Buff Merkava Mk.3 Now

What the hell is going on with Merkava Mk.3?
It has a 9.3 BR level of armor, a 9.3 BR level of mobility and a proper 11.3 BR level of armament. By this point, it mostly makes sense to put it at 10.3 BR - the gun is it’s only decent aspect, and at 11.3 it’s no more than avarage. You have no gun depression and no armor nowhere. You can literally get oneshoted at from any point of your tank. M1A1 is also 11.3, and it has a much better reload, a better gun, better mobility and of course, a FAR better armor. Every game is just pure suffering, you don’t even have a full lineup without purchasing premiums, and even in full downtiers your tank feels inferior to anything. At 10.7 you find the Leo 2A4, which is way more mobile and has a much better armor (the armament difference doesn’t really matter as anything penatrates you anyway, and the Leo’s gun is quite good enough); the T-80UD which it’s mobility is similar to yours and also has a slightly worse gun but has x1000 times the armor; the M1 Abrams which has every advantage over you except for the gun.
At 11.3, almost at the top of top tier, the Merkava Mk.3 has only gen 1 thermals, bad optics, unstabilized commander sight that doesn’t have thermal vision, an APFSDS round that anyone praises but is nothing but decent or even mediocre, an avarage reload, an avarage targeting speed, the armor of a T-54 and the mobility of a T-64 and so on.
It plays at the same BR as the Type 90, which has a superior reload that makes the penatration difference irrelevant, much better mobility and optics AND is somehow more survivable.
Not to mention the enormous size of the Merkava, so even the 9 years old premium players can see it from 10km away.
So either this thing goes down a whole BR bracket into 10.3, or it gets it’s real-life armor, at least 460 mm of UFP kinetic protection (made in 1989 so purposed to resist 3BM42) and at least 500 mm of turret front kinetic protection (chemical protection in both turret and hull should be higher than 900 mm). Hell, the hull composites of all Mk.3s is missing ingame (and half the turret composites). Even after this change, there is no reason for a MBT from 1989 with 460 mm of protection to play against Leo 2A7, STRV 122B+ and T-90M, so it should be in 11.0.
And DECOMPRESSION, people. That’s what we need most.


try… 10.7?

You’re biased af to say it shouldn’t be higher with this level of unpennable at that Br just because 2a7 exists elsewhere in BR

I agree with this though, you aren’t advocating for that literally anywhere in this post though

In the post, I stated the Merkava Mk.3 is still inferior to most 10.7 MBTs, resulting in bad gameplay even at 10.7.

No I’m not. T-72B3 with similar armament, mobility but far better armor and optics is at 11.3. If the armor of the Mk.3 would be buffed to the level I said, it would have similar armor overall to the T-72B3, but would still suffer from the lack of proper modern equipment, such as a functional commander sight and more advanced thermals, resulting in it deserving a BR of 11.0.

Decompression should be made anyway, but even with it, the Mk.3 has to go down. The situation with it is just unbearable suffering EVERY SINGLE MATCH - just like the Kfir C.7 at helling 12.0.

It isn’t, especially with these changes you propose, so yeah you’re just coping with personal bias.


Not the case. Personal bias clouds you.

Misunderstood - Merkava Mk.3 AT IT’S CURRENT STATE is inferior to 10.7 MBTs, not at all if it would recive the armor buffs I talked about. Of course that if it would get those buffs, it would be SUPERIOR to them, so it should be 11.0 (due to the ultra-primitive technology on the tank).

Please, my friend, explain your opinion in more details.

Even after some decompression, the Mk.3 AT IT’S CURRENT STATE (AKA not buffed) would need to go down in BR. It is awful in downtiers, so even if the top BR would be changed to 12.3 or 12.7 it might still be at the same BR as far superior tanks, like the M1P (Again, I’m talking about a non-buffed Merkava! Calm down, sir!).

It should be 10.7 MAX! This tanks is WAAAAAY worse than other 11.3 tanks and worse than most 10.7.


You’re right. Also, if it’s 65.5 tons heavy, where’s the armor?

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I was dumb enought to buy the mk3d. yesterday I was playing with a T-72b 89 when some dude in his mk3d charges at me bounces on my turret somehow and I one shot him without even aiming. Pice of garbage tank, avoid it

Merkava Mk3 is my go-to city tank in my 11.7 lineup, it’s really good firing a great round.

No way 10.7 with 589 mm of pen, damn gayjin should listen to the playerbase and seriously buff the frickin merkavas armor, with decent armor it could stay where it is

Yeah we need decompression but Mk.3 is fine enough, yeah armor is kinda meh but good gun decent mobility
Id say 11.3 is a bit high 11.0 is definitely gonna help it a bit
But is nowhere as bad as you say
Just play it like a bit slower but better TAM

Armor meh? You mean non-existent, 404, everyone that says this tank is weirdly survivable is just spreading bullshit, this tank can be lol penned by anything in downtiers and everywhere and it’s so easy to one shot. The gun is good, nothing to say about that.

Actually its quite fine, it played like a TAM, hull down and quite difficult to aim
Crew is also spaced out a bit increase the survivability
Compare it to a m1 abrams in down tier it would just be equally as bad

Yes, while IRL it’s frontally invulnerable to 3BM42, apart from gun breach and LFP
(with the first only killing the gun and the latter only the engine).

The round is nothing but avarage, and in CQC your frontal engine is your undoing. Your reload is mediocre and the armor is non-existant. You can’t even get to ggod positions due to bad mobility.

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With real-life 3BM42 resistancy on the front it should be at 11.0, being as powerfull as the T-72B3 (11.3) in every aspect apart from the much worse technology (optics, thermals etc.).

Mobility is bad, armor does not exist, the gun is mediocre. The TAM is way faster and has a better gun compared to it’s BR. At 11.3 you are literally inferior to ANYTHING on the battlefield even on a full downtier. Can’t catch a good position because the enemy will always reach it first.
AND it’s the only way to research 12.0 Mk.4s.

Merkava’s mobility is more than good enough, I always get to my positions, and the front engine is why I like it for close quarters.

You will be one-shoted at even by M111, in the loader side of the turret at 1km.

But you can’t really get to a good position since you are slow as hell.

No. I have been one-shoted by 2S38, by 3BM25, even by damn 30 mm APFSDS to the UFP. No survivability whatsoever.

Except you have 1% of it’s armor, 50% of it’s mobility and a way longer reload.

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Hard to say, man. If the enemy has anything faster than a T-72, you won’t get there alive - and even if you will, your entire team will be there first.

Why? It’s being shot and destroyed frontally before you can do anything. No tank gun’s round will be stoped by it (unlike IRL), and you will be one-shoted or two-shoted 99.9% of the times. Besides, with a frontal engine and no armor at all you cannot even push corners.