People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

No. That is World of Tanks. Not War Thunder.

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What do you mean, that’s literally Warthunder.


Nope. War Thunder is an inter-armies game with Helicopters, Planes and tanks in the same battles (or plane and boats).

That inclue respawns in planes/chopper/tank when you are killed, EVEN IF you have 1 types of vehicles of each type aviable in the battle.

Do you want play an FPS with 1 life in a battle? Play to Counter Strike. If you want respawn, play to Battlefield …

1DLs in WT are just an aberation… an error … a polluter.


It pretends to be, then why allow someone to bypass all of that if they just give you money?
‘‘This game is all about traveling, but if you give me $60 bucks I’ll teleport you to the end’’ So it’s not about traveling then, it’s just about creating an obstacle and making it annoying enough to get people to pay money to not have to overcome it.


Looks like the forum doesn’t like us actually discussing things.


HAHAHAHAHA Given the content of our exchanges, this remains in the basic topic of the topic ^^.

That is another problem… and all solution i envisaged dont solve the problem of 1DLs … Even if you give free backups on premiums vehicles, many 1DLs don’t care that and just want die and retry …

And for the record, I almost never ODL, but I completely see why people do it.

And they are now increasing the rewards for premium vehicles even further, a TT vehicle is just a waste of time, your repair costs are higher, your earnings are lower and you have to deal with the stock grind on top of that… why would you beyond a personal desire to play with a certain vehicle?

Yet most people want to progress, which means playing a premium vehicle with double the rewards is always the best choice, if a grind takes 100 hours, it takes 200h in a TT vehicle, if not longer.

Go say that to 1DLs whoes die in 2min without doing anything … If i die fast, i respawn and go on another side or in SPAA for kill planes … Even if taht vehicles are not premium, they can help the team to win and doing more XP in … what … 5-6min …

When i see half of team who leave before 5 minutes of battle that is extremly annoying …
And 5 minutes on the timer … if you withdraw the 30s for battle preparation and the time for moving at starting of battle (1min) that give 8 players return to the hangar in 3min30s … Only in WWI’s trenchs have a more death/time ratio …

And in 6min, 1DL dont earn 3k xp in 3 battles …


If you die in 2 min without doing anything, I doubt respawning in a less rewarding vehicle is going to be worthwhile anyways.

SPAA rewards are still nerfed into the ground and SPAA has never been balanced fairly, you can kill planes and help your team but you won’t be rewarded accordingly, you’d make way more RP and SL if you left the game and played your premium vehicle.

Just because a vehicle is “less good” doesn’t mean we won’t do anything in the battle.

On that, i agree. planes kills must be more rewarded

Not necessary. If you add time for leave the curent battle, return to the hangar, display results, launch another battle, wait 30s for starting battle and go die again, that take approximatly 3mins. In 3 min in the 1st battle, you can earn 3k xp with no premium vehicles…

2 battles in 6 min earn what? 250-350xp per battles …

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I’m not saying a vehicle isn’t as good, I’m saying it’s not as rewarding, the TT vehicle has 300% and the premium a 600%, if I have to play a premium vehicle for 10 hours, I have to play it an extra 10 hours in a TT vehicle for the same result, probably even longer with how it’s calculated, why would you willingly double the time it takes to get what you want?

If I go to the store I don’t go the opposite way either so it takes me twice as long for no reason.

And I don’t know what the actual numbers are, not every game is going to be a short 3 min one though, you bail on the bad games and then rack up the score in the good games.

Actualy, i see 3/4 of my battle with half of a team are returned to the hangar in 5min … And curiously, in the same time, the other team respawn 2 or 3 times …

with all nations i playing or affronting since last few month (RU as US as FR as GER …)

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It’s just a snowball effect, if half your team is gone after 5 mins it’s just a loss and everyone will bail at that point.

bhêêêêêêêêêêêê … sheep players…

Sheep flock closely together whenever they feel threatened, and try to maintain a ‘flight distance’ between themselves and a potential threat.

The threat of wasting time and losing silver.

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If the game does not require SP except when spawning planes and helicopters and allows unlimited respawns of the same vehicle without backup, it will prevent most of the 1DLs in the early game and prevent overpopulation at the end of the game. This would make the ground mode very fun and intense from start to finish!

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Actually that wouldn’t. People also one death leave because of disliked maps, CAS, uptiers, not wanting to play certain game modes etc. One death leaving is in the game. It is a feature. I get it, some people dislike it. Some people use it. However if they disable it you’ll just have some one that brings to vehicles and J’s out the second one. There is no way around it


Why does my terrible team deserve me to spawn again?


I 1DL mostly when Cas and Helis are just in force also Drones if i cant counter something there is no point playing,
Also why bother playing longer when where you have few kills etc - all your next rewards are nerfed to the ground and add to that all this “useful actions per time” - stupidity is only making it worst.
Why im suppose to sit there and play if i in example sit in a TD ambushing and sniping and in the end got less for it than person who lets say cap and was closer to enemy because game decide sniping is no activity at all. So when i die i just leave no point playing more for less.
Unnerf rewards and get rid of useful actions per time also get rid of activity impacting you overall rewards.
Make team effort like repairing friendlies, shoting down cas, etc more rewarded will also help.

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3 min to leave and get into a battle?

Searching for a new match can take a bit if you’re playing a suboptimal Nation+BR Combo, but usually it’s more likely around 30 seconds to get into a new battle.

Honestly the 1 death leavers are ruining the game for me. Currently a German main just trying to complete the tech tree before moving on, less than 5 mins into each match half the team has left already. leaving 4 people against virtually the entire enemy team. It is literally impossible to complete BP tasks that require a match win. If you want to only run 1 tank, take a damn back up and try contribute at least instead of screwing over every single other person on the team.
It’s a cancer on the game to be honest and is just going to drive people away.