People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

That’s not ideal at all. I’m already annoyed with 8 min lock, bad to make it 15 min and why would anyone want to die in 3 vehicles just to avoid 15 min lock. That’s a loss of SL if someone playing badly or just unlucky…8 min punishment is more than enough for a crew lock.

There isn’t really a good way to stop players doing the 1 death leave. Some just to spade specific vehicles, trying to save their SL since they can’t afford premium or are F2P, enjoy 1 vehicle they love, or even make content for their YouTube channel for that 1 specific vehicle. Why would anyone want to punish them. Yea, it’s frustrating when your whole team left and only a few respawned, but not much we can do to stop them. Trying to force a player to only play a certain way isn’t it. All Gaijin can do is encourage players to try by improving the economics and increasing rewards. Punishing them will only make the player community much worse.

-continue making economical improvements
-increase achievement rewards like “God mode” for example
-can add new system where top 3 players get 50% bonus SL/RP for doing great.
-can do reward a player who used the nuke by giving them that extra 120% Bonus SL along with the victory Bonus. I mean it’s hard to get the nuke so makes sense to allow such thing.
-can reward them by giving the winning team free repair/ammo refills for winning a match.
Yea, boosters exist but we all know the curse it follows lol

Just ideas that will encourage players to respawn as they play their favorite vehicle with back-up, make that extra SL by winning as they spade and try to get that free repairs etc etc…encouragement, not punishments. There are a lot of poor players out there, I was one of them poor players once. I know how it feels.


But 1DL dont care more rewards … they just play they 1 vehicles as to as WoT …

I Don’t care if its that keep players in the battle and play a bit more seriously for waste less time…

The thing is that it wont keep them in. There will just be longer que times because 50% of players are locked out all the time

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And that’s exactly what he wants to happen, to keep the 1 death leavers away stuck in lobby as a harder punishment.

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Why is it so important to win? maybe the one death leavers aren’t the problem. Maybe the problem is that this is a community of tryhards

People are just pathetic and selfish thats all.
Their “Reward per minute” is making me sick, They are playing team game,
not Raid: Shadow Legends where you should maximize reward per minute lmao
they will have really hard time in real life, creating relationships looking only for “reward per minute” value.


It’s not not winning that annoys me, it’s the fact that you can’t do anything except get shot at 4 vs 1 after less than 5 minutes of the game because half the team has pulled out …

What annoys me about 1DLs is that they sabotage the games of those who make the effort not to be too bad, to play as a team and, as a result, can’t do anything because the opposing team is totally outnumbered …

And it’s also annoying when it happens to the opposing team (yes, because it’s not necessarily my team, which is made up of 50% 1DLs) because the game is truncated … OK, we’ve taken the bases, but as a result, nobody recaptures the bases, which means less experience. OK, we’ve only got 5 players left, but as a result, not everyone will be able to destroy opponents, which means less experience. And I’m not necessarily talking about RP, but also pure and simple experience of battle situations, how to react in certain situations, paying attention to your environment, does’t learn situations awareness etc etc…


You must be new to the game!

You are more new than him on the game. He have “Ground forces tester” badge …
You are on since 06-2016. He are on the game since 06-2013 … 4 months before me ^^

this attitude of solutions with punishing rather than making things more appealing is why this game is going to die. at some point people will get tired of this developer and this will die off


Well, according to business, people who ODL should be buying backups. This is why they are penalyzed with locked crews if they still could spawn, and if they don’t have anything left to spawn or are already losing money, what would you suggest to do?

I mean, if my first tank gets deleted with zero points and zero money, I’m not doubling on the loss with a second vehicle. And since “free” backups are limited by your abbility to earn warbonds and occasional free loot boxes, either Gaijin starts giving free backups and kissing good bye that revenue source or they deal with the occasional backlash of ODL.

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Well, I can’t speak for others, but I expect some result from investing my leisure time in this game. Usually all I want is a “nice” match, one which feels good and somewhat compensates for the crap from the average match. i’m a bad player and that won’t change, but as long as I get my “OK” match each now and then and feel like there’s something else I’d like to try later, I’ll keep playing.


I don’t really care. The only way you think War Thunder is a team game is if you go against the very design of the game!

There is no crew lock if you just bring one vehicle tho.

Play Air RB, you’ll see how severe this one death leaver issue has become.


You know that in Air RB you have only one spawn?


Best comment so far - a “realistic” game mode with multiple deaths is just a joke. Somebody was better and you got killed, why should you be allowed to continue or to die multiple times???

The whole design of Ground RB is purely aimed to create a war of attrition to slow down the game progression; only experienced players and gaijin benefit from this design.


Precisely dear

Some nations can’t even have a deck of 3 vehicles of the same BR … very bad idea

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This wont happen as they would need to announce that when selling premiums. Telling players they couldn’t use their vehicles untill they have lineup for them would hurt selling of premium vehicles and they wont allow that.

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