People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

I can only speak from my past experiences with FIFA but that game was basically ruined by throwing people of different skill classes into a match and aiding the losing player with the momentum effect that was compareable to granting bad players in War Thunder wallhack because otherwise the devs deemed it would be too much P2W and unenjoyable. SBMM really had nothing to do with. Many successful games like Counter Strike strife from ranked plays which are basically SBMM.

I guess the ability to provide proper arguments just isn´t given to everyone…


The fact that FIFA is a Pay to fast game it has to do with how the game progression and SBMM works against your progression, if you wanted to consistently get the top rated players throuought the year, you had to get into FUT champions, and to be at the highest rank possible to claim decent rewards, FUT Champions is a competitive mode with SBMM.
You don’t like how it works? You can always buy a degen amount of packs and get over the grind and play casual modes, but those were the only ways to get the top stuff there.

You were probably scrolling through the casual modes, as FIFA is known for having SBMM in competitive modes as FUT Champions or Division Rivals.

yeah… Handicap is a totally different matter tbf lol.

Have you ever considered that CS:GO/CS2 and Valorant were conceived as static games with little to no introduction of gamechanging mechanics every year? The only category of games where SBMM is useful is for hypercompetitive, round-based shooters where changes to the core concepts are the exception and not the rule, everyone knows the maps, timings, weapon values and the economy cycle.

You can’t rationally expect that matchmaker to work on anything that has a playerpool and servers to hold them.


Because you did that? Get over yourself

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Okay but like
Can we just remove repair costs tho


Thank goodness these situations are rare. 12 vs 15 is pretty nasty.
One of the things that really bothers me here is that the battle is already decided for most people and they play accordingly.
Three players were guarding the spawn from the start. Others are then of course out of the battle after a vehicle, can you blame them?
It’s the chain reaction that kicks in when a battle starts like this. I stayed myself because I don’t care anymore and I’ve learnt to get my points even in such situations, as far as possible.
Basically, we are all confronted with a situation where a battle is sometimes decided less by the skills of the players and more by the mental stability of the players.
On the other hand, I’m happy to experience battles where some players really throw everything they have into the fight.

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Game is build around grind and not gameplay. Gaijin will never do anything about ODL as it plays into their hands by making gameplay more frustrating for some players and it is increasing chance for spending GE to skip stuff.

In my opinion lack of player options is main issue. As player you have no control what map you will play which means being put on map you do not enjoy will not motivate you spawn more than once. Also lack of game modes. I am not going to take more than one tank in my lineup as I simply do not want to deal with CAS.


Yesterday I went into a Realistic Battle as I hadn’t tried since I 1st tried the game. I went in with rank 4 German planes and I had over SL150,000. After about 4 mins I was shot down and instead of letting me re-spawn, the only choice the game gave me was to return to the hanger.

I take it some of the players slated me for being a 1 death quitter, but if the game won’t let me re-spawn, then it isn’t me that quit… it was the game that made me quit because I was not allowed to play anymore.


It sounds more like you were playing Air RB than Ground RB. This thread is only about Ground RB. Air RB is one life game mode. If you want more lives in Air, you can play Air AB or SB.


Yes the bullshit of ODL in TDL game

The issue always was top tier premium sells to ppl without lineup.


The problem is its more RP to just single spawn your premiums (or multiple if you are russia at 10.0 :^) )

The other problem is second+ spawns you deal with too many unknowns and people b lining to camp your spawn.

It’s in both these cases about RP grinding. I’ve been grinding german helis recently and its much faster to just spawn in my pz btl 123 and just leave and reque when I die then go into second spawns on a vehicle without premium and be in a worse situation as well.

The solution to this is RP/SL multipliers on subsequent spawns, and more for being outnumbered.

Something like a stacking +20% for each vehicle beyond the first, and +25/50/100% for staying in games you are outnumbered in based on the disadvantage.

RP/SL and the grind is what is influencing this bad behavior, and it can also be used to make it better, but they wont.

But lately the ODL is spreading to lower tiers. For god sake i was playing 3.7 UK ground for the History PFP thing, and i still have many people leave after one death


You ever thought that maybe… Just maybe… People are tired of playing on garbage maps? Especially against the Bias-coded Nation known as Russia?

Between that, the grind itself and countless other factors people will ODL as they see fit.

You cannot fix all the problems that cause ODL, as many of them are strictly subjective. As for the objective ones, well, Gaijin has harder hearing than an old rickety Grandpa so good luck getting them to listen the first dozen times.


If i would be playing like them, then i would leave 95% of maps.

Grind is slow, i agree on that. There are solutions for that. But even if the grind was amazing and maps werent dogshit, there will be still people that will leave after one death.


As I said in the new topic, the biggest issue for me personally is the maps.

Small maps tend to be very campy. Once the first wave dukes it out, and survivors take up defensive positions, barring prayers being answered for CAS to dislodge them or using a teammate as a meat-shield, it is usually not worth spawning again as its a short drive to overlook the spawn or its exits.

Large maps, meanwhile, are campy in a different sense. You die, and then you have to drive 5+ minutes to get back to action, only to die to a bush hiding within a bush within a small tree over the crest of a hill sometimes a km away.

The only thing that comes to mind to solve this is to trial Naval EC-style objectives on large tank maps. These caps double as spawns for the team owning them. Ideally, current spawns would be converted into these type of objectives as well, where like [Battle] Mode each team starts with one under their control at game start.

Thus a typical [Domination] Map with 2 spawns per team and 3 caps now would have 7 caps that double as spawns for the team owning them.

There would be a huge benefit beyond just solving the large map conundrum, because with more locations to spawn, it becomes less predictable for would-be spawn campers. Furthermore, particularly on smaller maps like Japan, it would no longer be required to spawn camp to keep cap zones secure - instead you could capture the enemy’s rear spawn and encircle them that way, allowing a flanking party the ability to cover their rears without needing to spawn camp.

Most people tend to leave impulsively due to their ego or sensitivity issues, from what I’ve noticed.

This trend is becoming increasingly problematic in other games as well, especially shooters and even in RTS like Warcraft III. You can’t play a single game anymore without someone leaving the moment something doesn’t go perfectly, even though you can still easily win and have an enjoyable match. Maybe it continues to go south and you lose, so what? That’s part of gaming


The core problem is lack of player control over match making. Players have preferences and it is kind of hard to satisfy them if almost everything is random. You cannot select maps you want to play. You cannot select if you want to play Conquest, Domination or Battle. You cannot select if you want to have match with or without CAS. You cannot select what time is on map (f*ck sunset or sunrise).

In case of maps there is no possible solution to make them all amazing as it will be always about player preference. Each player have different preferences like map size, weather and time. I will never be much interested in playing huge or winter maps.


True, I am still quite surprised that even Premium Account doesn’t give you more options of what you want to be queued for in this vein. One map ban and SL insurance simply is not enough justification to get it.

But adding say, infinite map bans and maybe even a maximum BR spread setting to Premium time would encourage me to renew.

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And you would be fine waiting like…what 10-20 maybe even 30minuts before you get a game if you bam all but one map? There should be more map bands with premium, i agree on that, but not infinitive

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If some folk with that much time to kill do that, that’s on them.

I would ban well over half the maps without question in all modes. If I feel I am waiting too long, I would ban a few less until I got games regularly.

But I would never see clusters like Stalingrad, Sweden, Iberia, etc ever again. I seriously like Karelia more than all those.