People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

Economy? This was never about economy, and I don’t think anyone seriously claimed it was about that. Out of 100 ODLs, maybe 1-2 are due to economy. Another 10 due to rage quits (War Thunder needs to be desuckified). The rest due to only having 1 vehicle with no backups.

People proposed to Gaijin to provide 3 respawns for all premium vehicles, or 3 respawns for anyone who brings less than 3 vehicles, but Gaijin just responded by deleting all suggestions.

The underlying issue is that Gaijin very much incentivizes ODLs. Trying to fight against something that Gaijin has worked meticulously to create in the first place, is like swimming upstream.


Here’s the thing, economy didn’t change, it still take at least 2-3 kills to break even on ground vehicles with premium account or 3-5 kills without and that is ignoring ammunition cost. Repair costs were in no way fixed, they are just marginally less terrible.


i leave as soon as i don’t get my way in a mission. why play if you can’t do what you want?

For me it only takes one or two kills to break even for one death. that is for tanks that are 4500 and less. for tanks 5000 and more it takes an average of three kills. But normally I have assists and stuff that covers that

This is the real crux of the issue. ODL is a feature, not a problem, at least in the eyes of the snail.

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That’s exactly what’s minimizing queue times…

It takes time for behavior to change. We won’t see the full complete behavioral changes of players for another 1 - 5 months because habits are hard to change.

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OP and @Miragen make a great point and much of this will be ignored.

CAP rushing and such has not only been ignored by Gaijin but even encouraged to an extent. Your first death will be to another tank (sometimes a rocket heli) and the next to a heli or plane with AGMs, and the third will be to a drone.

It does not help that many nations have BRs where the lineups are paper thin (see: US BR 9) or full of non-competitive tanks.

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the issue is a combination of a lot of things. since repair costs reduction ;there are less one death leavers but not totally gone in my matches. the issue of why should i spawn again just to be missiled or bombed exists still

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Did people actually think it was repair cost that was making people leave?

It is people who buy their way into top tier or unlock squadron vehicles and have no other line up or just don’t give a damn about it.

My half assed solution is to force people to have at least 2 ground vehicles in their line up so they get crew locked when they quit.

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That wouldn’t work as players could bring reserve vehicle as 2nd and there is no crew lock for reserve vehicles.

Crew locks in general should be abolished. Players should not be punished for quitting after losing 4 very expensive vehicles and not wanting to lose even more SL on a pointless match, or for getting maneuver-killed, or for having your vehicle turned over by the environment and having to J out.


Gaijin just need to give them temp bans, they don’t wanna play the game so ban them to stop them ruining it for 15 other people.


It’s there to stop players from just leaving, though one death leavers found a way around it.

That’s why I suggested making it compulsory to have a deck of 3 vehicles and increasing the crew block to 15 minutes if you leave the game without having had all your vehicles destroyed by your opponent. If a vehicle is locked, the deck will no longer be valid and you will have to wait until the end of the lockout (or the battle).

Rewarding > Punishing.
It’s such a toxic attitude to just think about how to punish people for doing what you don’t want them to do, rather than thinking how you can make the alternative more appealing.


What? They’ve been being rewarded and it’s not stopped anything.

They reduced repair cost and bumped up rewards and we will have one death leavers. How the hell can you reward them more then they are right now? You screw over your team, you deserve to be punished.


Does little to address the actual reason why people do it.

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That has got to be one of the strangest ideas ever. Also that isn’t a good idea. People need to just stop worrying about it, It isn’t going to change any time soon would be my guess. People have raved on it for months and it still hasn’t changed, so maybe stop going on about it. It’s a waste of time. Imagine that. “This is a game feature and people are using it. BAN EM!”… Or maybe change the feature? ( Which I doubt will happen because that is what everyone wants and no one gets)

totally agree