet still has a ranking of 53%. It goes to show stats can be messed with for a player to actually say they are good.

Respect should be earned.

If someone is making a statment and he can’t provide anything to back it up, of course his stats are going to be checked. If his stats contradict his own statment, then it is his own fault.

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There’s a reason the only tank I claim is OP is the Jagdpanzer IV, and my stats will show that its KDR and KMR are far above all other case-mates I play.

For me to claim something is potent, weak, OP, or UP I am going to check my own stats if I get a hint, and then compare it to other things I’ve played.
Tho usually a cross-analysis will give me an idea beforehand.

And in the case of Sea Vixen… well, there are zero other planes like it in the game so can’t use its stats as being OP or not.

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I’m talking about the situation where one player claims that vechicle ‘x’ is effective against vechicle ‘y’, can’t provide anything to back it up and gets upset when someone checks his stats and points out that they contradict their statment.

See, this shows the problem… Damn sharks shouting down any point other than their damn stat elitism…

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So next time when someone proclaims that BT-5 is an 11.7 B.R. tank because he kills Leo2A7 with it from time to time, we should all belive him and ask gaijin for the change. Because why bother looking at his stats and seeing that he does it once every 10 deaths ;)

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The only thing you’ve proven is that you know what the discussion was, but you STILL don’t accept that stats that aren’t tracked, and efforts that don’t gain kills, are still favoring the team, and can in fact win matches…

The choice that you make to ALWAYS fixate on effectiveness, requiring you to make a KDR, is highlighting your moronic ignorance.

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Buying vehicles doesn’t count. You can buy the prem vehicles but it does not mean you’re good at the game.

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Again, if somene refuses to provide anything his stats are on the table.

Effectivness is what is important. If You can’t kill the enemy, You are not effective against it.

If someone plays different categories like Air, Sea and Ground their stats are going to be better then say one who only plays Ground right? Because I have noticed when someone brings my poor stats into question I see by their service record they play every category and I only play Ground in Realistic not Arcade. I also noticed that those with better stats usually quit the match after one death in order to adjust their death/spawn count.

Effectiveness doesn’t need to be kills though, that’s your ignorance playing out, and your want to shut down any discussion or encouragement to do anything other than just not spawn something because you don’t see it doing anything because you’re looking for it killing, not the fact of the other methods that it helps.

And that is not my problem.

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If You belive that effectivness of vechicle ‘x’ against vechicle ‘y’ is not about how well vechicle ‘x’ can destroy vechicle ‘y’ then You should be able to provide something for it.

If You can’t then it is Your own fault.

Don’t make my statements for me, we’re well beyond that… You’ve tripped yourself up by bringing this argument here, in this thread, considering what you entered upon…

It seems you are a hypocrite because others can mention what I mention, but you’ll goad and statcheck me, but you won’t statcheck others…

How quaint.

It’s about time, and I couldn’t dream of trapping you this good by myself, so again, you tripped yourself.

I always find it hard to understand how you can’t stand by what you have or haven’t achieved in the game. Not everyone has to be an outstanding player to have fun here.
Personally, I also have one or two vehicles that still reflect my beginnings in WT. And?
I think you can use the statistics wonderfully to reflect on yourself. Take a look at my stats with heavy tanks … holy shit … they are bad. I just have to work on myself if I want to be better … or not.
In the end, stats say a lot about your playing style, but only to a limited extent about what kind of person you are.
Although I’m inclined to believe that certain behavioural patterns here certainly carry over into real life.


There’s a reason why positive encouraging people in matches going ‘GO GET THEM TEAM!’ don’t hesitate and be all sniping in the back row trying to keep their precious numbers up.

You are the one who responded to me, not other way around.

I have made a general statement, not about You, so don’t trip again ;)

I would add the M24 Chaffee to the OP list. I put into my 5.7 Japan lineup. It still works. Not easy but it works.

You were lurking before, and it was obvious… You were baited, literally… Couldn’t have done it better if it was intentional.

The fact you refered to me, indirectly hinting about you calling me out about my stats, makes it clear your issue was baseless the entire time.

It was ALWAYS just you ramming your point down my throat, assisted by your statchecking, ignoring the point of actual effort…

If an SPAA spawns, and is known about, the planes don’t just swoop in like nothings there, and when they are disturbed in thier thinking that it is safe, and get spooked, they often crash.

Your ‘demand’ that I provide proof of this, is nothing more than you demanding, rather than actually taking on any other point.

As I said, I’m the only one you do this to, and that shows… You came into this, on your own volition.

World doesn’t resolve around You and many people like You make baseless statements. I was talking about general situation and just because it suits You doesn’t mean I was taking about You in first place.

Get over it. There is no point in discussing anything if You fail to provide things in respective topics.

And you’re lying.

Straight up, this is you, referring to me, because I’ve dared to rear my head on a stats thread… You’ve done this sort of throwout a lot in threads I’m in, and I consider it to be harrasment.