Petition for remove or nerf pantsir s1

So why didn’t you just flee to your AF?
I don’t see this much more than a skill problem.
If you are that far away anyways you are probably over your AF.

Gripen eh? Oddly enough, a Ito90M killed me the other day in my Su-39 while I was over 8 miles from the battlefield. I was super confused how.

But, in over whelming odds, you won. Congrats, if three pansirs are also shooting at you and all three miss, that means it’s less OP than you think.

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This missile has mid pull at best when its first stage booster is worn out.

It’s, super easy to dodge at med-long range.


Run away exposed my six hah that not really smart move

3 pantsir trying to help 1 SU-27 basically 4 vs 1
I called it incompetent with those advantages they has over other nations

You’ve raised some interesting points that touch on both real-world military tech and in-game balance. First off, it’s not just Russia with helicopters that can fire ATGMs over 10km. Thanks to the Spike ER, France, Italy, and Israel have caught up. Other NATO countries will probably get them or AGM114L soon. As for long-range SAMs, you’re right that most NATO countries have given up on them for their armies, leaving it to their air forces. If Gaijin doesn’t add stationary SAMs, it’s bad news for NATO ground forces. Finally, about the Su-25SM3, it’s a balancing issue. It’s weak in air combat but hard for ground forces to counter, so high-tier aircraft can easily take it out.

the Z-10 has the AKD-10 with 10km range
the rooivalk has ZT-6 with 10km range
but the vikhr has 2200kmph speed while AKD-10 has 1250kmph and ZT-6 has 1900kmph
not comparable

no ones talking about ‘best’ so please dont bring other standards here

unless you prefer to forget threat bubble? just the mere presence of a pantsir is a threat because it always CAN hit you.
and not all aircraft that can see the damn thing have an RWR that can detect it.
not every one has access to a highly manoeuvrable aircraft for CAS

wont change a thing for the pantsir whether CAS moves up or down.

either we all get equivalent systems or no one does.
thats equality.
thats what we want.
anyone who argues differently honestly is just cognitively dissonant

good riddance, they always rocket rush at the start. it should never be allowed to have aircraft as first spawn in ground rb

thats not the reason at all

The vikhr in game is the base model. Not the 9A1472 vikhr-1
so no, it IS correct in its penetration

congrats… thats every missile. they are rated for 10G
not 30G as it was previously.

i dont think you even know…
you get 4 of them
the KH-38ML and MT
the ML can be fired at 40km and cannot be spoofed

  1. classic whataboutism
  2. i dont play USA and none of my nations have such weapons in numbers
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8km max


many options, but gaijin wont give

see for germany or any other nation that doesnt have anything for above 11km anti air role

the 9K33 Osa SAM SPAA was leaked for germany, russia and hungary but gaijin hasnt given it to us yet and that would at least give us 15km range

not really. pop it at 12.7 in GRB and keep it around 11.7 or 12 in air rb

With slow ass speed and unreliable damage output

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Heh i doubt that Gaijin even dare touch that thing


Bruh, we aint need to nerf the Pantsir, it’s already insufficient against modern jets.

Other nations need better AA.


My bad, they were nerfed for range and proxy.

It’s funny you bring up heli rushing, that’s not near as common as the USA kids in AH-1Gs, which if I remember correctly you can spawn two with no additional sp. (this may have changed) and the Ah-1G is one of the toughest helis in the game for no reason.

Before, the Vihkirs indeed had higher pen, I believe that’s why gaijin never gave a proper designation to them.

Any missile can be avoided by hiding behind something. I have to do the same thing against the Tiger UHT and other IR guided ATGMs. Which are far more spam-able from behind a hill without getting it and reloading.

Classic whataboutism? Very creative, not.

The pansir is quite fine, it can’t anti-tank, it’s honestly got pretty low G overload. Great vs helis, bad vs planes, especially small maneuverable ones: f-16

The Pantsir is the only functional SPAA in the game.

All other SPAAs need equivalency.


i hate heli rushing from all nations. dw im not a russophobe lol

well they do what they do

as long as you know its coming… and you have the time to react… which a 2200kmph missile doesnt give much of… especially if its three 2200kmph missiles in a row

yeah… at 12.7

hate those as much as the next guy so no argument there

Do you play air RB?

We already have equivalent systems, AKA useless.
No SPAA in War Thunder can frag CAS at 11.3 and higher, none.
Pantsir doesn’t have the range. Paper range =/= effective range.
Also, Vikhrs do as much damage as a TOW-2 missile.

I play all game modes in War Thunder.
I even played ground arcade recently.
10 air trees completed, 6 ground trees, 3+ helicopter trees, naval progressed [had to take a multi-month break due to turret damage freezing that seems to have been fixed recently].

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And complain about vehicles (most of the time) without even touching tech tree where this vehicle placed.

That’s a lie, chinese Z-10 has hellfire wannabees with 10KM range, their AKD-10 (the 10km hellfire) is also the highesr ATGM pen in game.


But that gun is still good enough for low flying aircraft

im looking for objective equivalence. not your personal standards.

care to prove that?

does. youre just lucky to have flown aircraft that have an RWR that can detect it

yk its funny how you try to deviate the argument.
ive yet to see three tow-2s coming at me one after the other in 3 seconds