People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

Right I get you now, apologies. I see the issue now. Have you submitted report etc?

For what issue exactly? Every issue I said wasn’t anything gaijin wasn’t already told about

The only premium account i ever have is when I buy a prem tank, so no.

And that really doesn’t answer my question which is, are you capable of reading and understanding ?

Yeah, 100%, people cannot deal with or address their own shortcomings so they complain on forums and say things are broke and use weak excuses for being lazy and wanting an easy ride.
I 100% understand.


Sure that’s true, but about the ones i pointed out ? Do you think that they are weak excuses or that we have to correct them ?

No, I do think there are some issues and some people here have valid points, can’t argue with that.
I would just like to add though, EVERY SINGLE game has issues or room for improvement, literally every game.
But people think that because it is warthunder, everything should be in their favour or it should be 100% perfect (like literally no game ever).

I will just keep fighting German 6.7 while I am in British 5.7, while my team leaves and is useless, win the match and carry on my own while those who left complain that they don’t have the best pen and it’s not fair …

Guess it is my duty to play the game for my team every single time while they do nothing and come on here complaining because they cannot hold accountability for their crap gameplay.

This has been the case since I started playing.

Most players can’t even do the bare minimum, but are the most vocal and say it’s not fair etc etc meanwhile I am here alone, game after game, fighting the entire German Wehrmacht and winning with inferior vehicles and teammates… Yet who complains? … The people at the heart of the issue.

If people cannot overcome small problems, game is not for you, play with a colouring book already filled in or something.

Just remember, our actions and gameplay directly affects the quality of the match and influences the actions of others.

You 1 death leave? Ok cool, what if everyone did that?

Your having a good match? Good for you! Guess what???
The other 12 of us missed a shot or died or didn’t like the map, so that good start you had? - amounts to nothing because we all left for trivial reasons… Think about that scenario… You have to consider more than your actions or your desires, because it all comes back around.


Well yeah sometimes I don’t bother respawning because half of the team already left

Yes, i do that too when i see the half of team are go out after my first death, but when i die fast, before the 25min left on the timer, i respawn.

If the game is too hard for you and you can’t handle it without having everything in your favour and ruining the overall gameplay, do me a favour and just uninstall and play something else.

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Again, depends if I actually have a tank left and if the ennemy isn’t already spawncamping but ideally i want to respawn too

Jeez you gotta calm down. You can"t expect people to play as a team in a game where the PE-8 on your team drops a bomb blindly to hit a target and taking out 3 teammates in the process.
If you do expect that, well go play rocket league or Wii party idk, cuz there you actaully need a team.

If I did go there like you suggest, I would just insta leave as soon as we start if I see someone has a better character or better weapons or immediately after I don’t get my instant gratification for the minimal effort I put in.

Then I may get angry at the Devs for my poor gameplay and force them to make the game easier

Sound familiar?


Not really since these are none of the reasons that we are talking about here.
You keep bringing the better armour and have good rewards very fast but again, learn to read what people say instead of just acting like a donkey

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i just fought 8.7/90 jets with missiles etc in an R2Y2 (8.0) , i am the slowest, no missiles, i came 3rd place with 1 kill . one of only 4 who got kills…

we lost, i did not earn much - but i am not complaining.

I chose to take an inferior aircraft against what i am likely to come up against - and i made it work - i.e I adapted my playstyle to fit around my aircraft and the opponents.

I done well, no complaints. I didnt expect to win with my vehicle, i did not expect to earn much.

But boy it was fun despite my team being useless.

If i had 1 complaint - - - - it would be that my team is utterly useless and narrow minded.

No room for excuses here. operate your vehicle well and apply good strategy and adapt- dont just keep going to A point and if it doesnt work, leave because that is all you know…

Dont unlock 100+ aircraft to use them all in the exact same manner/ playstyle and then complain they are broken.

Adapt and overcome boys. be diverse, any turd can lemming to A and engage everything frontally as primary method. diversify your gameplay.

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A large part of the issue isn’t just repair cost, more than anything it was that many ‘top tier’ players don’t actually have any tech tree vehicles and have just 1 or 2 premiums for top tier, nothing more. It’s why you also see people you have a T-80BVM and then roll out in a Yak-1 or T-34 after death, because they don’t actually have any top tier vehicles and don’t really know how to play yet

This is the only genuine reason in the reasons you listed (half of which are very exaggerated and fake) that I think a 1DL is reasonable. I should not be forced to play a map I do not enjoy, because video games shouldn’t force you to not have fun.

For example, on maps like European province, if you don’t have a good sniping tank, you’re kinda screwed. Yes, you could go to the town, but you will probably not see anyone, and just spend 5+ mins doing nothing.

Also can you tell me why I should spawn in an uptier against tanks that vastly outclass mine?

no need to be offensive mate. If it makes you happy, i can leave the match i just joined, i just saw a tank 0.3br higher than me so its justified right?
To be honest with ya, im with you, i dont want to play the game either, rather click to battle and it just auto gives me a win.

I didnt download this game to actually play it, imagine that !


And he’s right.

Well if everyone did that, then noone could play the game because every match has people at the top br and people lower than that br. so what you would get is no variety in gameplay because everyone plays the vehicles that are strongest for their br, and all the people lower in br just leave so a game with 4 people on each team all in the same vehicle in each nation. It makes sense when you only think about yourself but not when you think about it from a perspective of the wider game


Well I am because you started to be offensive in the first place.
And yet, you still point out the same bad ODL reason that litteraly no one talked about except you … but go on lol