Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

11.3→11.0Reloading rate:6.0 s→5.0s
You really should be paying attention to these things


PUMA 10.3 to 10.0 (GRB)
Anyone who really plays the game and maining more than 4 nations will obviously knew why smh. Even bunch of CCs also have the same opinion on it.

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Leopard 2A7V
Ground Realistic Battle
fix its armor hole and give it its realistic D-tech armor, it is currently better than many 12.0 MBT, so it should be at least 0.3 br higher than 12.0 while also use this opportunity to fix its armor


Though most dont even have that capability, as in any sort of FnF, until more like 10.3. 9.7 with even 3km FnF has the potential to be very strong

Leopard 2A7HU
Ground Realistic Battle
fix its armor hole and give it its realistic D-tech armor, it is currently better than many 12.0 MBT, so it should be at least 0.3 br higher than 12.0 while also use this opportunity to fix its armor

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Buff Merkava Mk.3 Now - Machinery of War Discussion / Ground Vehicle - War Thunder — official forum

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  • GRB, 2S38. 10.3 > 11.3.
    The OTOMATIC is at 11.3 and the 2S38 is an OTOMATIC with faster HE-VT rounds with no tracer, an unlimited auto loader Vs. the 29 round ready rack on the OTOMATIC. The 2S38 also has as much APFSDS as it wants unlike the OTOMATIC. The 2S38 gets scouting and a scout drone too.

10.7 to 10.3

Make F5C great again.

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You want the strongest 10.7 aircraft in the game to be 10.3?

It needs to be nerfed through the floor (IR overhaul so its actually got a heat signature) or moved up to 11.0 not buffed by moving it down


It’s fun to get 4 kills in a match without having to use your brain

true, it need to get 6 mav

  • GRB, OSA-AK/AKM. 10.3 > 10.7.
    It is a 10.3km SAM at the same BR as an 8km SAM that has slower missles.
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  • GRB, Strela-10M/M2. 10.3 > 11.0.
    Within range, nothing can dodge the Strela.

This is nonsense, F and F are just way better than plain bomb and rkts, move up or remove it’s F and F ammos like others CAS plane like jaguar, harrier at 9.7.

This is the first time I laughed when I saw your ID🤣🤣🤣How you feeling about 13.3

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Amx A-1A
ARB: 11.3 to 10.7
GRB: 11.0 to 10.7

Practically a worse version than the tech tree version with only one guided payload option and missiles that are worse compared to the aim9l with low range and non-existent flare resistance.

  • GRB, Rooikat 105. 9.7 > 9.3. It is 0.3 higher than the MTTD while having a manual loader. I am not suggesting that the MTTD be moved up to 9.3 as well. They are both 9.3 vehciles.

He may not have had it but he can charge it.
On the other hand, never heard of a vertical stabilizer

Land Battles: All Top-Tier Vehicles; BR 12.0 → 12.7
In War Thunder’s ground battles, the top-tier match room (BR 12.0 to 12.7) shouldn’t be flooded with newcomers using gift package vehicles. Such a situation not only spoils the gameplay experience for veterans but also leaves new players at a disadvantage. When players with widely varying skill levels compete, the resulting performance data becomes skewed—ultimately upsetting the game balance. Instead, one top-tier room should be reserved as a beacon for newcomers, rather than letting them immediately purchase a vehicle and jump straight into endgame content—a transition that is often both harsh and incomplete.

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All BRs set to +/- 0.7 as the max up and down BR.