Plane spawns for ground RB is too far away

So, I think that the respawns for ground rb is too far away, especially guys who didn’t research jets in the 7.7 br range. Can we fix that without saying thats a you problem and OR get better planes???


The spawns are placed at an appropriate distance for planes at that br. If you’re using a plane that’s at a lower br and is slower it’s gonna seam far away. So yeah the answer is just grind better planes.


Eh, Id argue its not.

Longer time to the battlefield, the more time the tank that killed you has to move which means less likely to get revenge bombed.

Also spawning planes too close to the battlefield allows enemy fighters and in some cases SPAAs to easily spawncamp the air spawn.


Tell me how you grind better planes for nations that dont get early jets?


They should actually be as far, if not more, and even facing each other on a wider edge of the map to encourage CAP and actually choosing targets rather than fixating on the first one to be seen.


Late props are usually better than early jets.

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to a bad player, sure, you’re certainly not beating my F80, F84G, MiG-9L, F2H-2, Meteor, etc in a prop.


It sucks to play 6.7-7.3 and being uptiered to 7.7, where you are forced to fly 15km to just do anything in a plane.

Anyone who says it’s appropriate, has forgotten uptiers and nations without 7.0-7.7 CAS exist.


So maybe prop planes can spawn closer than jets?

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If anything, all aircraft should spawn from the airfield. Best way to balance it.

It’s the player’s personal problem for not researching the proper aircraft for the ground BR they’re playing at. If you’re not going to put in the work, then you just have to make do with what you have.


I like how Props and Jets that get airspawn …spawn in same place

Some nations just don’t have CAS planes in certain BR rnages. I think it would be fair to make a small exception for props getting uptier to jet spawns. These should have their separate, closer spawn, at like 7-8km, not 15.

On the other hand i think Supersonic aircraft should spawn even further so they don’t spawn in the range of Pantsir lmao

  1. An unfortunate reality that could be mitigated with more aircraft added, but that requires Gaijin putting in the most work.

  2. No there shouldn’t be exceptions. It’s best if it’s a straight across the board deal.

  3. Pantsir shouldn’t even be in the game, frankly. It’s busted. But that’s a discussion for another thread.

Some nations just don’t really have any options and i am a strong opposer of any kind of copypaste in the game.

Giving props a closer spawn on higher BRs wouldn’t hurt that much anyway, as they would be easy prays for SPAA. You just wouldn’t fly 3 minutes just to get clapped by some full uptier AA, but rather a minute.

Pantsir wouldn’t be a problem if other nations had some equivalents, but they don’t. Still, i think planes shouldn’t spawn in the radar range of any SPAA and considering they get munitions with like 20km of range and go supersonic, they could easly spawn at like 20-25km instead of usual 15

  1. As annoying as copypasta is, if they actually used it in service then there’s no reason why not to add it.

  2. So they’d just get clapped by AA quicker and then people would complain about it. Better they all take off from the airfield and have the opportunity to build airspeed and take a favorable altitude for an attack run attempt.

  3. Sure and sure, and taking off from the airfield would mitigate that.

For props, especially early ones, below like 4.0 spawning on an airfield would be a nail in the coffin as they gain alitutde and speed incredibly slowly.

Imagine something like a duck spawning from airfield, let alone some fat bomber like PE-8 or Lancaster. They wouldn’t reach enough altitude and get clapped by AAs or pseudo AAs like Shermans or ISUs before having a chance to do anything

Some planes with extremely low climb rate and low engine power just can’t start from airfield, it would make them unplayable in GRB

But it is your problem if you are not using proper planes.

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And that’s the con required to further balance CAS on top of adjusting SP costs accordingly. No it’s not ideal at specific BRs but it’s a viable solution nonetheless. No, not everyone is going to be happy but it’s a necessity regardless.

And this is all coming from someone who uses CAS very often.

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