Players Card:

Just a side question. Why is your public profile hidden?

Because of reporting spam that some players like to do on the forum.

If You can’t provide anything else then stats are the best to point out things. If they were untrue then providing anything to show that would be simple

how to do it? I mean hiding profile

Why would you want that?

I never once have seen someone insulting anyone due to their Service Record, my K/D in most Vehicles is garbage as well but idc and no one else cares either.

It is also a good way to check if someone is talking nonsense like i saw some people quite a few times claim they play this and that often and good but check their Service Record and doesn’t allign with their claims.

Most likely only people with malicious intent would want to hide their Service Record as it is also a good way to pre-check if someone might be sus before taking a look at the Replay like yesterday i had someone in a Match with only one single Premium 600 Matches in it with 3:1 K/D and Acc not even a month old or who want to brag about their Skill to others when they don’t have any.

And in worst case theres also the option of…simply ignoring what some random among like 32 Players in a Match says, if you let yourself get egged on by that or feel insulted thats on you.


You don’t need bad statistics to be criticised. Funny observation. This comment above was made by someone who likes to get upset himself when someone unpacks his statistics.
And even funnier … it was initially about something completely different and it was he himself who started making such statements about my statistics.

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You misinterpreted that statement I made then as it was nothing to question your stats at all… That’s how silly you are to make this whole issue over that interaction… You were the one misunderstanding everything so much you ignored me for that interaction, and now even partaking in this interaction, even being liked by the troublemaker I highlighted in that interaction.

So interactive…

I don’t see that as an issue, people can bring up k/d all they want as if that matters, doesn’t mean we should block it entirely because a very small percentage gets their feelings hurt over it.

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It’s not about the feelings, it’s about the fact of the conversation not having anything at all to do with it, and it being a sole reason to deride and dismiss for the sake of ‘flexing’ and ‘shaming’…

Any anyone with half a brain understands k/d means nothing and stats can easily be padded and influenced, so anyone bringing that up can easily be dismissed.

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… Yea… Like you’re blind to the posts in here…

Don’t have to be blind to anything but doesn’t mean I take the people seriously who think k/d matters.

Yea, nah, you blind.

If you say so

I can tell why

Blacklist them, or just hop off

There is a 100 players limit on blacklist, you can’t blacklist whole community with that

No matter what You do, people will still be able to check Your ingame stats.

Those accessing stats outside of “what you have played/experienced” are just wrong. Don’t lower yourself to such moronic behaviour (so much is missing in stats, and the stats we do have are just limited to what Chads care about aka nothing important other than their inflated egos).

No need to block it, just ignore the turds.

And even “what you have played/experienced” is lacking since no stat says when you did it or against which players/BRs/nations/squad composition.

Don’t worry about the Giga Chads and Trolls.

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Is their a ignore button to press for your nonsense?

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