Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Yeah, and I’ve seen that for more and more people. but the community is so full of kids and whackos that they make it impossible to suggest that change without severe discourse.
I’ve seen SO many people white knight for gaijin over this suggestion it’s just crazy.


Yeah… Unfortunately

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Very mixed on the changes as a whole, I’m very glad that the J35s are finally being moved down in BR. They’ve been very hard to play for quite a while now, will definitely be picking up playing with them again after these changes!

Ground Realistic Battles, 2S38, 10.3 > 11.0

10.7 is not enough

Air Realistic Battles, F-4EJ Kai, 12.3 > 12.0.
Realistacaly we know this plane should have it’s AAM-3 loadout (as seem on this accepted bug report: Community Bug Reporting System) but since it doesn’t have it’s AAM-3 and faces planes with lower BRs with missiles such as the Magic II, PL-8 and Python 3, which are all vastly superior to the EJ kai’s loadout, it either should have it’s BR lowered or have it’s missiles added


You’re crazy to move the KPZ-70/MBT-70 to 9.7 when they are the vehicles that suffer the most when playing it and more specifically in America.

Their APFSDS ammunition is too poor with its penetration of 285mm at 0 meters at 0 degrees of inclination, try to penetrate a T72 or T80 with that or with full uptier as you propose (9.7/10.7) if you penetrate a Leopard 2A4, M1 Abrams or T90A you won’t penetrate it even to break the gun chamber.

In fact, those vehicles need to lower 0.3 Br and more the MBT-70 and no, having a 20mm gun doesn’t justify being at 9.3 since you won’t even get a 2S36 down with that gun to justify it.


it is pure nonsense that F-4EJ Kai, which has superior AIM-9L IR to having same BR as F-4J(UK)

AIM-9L might be inferior to those IRCCM missiles but still way superior to AIM-9G/P


mirage2000cs5 should just stay in 12.3,m2k in 12.7 with only headon PD mode and only 4 missle will be too hard to get kill and in 12.7 there is f16a and mig29,how can m2kcs5 beat these 2 jet?and in 13.0 there is f15a and su27,mirage2000cs5 should only stay in12.3


We Need Decompression

Make Air top tier 14.7 to allow some decompression.


How else am I gonna interpret it when you said the Iranian F-14 should stay 12.7 and being upset the Block 10 will go down to 12.3

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Agreed, and as a base bomber, the A5C in 10.7 has to race against much faster base bombers in the slight uptiers such as F4E and Tornados

decompression is the answer

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AAM-3 loadout would make it 13.0 instantly.
It’s the best 12.3 in the game, so your post is instantly not getting taken seriously.

@Stona_WT is this the right place to suggest Ground Sim lineup alterations? It’s not BR adjustment but ground vehicle BRs have no effect in Ground Sim.

Simulator Ground Battles, Sd.Kfz 234/2. Change from 1_1, 2_1 lineups to 2_1 and 3_1 lineups. Reasoning: combination of speed and firepower outclass every other vehicle in 1_1 bracket, overpowering the majority of other vehicles’ capabilities. 1943 scout car facing prewar and early war reserves.

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absolutely not

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no just the DU rounds do not make any difference for warthunder trough the formular gajin uses

And the Shard is nr 1 not even in service or finished development yet
2 last i heared from the french community here is that shard wasnt supposed for the french service and export only

I mean… from what I can tell, M735 kinda sucks in general, I wouldn’t expect it to be viable on tanks found 1.0 BR higher than it’s suggested usage (unless there’s a vehicle I don’t know of). You can still pen them, you just need to know where to land your shots. (Mk.2D: Under gun, Left side of gun, Driver’s side hull, Any shot on the frontal hull will kill the transmission and/or engine.) (Sabra: Turret ring, LFP)

GSB - reintroduce it to 9_2 bracket.
Plus model autoloader + adjust reload

  • Gen1 thermals
  • Average optics (2.6x-8x)
  • Poor optics placement Below the gun barrel (Can’t see the target when shooting hull down)
  • No commander sight

It could get bit more realistic reload. From RB perceptive it is laughable it is 1+BR above TAM2C or 2S25M.

BR 10.3 10.0 11.3
Speed (forward/reverse) 75/75 70/20 72/15
Gen vertical guidance -7/18 -4/17 -10/16
Best round pen 430mm 580mm 395mm
Reload 6.7 7.1 5.0
Missile No Yes No
Thermal sight Gen3 Gen3 Gen1
Gunners optics 3x-10x 4x-12 2.6x-8x
Commander sight 2x-8x 4x-12 No
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My point exactly. Statistically speaking it sits fine where it is- it has a single advantage. Being very well armored. At 3.3 it is not better than the Pz. 4s it faces, and anywhere above 3.3 its just a generally worse Sherman. So keep it where it is.

The reason for it staying at 9.7 is that it’s ballenced. AGM-65As and AGM-62s have a target tracking range of 3km. You most often have to drop or fire your weapons out of lock range which means all the SPAA or tank has to do is move a little and the weapon will miss. Also the tracking on every F&F weapon is intentionally scuffed by Gaijin so the AGM-65 sometimes just does nothing or tracks another random dead tank. Same with the 62s. People just need to have a brain when they have SPAA and any CAS, including the Ayit is going to have a hard time.