People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

Reasons why people leave:

You forget:
Battle Pass
Conquest with one CAP
and now Reduction in map size on one point caps where the map out of bounds squeeze you into
a narrow path
Grindin to get the next vehicle
Several other reasons

One thing to help in tanks; is to have three spawn points.


Maybe people would spawn SPAA if the rewards for taking out aircraft in ground battles were actually decent.


“Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome” Charlie Munger.
Right now there just isn’t one. Ambiance is nonexistent since it is scrolled down to -80 decibels for some reason. Don’t quote me on this. Crew response is still lackluster compared to GHPC. But a lot better than before. The incentive of being supported just isn’t there, since many vehicles lost their scouting, or the purpose of being a support tank in general aside from this in-game proximity voice chat and voice chat between aircraft in-game from certain distances via a frequency would be cool. Perhaps while you calling for any nearby aircraft to defend you, your crew is panicking/communicating to fire at the enemy aircraft approaching. Stuff of this sort would seriously improve immersion and incentivize players to defend the bombers if they also get rewarded for doing so as well. Besides that responsive crews would be nice, especially if they respond to vehicles from different eras that didn’t fight in the said period. Such as American Tank crews responding to the M1A2 Abrams in shock and awe or if they’re fighting it panicking.

At which BR in Ground RB do you start to lose SL? Assuming no premium stuff at all.

Depends on the nation, RU and US rather late, around 9.0 with some earlier exceptions while Germany gets costly at around 6.0 due to losing the armour advantage and more “no armor best armor BS”. Sweden on the contrary gets quite expensive around 4.0 iirc due to having some BS tanks at a rather low BR.

I one death leave because of CAS.
-I was in the process of ROFLstomp’g Russian and American players in my Tiger H1 and a p51 dropped a bomb on me.

I one death leave the moment it looks like my team is going to lose. I have better shit to do than, throw myself into a meat grinder for someone else’s enjoyment.
If the game is close I’ll stay but this game is 99% face stomp. 1% close games where they are actually fun.

If you fucking want realism, go join the military, go shoot bullets and have real bullets shot at you. This is a Video game.


“Average German main.”

Ok, so US and RU 8.3 lineups are still sustainable without premium?

So this thread is a year old, the problem even odler but still relevant…

We´ve read a lot of explanations and excuses why people 1 death leave and Gaijin seems to be unwilling to occupy themselves with the problem. What remains is the fact that the outcome of your match is heavily influenced if your team has more 1 death quitters than the other.

I guess a reason why the game often feels so toxic is how much your own progress is influenced by the performance (or rather lack of) from others. You do great in a round but half your team has already quit? Enjoy getting baseraped multiple times as the game forces you to respawn over and over again all while you can wave the victory bonus farewell. Things like that have the potential to make people real mad.

Why not simply cut all the win boni and just reward individual performance? Give big boni to playing the objective like doing caps and you managed to still be alive when your team wins - heres a nice little bonus for you. If not, you couldn´t care less.


It’s relevant, however, most people’s ideas are dumb. So there have been no good suggestions and there never will be. Cause “punishing people who leave a match after one death” will not solve the issue this is down to patience and competence if it were to be fixed it would require fixing the flaws of the game itself. With many of this issues being so stringed into the game itself to the point that you really can’t

The best idea is to implement the skill-based matchamking.

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Yeah no. SBMM ruins anything it touches.


Please provide examples on what it would ruin in current gamemode.

Do I need to repeat myself? Every single game that SBMM has ever touched has been ruined


Which games has it ruined so far? Because it´s apparent that games like Enlisted would need it badly. Some kind of improved matchmaker, including skill based, might also help War Thunder. Considering my Enlisted experience I am surprised Gaijin even punishes people for leaving a match in War Thunder.

@SinisterIsRandom That´s an incredible fatalist approach to the point where anyone who thinks that way might consider if he wouldnt be better off by just stop playing the game. I prefer constructive approaches, hence the suggestions. Of couse none of them will be implemented lol.

As in the end it all comes down to Gaijin who either dont seem to care or are the slowest working company of the gaming industry. Implementing even just a rudimentary spawn rape protection took them how long… 5 years?

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Which are?

No, it doesn’t.




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Im going to mention some titles and AAAs to point out:
Starcraft 2
Heroes of the Storm (though they did it without a solid playerbase)
Destiny 2.

I can keep throwing titles all day, the point is that most of those games were valid for mass audiences, though most of them were ultimately led by the clueless idea that ‘every match matters’ to toxic wastelands where the word ‘community’ means nothing else than doing shorts/Tik Toks about a specific play.


I’m just summarizing what many have said. I have my thoughts on what can be improved to better remedy it though to cut to the chase->Proximity Team and normal Global when matches begin and when they end VOIP.