Player count in top tier sim

You do know there’s a setting for that… Right…?

Are you serious?? 😂 God damn it

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Yup, go to Options, then Air Battle Settings. The first slider down is named “RWR sensitivity”, and will tune in stuff like that

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Interesting… I wonder what exactly the slider actually does, because I’d still like to see an enemy pinging me from far away, just not get launch warnings from friendlies that are firing missiles in the opposite direction from me

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from what i’ve seen it just alters the sensitivity of return signals

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Cool! I’m gonna do some tests whenever I have time, will definitely want to turn it down still.

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I’ve found that 85 does pretty well for the ALR-67

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So, it seems that Gaijin is recognizing the problem at least for air RB. Hopefully we’ll see a change for sim also?

With the 12v12 thing?

They are adding the option of 8v8 if I understand correctly. In Sim I would also lower the player count to a similar number (even less, honestly) especially for top tier and especially now that ARH are coming

Is it now 8v8? Interseting and yes, that would help with ASB. At least until bigger maps come

It’s not yet 8v8, but with the upcoming patch you’ll be able to activate an option that allows you to join smaller 8v8 rooms. It will be available for ARB as soon as update “Seek and Destroy” drops.

Fairly certain its 6-12 vs 6-12 still . So could be smaller teams, might not. With that option ticked I think you can still see 16vs16 matches. Just like with night battes selected you only get them rarely., But it is a start.

exactly, it’s like you say, you CAN see those smaller matches but they are not guaranteed. However, it means gaijin recognizes the issue, so this opens maybe the possibility to have the same choice in sim

Yep, we can hope. I generally find that RB additions filter through to SB about a year later

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The biggest problem, IMO, is map/team size.
Currently, soviet teams spawn little/no strike planes in their rosters and for a good reason.
Tried playing Tornado on Denmark in EC8 and it ain’t easy in supersonic striker and it’s hell for subsonic Su25 derivates. Had to abandon (and barely run away) attacks more often than not due RedAir DCA where Su25s would get slaughtered.
On the current map sizes, the max team size should be 4v4, or maybe 6v6 tops.
Everything above is suicide for Soviet side strikers.

This is also the main reason why we have something like 1 victory in 10 EC8s for the Soviet side, even when teams are of comparable size.

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I don’t think that is inherently the issue. Blufor has the advantage that an aircraft like the f4 can run 2 base kill worth of bombs or rockets at the same time as full A2A. Mig23s can’t.

Dedicated ground attackers have equally hard time on both sides at that BR, especially the subsonics.

Additions like the Su-24 might help, but soviets don’t have an equal multirole

Su25s win the RedAir game in EC7, almost regularly, because BlueAir in EC7 has much more problems with them than in EC8, at least within the last few months that I played EC7/8.
In EC8 they’re dead meat. I barely managed to do anything in IDS and we lost.
I don’t think I’d make it to the target in something subsonic in EC8.
The fighter wall is just too strong for this map and team size and it’s only gonna get worse with the Fox3 arrival.

At present BlueAir loads F15/16 with 65s/bombs and does ground damage while RedAir doesn’t have that ability. So, IMO, GJ needs to limit the team sizes, or enlarge maps to allow subsonic strikers to work independently of escorts.

Had a pretty solid game in IDS, once the numbers dwindled down to 4v4/5v5, or so.
We definitely need bigger maps, or smaller teams to make all plane types useful.

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and it’s not just Top Tier - for me it’s been just as bad around tier’s 4-5

And now I’m having issues with my Top Tier jets - my VR headset now goes black whenever I’m about to get a bunch of kills - which results in not getting those… I’m loving it.