People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

With actual spawn cost, you can easy spawn with 2 or 3 tanks even if you doing nothing.

If you doing nothing before die, evidently, you can’t spawn with a plane or a chopper.

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The 10 Years old 1 DL Problem…

There are countless reasons to do so - hence i don’t like to support it - sometimes it’s understandable and reasonable to do so.

To punish this behavior is a bad take.
You have to fight the reason for 1 DL by designing a motivational reward to not do so.

If someone wants to fully spade a vehicle and does die in it, why should he stay, if there’s no way to keep on spading this vehicle while using others?

There’s a Softcap in rewards for everything you do in a match. Be it kills, capping a point a.s.o.

So why spawn a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th time, when the rewards are getting worse and worse?

Sure you could argue “for the win”, but the reward for winning a match was cut down and added to the loosing side.

It’s imo the reward design wich Gaijin has chosen to use.
Right now, there’s only a little bit of cutting the repair cost and upping some vehicle specific rewards.
This alone won’t do anything important to counter this behavior.

What is needed the most, is a COMPLETE OVERHAUL of the whole reward system.

Back in the day, everyone participating in a cap has gotten the same “standard” amount for capping - now it depends on the time at a cap devided by people in it.
Every single bounced shot at the own tank got rewarded…
We need a reward for participating in a Dogfight, not only for shooting down the baddy or assisting a.s.o.

What we have now just intensives an egoistic and 1DL fueling behavior.


The problem is that complex systems never have simple solutions. And Gaijin’s problem is to stay in business and keep having a job, and any change they do to the game must be of use for that problem.

Several people have stated why do they 1DL. What’s your take? Punish them? They will stop playing and Gaijin will lose targets for the players who care. Or do you help them? Give back for free any vehicle which died without earning its own repair cost even if it didn’t move formt he spawn… oh wait, that would invite people to just spawn and go have a smoke knowing they will not lose anything for being a leecher. Whatever change you do, someone will minmax it and mess it up in ways you might not think of but Gaijin MUST think of… because their business and their livelihood are in the line.

And whatver your solution is to the topic bothering you, they must consider every impact every course of action may have. Maybe your issue is too small or too complex or actually serves a purpose you don’t know because you don’t have any more data than your own impressions.

My current pet peeve it’s being drawn into losing matches because apparently the matchmaker reacts to having an active bonus as if it somewhat improved whatever player performance measures the matchmaker considers when putting together a random team, so soemtimes your averaged mediocrity feel like superstar and sometimes feels you’re curbstomped way too much often right when you got a bad team and a bad map with an active bonus or a wager. Feels like the matchmaker opposes the player advancing too fast… which would be fine if noone noticed. But I’ve noticed and will not give a single cent more to Gaijin because of it. And yes, I am THIS angry about Gaijin making me waste my last 75% SL bonus with a ludicrously rigged match.

In the last 3 hours of gameplay yesterday and today combined I’ve earned a grand total of +9,000 SL.

Living the life, totally. Not 1DL at all.

PS: looks like Gaygin decided to ramp up enemy team difficulty in order to ensure we actually lose money even with the “new economy”… ~insert rolling eyes~

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There are issues with the game, both small and large. There are (probably) people with good ideas out there to improve the game. And I just want improvements to the game. There isn’t 1 change that will fix everything, it’s an iterative process.

the matchmaker reacts to having an active bonus as if it somewhat improved whatever player performance

This sounds very thin-foil-hat, I don’t think there is any kind of matchmaker bias if you have a booster active.

Several people have stated why do they 1DL. What’s your take?

Definitively not punish, it’s a meta issue. There may be no “fix” for 1DL, as each of us seems to have different reasons to do it. Since 1DL happens to both my own team and the enemy team, I don’t mind it so much.

I rather have them fix small issues like scouting, bugs, UX, and such, instead of spending 6 months trying to solve an unsolvable problem.

I want them to change things. Even if it doesn’t work, they can revert/change it further. We’re not sculpting a marble statue, this is software. It’s just code, it can be changed.

But it seems like they don’t want to change anything, just add maps and vehicles. And tweak the economy 😂. Which is sad, because this is the best vehicular combat game out there.


Higher repair costs make people want to take 2 more vehicles out per match?

Yes, people leaving after 1 death is a problem, but the economy changes certainly didn’t hurt the fix to that issue. I would actually argue the chancd to make more SL actually helped.


Yeah, it doesn’t eliminate 1 death leavers, but helps.

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Why would I stay longer than 1 death?

Agreed. Also, I don’t think the BP challenges or other daily challenges help… the main reason I leave after one death is when I’ve been playing for a while, trying to complete whatever challenge, and do so with my first tank in the match. Sometimes I J out right away because I just want it to be over, then I log out, and call it a day. I’m sure it’s not the primary driver for the 1DL issue, but I’m also sure it’s a factor.

Because you’re doing well? Because you’re trying to complete daily/BP challenges? Because you have backups and you’re trying to spade a vehicle? Because you’re squadded up with some homies and you can probably help them out? Or - and I know this can be hard to acknowledge sometimes - you’re having fun? There are lots of reasons to keep playing after your first death.


Backups are a complete waste of time unless you are running booster.

It don’t matter how well you do since 1x premiums make so much more, it’s cost effective to play like that.

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Many reasons for leaving a game early, I’ll do it quick if see any of several things at the onset. Old hand experienced players can see how things are going to shake out pretty early particularly in Arcade, there’s many signs it’s going to be a bad pretty quick.

Certain clans are out in force I’ll leave, any hint extra software is running I’m out. RNG has decided to crap on me I’m out, and a few others.

Just the nature of this game.

Not going to pay the costs to get beat on and pad someone’s stats by playing target for them.


I leave after my 1st death when i see the half of my team leave before 5min …

Just to avoid being a plow who sabotages his team’s game its a good reason…

Others reasons are wins, more rewards, satifaction to have good battles (even if it a defeat)…

Again, if you want play 1 tank per battle, War Thunder is not make for you, go play to World of Tanks.


While I can support your first half of your statement, I didn’t support the last sentence.

If War Thunder wouldn’t be made for him also, the game would by design prevent 1 Death leaving.


It’s because you can’t spawn in the same vehicle, unless you use backups, which is a limited resource.

I always advocated for gameplay that allows players to stay in the game rather than run out of vehicles or SP so at one point you’re just going to lose the match regardless of how you and a few other players are carrying the team.

This whole line-up problem only exists because players are forced to take out another vehicle when they are destroyed, which can be total out of their control since you can’t defend yourself from being hit by CAS or just bad luck.

If I want to grind a stock vehicle that is already underpowered and then I get destroyed before accomplishing anything, I have to play something that I don’t want to play and it only makes the game frustrating.

You don’t have this issue in air RB because everyone has just one life anyway. However it can still get frustrating when you get into a game, do nothing for 5min or more since you are just flying to your target and then have to repeat the same process in your next game.
Maybe being able to take control over AI planes would allow players to be more invested into playing a match instead of getting angry for wasting their time.


And why can you do deck with many crews? not for go in battle and go out after 1st die.

And it’s exactly what i want: more and large bigger penalities for 1DL.

-minimum 3 vehicles in battle deck.
-Max repair costs and x10 when 1DL before 5mins in the battle even if 1min life in vehicle.
-Crew lock 15min when 1DL before 5 mins in the battle.

(except in case of all deck are destroyed, not inclued gifted vehicles -drone, nuke-).

And advantages for long time player:

  • +15% RP and SL for 5 spawns
  • +15% RP and SL for 15min in battle

But but but, i admit, maps (spawn kill) and CAS must be reworked for protect spawns.

Pushing players is not the right way to stop people from 1DL, all it will do is push players away from the game. You shouldn’t be punished for something potentially out of your control either. Penalties will just make people stop playing the game, which is worse for everyone. War thunder isn’t a hyper competitive game, so you can’t force people to be very competitive.

Reward players who stay the whole match instead, maybe give an extra 20% SL and RP for people alive at the end of the match.


Stop punishing players for doing what you don’t want them to do, and reward them for doing what you want them to do.
Punishment creates such a negative spiral, the game gives zero reason to spawn more than once so it’s all about game design.


Ho, Okay … I have another solution:

  • Remove planes in tanks battles
  • Allow only 1 spawn for all
  • Change modules and damages model to life bar
  • Change shell’s damages model for PV damages (yeah, cryers take so much OS…)

Maybe cryers will be happy after that …
Wait a minute, I’ve already heard of a game like this … I’m not sure, but I think it’s called World of Tanks.

If this type of restriction is necessary to solve the problem of 1DLs whoes polluting, spoiling and sabotaging other players’ battles, then let’s do it even if many people leave the game: those who stay will have a much healthier game.

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Another solution:

Sell top tier premiums to cash in and allow them to play without a lineup.