Players Card:

Nobody cares about your k/d… but it’s useful to look up stats when people have some strong feelings about a certain mode despite stats showing they never even play it.

That really doesn’t solve anything, and it makes people uncommunicable, so you end up with more and more ‘brainless’ and ‘ignorant’ teammates.

This sort of suggestion shouldn’t be the go to, fixing the players being all elitist and statchecking as a reason to deride someone, should be.

You know that’s not what they use it for…

I just think that something like stats should only be for the individual to see and to determine how they can improve not for all to see. And i can understand disabling chat during a game but when you team up with someone by disabling that feature you can’t communicate with them unless you have a mic which some do not. Sure you could also report people for harassing you for your stats but we all know reporting does nothing and is a process that has no effect.

It’s a valid use case however… if people want to use k/d to determine anything else it’s very likely just silly in most cases, and these people are lucky the game doesn’t track any other statistics.

The issue isn’t how one plays the game. It’s the yapping they do here and cry while obliviously lacking certain skill, and they almost never blame themselves when they do, but always something/someone else.


The issue is those who wield those stats like a hammer with no care as to the other stats that aren’t tracked.

It’s not as if anyone actually uses the stats to try say that you don’t play that mode, it’s always about your KDR, nothing more.

Even when people have checked my stats to proclaim I don’t play a mode, they’re really mistaken as I have stats on all modes. And there’s only two people who have actually done that… Both times they were trying to stop me from talking on a topic they wanted to control.

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Embrace the stat-checking culture bro we can reduce the number of trolls who claim things they cannot do, last time Steam mods even considered linking the data, which means you can put a player ign then their Steam profile will show up. Remember that when someone has to bring up your stat, for the most parts you have made some ridiculous/bullshit claims that you couldn’t back up lol

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I never make claims because my stats suck but I’m tired of hearing about it during the matches and to disable chat is not an option like I said before to communicate with a teammate unless you have a mic and voice talk.

Hmm, things like this are incredibly rare for me, this is from someone who clocked over 3000 hours. I only remember one time me and this shithead started insulting each other because he doesn’t agree with how I didn’t save his ass, then I asked him to play arcade if he wanna hold W like a fool because he has more death than kills and blame teammates for his own incompetence, he took that as an insult because he thinks arcade is for noobs, the whole chat box consists of the two of us calling each other names lol I should have ss it and post it here though lol I mean like who in the hell do he thinks he is telling others what they can or cannot do.


Only time i check is when some claims that vehicleX is op. Just want to see if they ever played it.


Saw one of them get called out because he said he plays them and was steamrolling the enemy, but his record says he didn’t even own the vehicles, you know what was his response?

Him: “I went to my friend’s house to play the T-90M bro it is the most OP vehicles I’ve ever played”


He better watch out. That might be the same friend that plays on your account right before you get banned


I indeed go to check this guys stat after you mentioned that, really funny

Ignore those that bring up your stats unprovoked.
Never make claims of vehicle performance in War Thunder without being prepared for people to fact-check your claims via your profile.

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The issue that comes from this though, is what stats they aren’t able to check, coupled with the mentality of not needing to be top dog, and still contribute to the team.

When they ignore that, and be all statement, and posturing about it, then they’re just being ignorant moronic…

It’s why I respect every single player regardless of their stats.
People should enjoy themselves.

It’s hard to when the sharks are in the water, smelling blood…

I think it’s about time some people stood up and took notice of what happened to be honest. I’m not the bad guy.

Efficiency≠Cheating. They are not the same thing, just because someone is performing incredibly well does not mean their cheating. If you want to see if someone is cheating look at how they rotate their turret. It automatically locks onto a target. However, you would need to consider folks who use controllers as well although cheaters are very robotic in the turret rotation since it is as simple as->Click. click, click with 0 errors, no cannon elevation either.