People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

Either way it’s pointless to defend them, I have spend entire games doing it in the past, bombers winning us the game and I get like 10 SL and 2 RP because no one actually attacked them because me being there didn’t make them the usual easy loot pinatas that bombers have become.

Next game I ignore the bombers and go for my own personal gain because that’s the only thing the game rewards, not team play.

And despite help with repairing gives out insultingly low SL rewards people still do it, surely not for the 100 SL or whatever useless amounts it ‘rewards’, so people clearly are not unwilling to partake in team play, the game design just directly pushes players away from playing as a team.


They also haven’t made certain battleratings become not as prone to full uptiered. If I play 7.7 grb I only fight 8.7 100% of the time.

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Dude you seen the repair / rewards in naval, even now its still the most expensive mode to play in anything other then a premium, each of my top tiers has a minimum repair cost of 35k you lose 2 ships a battle thats you down around 70k you get about 3-5k max for 1 kill just coming away from most matches with 2 kills is doing well for most ships so even with a win your still short a profit.

My last match which was a win by the way net me -18k out of a reward of 53k with a repair bill of 68k and that is after sinking 6 ships and 1 aircraft.
and whats worse they even made the already cheap to repair premiums even cheaper still.

As for air who even covers bombers, ive never once had a fighter come to cover me even after spawning a bomber in as 2nd by which time your lucky if there are any ground targets worth hitting the fighters are all over the skys so its next to impossible to get anywhere.

Plus if your only interested in grinding your bomber and hate dogfighting like i do there is very little value in spawning a fighter except to give free xp to the other team. NOT to mention the whole spending x-amount of time trying to get to a target only to be shot down before even reaching it, you can only play so many matches like that before it gets annoying is no wonder alot of players do 1 and dones,

Even on ground, if the other team is in a position to shot into the spawn, i dont care how many respawns ive got, im not respawning into a lost match just to give away free xp at the expensive of repair costs


If 1-death-leavers wants play 1 tank in a die and retry, they must go play to World Of Tanks … they pollutes War Thunder …

A solutions can be make it necessary to have 3 vehicles in a battle-deck and lock ALL crews if the 3 vehicles are not detroyed before return to the hangar. (excluded suicide).


The solution isn’t punishment to those who don’t spawn, but rather rewarding those who do spawn.

Give an extra 25% rewards to the players who are still alive at the end of the battle, or maybe remove crew lock all together, so then if someone does 1DL, they aren’t forced into playing their next match with only 1 crew.


Today I started playing with 388,000 SL. After playing for two hours and even getting a God Mode, i have stopped playing at 385,000 SL and still have to repair that bloody Challenger 2.

I’m increasinlgy thinking about why do I even bother. I won’t renew my Premium once it lapses since Gaijin overeffed me with a 75% SL bonus; if they think that rigging the matchmaker against players with a bonus will help them sell more bonuses or whatever, they’re wrong. And frankly, playing two hours with Premium and not even make ends meet feels like someone is overdoing the part of “mess with them so they pay to be unmessed”.


1DLs wouldn’t mind getting more rewards by releasing more vehicles. they just want rush, die and retry …
Even if it would please those who release vehicles, the 1DLs would still pollute the games…

Maybe reduce the SL and RP rewards for those who leave the game before the … come on, I’ll be nice, 5 minutes. At first, I was thinking of 10 minutes…


In naval RB with Prinz Eugen, i do more than 55k SL by games. I do ofter 100-130k in 1 game of 20min.

Well it’s not like that in Ground RB for sure. Even now after so called changes, I’m still slowly trickling down each battle. I don’t see any positive results yet.

They changed the repair costs because it takes no creativity or problem solving to change, just math.

Changing anything else actually requires creative input, and it looks like their creative department’s priority is creating vehicles and maps. Instead of making the game fun and engaging to the point where people want to play it.

At this point, players should be the fore-front of creative suggestions, while the developers should be doing the math behind the suggestions to make them balanced.

However, posting suggestions in the forums leads to nothing. There should be people filtering and summarizing the forum content and passing it to the developers.

There’s a complete disconnect between the players and the decision makers. So the people that actually play the game and think of fun, creative ways to fix the game’s pain points, are never heard.

You have a better chance passing a suggestion by posting a message in Twitch during an official live stream. There is an actual occurrence of someone suggesting something during a live stream and it getting added soon after. Bet you $100 posting it in the forums would not have led to the same outcome.

This is also why the only reason we got economy changes in the first place; people review bombed the game, bypassing the forums. We could have a million posts in the forums saying there’s a problem with the economy, but nothing will change. Because no one in charge is listening.

It feels like posting in the forums is just yelling into the void.

And this is where a CM comes into this thread and re-assures us that everything will change for the better 😘

PS: This is just how I perceive things after playing this game for years and seeing how things evolved. If anything is wrong, feel free to correct me.


Sorry, I don’t understand what’s the point of staying in the battle after dying in air RB?

yeah honestly that changes nothing, if I get killed by any air asset I leave, Ka-50? I leave

A-4E? I leave
revenge kill by an A-10? I leave

give us a GROUND battle, not the crazy Aircraft with ocassional tanks mode we have now, till then you bet I will 1DL till the end of time


I leave games when I’m sick of losing my Turret after 1 hit and being penalized 10 secs for it…Or not being able to kill a T72 with an Abrams M1A2 SEP Firing a M829A2 APFSDS? Yet a hand help rocket launcher as we have seen in the Ukraine war will stuff the tank right up. Or being TOW spammed by KA-50’s and 52’s? Or having a Nerfd ADATS that is no longer useful for much other than shooting foliage? I’m no newbie and it is not a skill issue. This has gotten worse and worse as time has gone on. I don’t want to play the Russian Tree. And before you comment I have most items in the Russian tree as well as the German and everything in the American.


I usually 1-death leave when i want to unlock mods or spade that specific vehicle. Or if I lived long enough to notice the battle is lost.

Die → Plane / Heli / Leave


The problem is that if you ask 200,000 players, they can easily come up with 2,000,000 different ways to “improve” the game based on what they think that they like and what they dislike for sure even if they don’t understand it.

FAI, if you asked me, the perfect WT tank would have three gun barrels each one 2 meters thick, and the crew would be sitting in an air conditioned bunker out of map, and anyone disabling your engine would be squished by a space laser, and whenever there where more than 2 bogeys around the spawn point and the match was lost then you could spawn a tactical nuke and kill anything within 1 km for a “last laugh” reward, and oh wait I can think better: give us a “sabotage” button to destroy remotely any F-14 GBUing your team from 6 km high…

And so forth and forth. Because everyone HATES something and would have it removed, and Gaijin runs a business based on messing up with players so they open their wallets to be unmessed. There’s a thin line between greed and TARFUing your money maker, just ask certain company with a vehicular combat game based on naval assets…

For extra detail of where we are and how did we reach here, have a useful YT video:

And be content that WT is not the worst offender with the “box of antiplayer design choices”, even if the rigged matchmaker threads into dangerous waters.


I already wrote it in a previous post, as long as the absurd rebounds and penetrations with little or no damage are there, I will continue to leave the games, in fact I cared little about the economic issue, but that literally gaijon is the one that causes my death in the game, because what the gaijin wants is for me to get out of that game, it’s that simple. When these problems are solved I will stop leaving the games, meanwhile, I’ll quit every two games, since these problems occur extremely often, and not there is hope that they will be solved.

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The problem is allowing players to give suggestions? I don’t think it is.

They don’t know how to how to fix 1-death leavers, don’t you think they would have done something about it by now? Same thing for a lot of the real issues in the game, like scouting being buggy, maps being unbalanced, spawn camping, and etc.

They either don’t know about the issue, haven’t considered solving it, or don’t know how to solve it.

I’m being hopeful in thinking Gaijin wants the game to be better so more people play it. They just haven’t gotten to it for whatever reason. :copium:

And anyway, there aren’t 200,000 forum users, plus the suggestion forums are heavily moderated. Go try post in there. You’ll see how far you go in your 3-barreled bunker-tank. 😂


Projectile physics aren’t that bad, get over it.

Aim for ammo. It doesn’t die? You missed, regardless of what the x-ray shows you.

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Of course, and bounce apds on the sides of leopard 1, amx 50 or even on the side of a br 1 that got into the game, if it’s not so bad, it’s rubbish, it’s that simple, and as long as it’s like that, I’ll I will come out of those games, let everyone do what they want.


I would say it’s more that they aren’t willing to take the financial hit of solving the problem.
The problem would be easily solved by removing the one-spawn-per vehicle limit in ground RB, and have it more similar to arcade. This would create less demand for backups though, so they’ll never do this.

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