Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

Thank god for 12.7 in ARB. Certain 11.7 grb vehicles should go up to 12.0 as well. I mean 2A7V, T-90M, 122B/B+ and similar vehicles in performance.


Much needed decompression. Still, more is desirable. The chaos that is All-Aspect AAMs at 10.3 needs to be solved.

Looks like the J29D will be making a return to the shops


Okay, why is the T20 going to 6.3? It has no APCR and armor thats irrelevant in its tier. Sure its fast but surely thats not enough to have a higher BR than panthers.

Why is the T95 being uptiered? This tank is barely mobile and rarely played.


Are you giving it a radar indicator as well? Something to indicate where enemy planes are?
Or are you increasing con trails again so people can actually see enemy planes coming in?


P-51D-10 has a more powerful engine than the others, it is very similar to P-51D-30. It should stay at 4.3.
J6K1 already underperforms flight model wise at 6.3, it is fine at this BR because the armament balances it out. But 6.7 is a very bad BR for propellers since they get uptiered constantly to 7.7 where the whole enemy are jets. It should stay at 6.3.


(RB) Strela 9.3 > 10.0 - If you send tansam to 11.0, I don’t see any reason to raise the strela’s br only by +0.3. Photocontrast was a very strong buff. Obviously the problem is major/minor stat difference.

(RB) All top apaches except ah.mk1 11.7 > 11.3 - Apaches on the same br as ka52…

(RB) Pantsir 11.7 > 12.0 - 12.3 After the fix, the pantsir stopped being a very sad kamaz with super unstable lock and became a powerful again. The only top tier vehicle that forces a change in play style for the cas planes (may be TOR can too, but it’s pretty rare guest in my games).


Also. just noticed something

It was a 48 hour rotation not a weekly rotation before. Is this being changed to a weekly cycle or is this just a typo?


Why then strela moves only to 9.7, and not 10.0/10.3?

And how can you send french “drummers” to apfsds and stabs?

You okay gaijin?


So Falcon joins likes of Gepard and ZA-35, things that have equal guns and radar, while being more mobile. Seems legit…

And why aren’t the F-15’s going to 12.7?


Not enough changes, all the F-16’s need to go up in BR if the ceiling is increasing.


Britain now has 3x 8.3s SPAA but nothing from 5.3 to 8.3 and nothing from 8.3 to 11.7 (stormer is so broken it doesnt count)

Its kinda insane.

Wait what?

What the hell. That definetly needs to move up as well.


Might partially be my fault lol, used it to grind SL with a crapload of boosters and a 5 K/D with some 70-85% WR


although it’s more or less good that it’s 12.7 the new top tier. I think more in my humble opinion that the new BR is up to maximum 14.0 there will be more room for maneuver for balancing both in tanks and in aircraft.


Move Wyvern S4 to 5.0. or remove it’s air spawn. This vehicle has ruined all 3.3-5.3 ARB matchs.


So T20 to 6.3 and A6M5 Ko to 5.3… why?

This smells like more “statistiks” based balancing.


Stop uptiering every SPAA that happens to be an effective Tank Destroyer, just nerf their AP belts

T20 and FL11 going up is…one of the decisions of all time. Peak examples of mediocre vehicles getting ignored by the average player, thus their stats go through the roof. Meanwhile the BatChat at 8.0 has me wheezing.

Type 81 (C) gets send to the shadow realm, no doubt for clubbing 2-IQ Su-25s, but the Strela gets a relative slap on the wrist.

Decompression for Air but not Ground that needs it just as bad at this stage. Nice.


I personally hope it stays at 4.7 (not for ARB, but because its the perfect CAS for a destroyer line-up in NRB)

I would vote for air spawn removal though. It doesnt need it (maybe at minimum a forward AF spawn, but not full air spawn)


Maybe no HMD


Yeah strongly disagree with the A6M5 Ko moving to 5.3…sure in the right hands they can be good aircraft but performance wise they are outclassed by everything they see even worse at 5.3


Downtier the kugelblitz to 6.7 in realistic. It’s not a 7.0 anti air.

The M48A2GA2 and Magach 5 should have the same br in realistic. Right now the Magach 5 is 8.0 and the M48A2GA2 is 8.3. Both have the same firepower. The only difference is that the magach 5 has a bit worse engine but gets era instead. Both really should be the same br
=> either the M48A2GA2 to 8.0 or the Magach 5 to 8.3