People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

Why do you deserve me to stay around and carry the game?

Maybe because you are in a multiplayer game with multiple spawns … Maybe because it is a teamwork game … Maybe because i hope you are not just an egoist plow…

Manifestly i have more respect for the other player’s game than many here…

When i launch a game, even i launch by error, i do my best for not sabotage the battle of other, and if it’s a big error and i must go, 15min crew lock dont annoy me: it is because i must go out of the pc…


All good points in a perfect world of “Team Play” which rarely, if ever, exists in WT. Certainly squadron play is the answer and a good squad again any team of disjointed unconnected and childish players will win every battle. Understand that 1/2 or more of your team uses another language and has different motivations for being there. We still deal with team killers and the fun ones that drive around firing their MG into everything and everyone. Ramming and pushing other players in mindless fashion for really no other reason then they can!! We’ve all had the pleasure of meeting Mommy’s little credit card holder with the only motivation is to disrupt the game for purely selfish reasons.
One death leavers are a product of a dysfunctional game. There are no correct answers to individual play style anymore then there are answers to the “meaning of life”. We all play to our own satisfaction and if the battle starts to go south, well why spawn back in if it is clear the lemming train has started and team work, well if it ever existed, would seem absent at present. For me, it’s about doing my thing and if that ain’t fun, I am gone.


Nope. They are a product of total egoist and individualy mentality of players who dont care multiplayer and teamplay game…

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Guys it’s because you are in Budget mode. RB caught on after the bomber nerf, originally BoS and WT are AB or SB community. No one wanted the middle mode.

The middle mode appeals because it’s not SB hard but it is double XP nor does it have AB/SB spawning also usually it’s realism is always in the most beneficial way. Just look at Air, it’s the only mode you bring 1 vehicle in.

Problem is so many new WT players come in from watching post 2014 Youtubers and become RB guys then bring their 1 plane, tank, ship to AB or SB. I would argue that the game should just auto assign the next closest vehicles in your tree that are unlocked if you don’t assign 3 or have 2 with backups. Leaving early should then just count at 3 repairs.

As for the never ending grind, that’s all MMOs, get used to it. The honest answer is to some extent that IS the game or you’d pick the plane/tank/ship you like and just play for fun.

Yes but what if you don’t have enough vehicles for a lineup ? Look at France : I unlocked the first Leclerc and I want to play it, so according to you I MUST play with the AMX 40 and the Mephisto which aren’t even 10.0 ?
Sounds bad to me…
Or maybe I should wait two more years until I grinded all 3 of the Leclerc, which also sounds terrible

They sabotage my game so I don’t feel bad

Another way to solve this is to put a 1 full day crew lockout penalty on anyone who dies once and leaves. . I bet if gaijin does this thing to…


So its been about 2 weeks, lots of responses - some good, some awful.

What i can conclude from this thread is this: People one death leave and play selfishly and badly because they cannot have EVERYTHING their way.

“one of my vehicles is 0.3 br higher” so i leave
“enemy has 10mm more armour so i leave”
“I dont like the map so i leave”
“enemy has vehicles 0.3 br higher than me so i leave”
“i only considered my own actions, not my teams - so when they do the same to me, i leave”
“I did not immediately win the match and i died once so i leave”
“i cannot acknowledge my own mistakes in gameplay so i leave”

Essentially, in short - get better guys. Bad excuses here. I am top of scoreboard pretty much every single match, even when i lose.
I keep playing even when team is bad, i spawn many times, i get many kills, i get many upgrades, lions etc. EVEN WHEN I LOSE.

Matches are only ever won by a select few - and judging by the responses here - The “select few” are not on this thread, that is evident, and THIS - the community’s attitude and mentality is what is killing the game and killing my enjoymement. Laziness breeds laziness and your helping to the increasing decline of the game.
Congratulations everyone - you turned the game into some Hot Wheels type kiddy game with no purpose or substance - and YOU asked for it.
39,000 battles and i just dont enjoy the game anymore, i feel like the only sentient life in a barrel full of dirt.


Welp, the only conclusion is that you read wrong then. You missed all the intersting parts it seems.
Forgot about :

  • Bad map design that allow spawn killing
  • Nations that don’t have 3 tanks on the same BR
  • CAS spamming
  • Having all major roads controlled by the ennemy and being blocked to your spawn
  • etc.

did you have a previous account by any chance?

The whiners will always find something to complain about, and platforms like this and reddit will always have a higher percentage of those people, but you do have to remember, this is a casual game, and if im not having fun in a specific match or on a specific map, i have all the right to leave that match and go next, i just have to accept that i might get less rewards than i would have for sticking in it.


Total agree.

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Damn so I guess just screw US and Britain top tier, since they have TD’s as SPAA at top and if you happen to be unlucky enough to do bad in 2 tanks you’re instantly out of the game, not even a chances to spawn SPAA

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What are you even talking about?

That evidently go with an adapt of spawn points (aviable at the start of the battle or cost for spawn).

he talk of my suggestion to make necessary 3 vehicles in deck for launch au battle.

The ADATS works fine against air targets. If YOU choose to use it as a tank destroyer, then that is YOUR decision.
I often see people take spaa - then knowing 100% the enemy will spawn aircraft - ignore this and drive on frontline and die to a tank…
cant spawn in spaa because you already have, get recked by aircraft then complain about cas… despite having the ability to neutralise it but chose not to, typical.

Did gaijin say official word on change in spawn points?

English ham I’m responding to his first post, quoting on here is archaic and unnecessarily complicated compared to old forum

It’s in the name, Air-Defense-Anti-Tank-System, if it can’t serve an anti-tank purpose then the game broke it.

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I don’t really know what your talking about since most people don’t even first spawn an ADATS buts that’s besides my point

In other nations most people have the option to spawn a 90 sp SPAA When you die 2 times without getting much done in any tank and at least still stay in battle and be useful as air deterrent and maybe make back more SP points by killing air or spotting, this is a major factor since most people only spawn spaa on the 3rd spawn

That isn’t the case for US and Britain it’s 2 strikes and your out, purely do to the ADATS TD spawn cost