People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

On the off chance you’re being sarcastic, my bad but people on these forums have said some of the most braindead opinions I’ve ever seen. If you’re not though: I’m the saboteur for trying to actually see a match all the way through instead of actively bleeding tickets (when i could just leave)? Got it. Not playing the game = helping. Remember that one later and cancel the que the moment you think about playing a match. You’re saving the team from the burden that is you being in their game

“I think the game is over, therefore I have to ruin the match for my entire team for literally nothing.” I wish we had the old repair costs for people just like you, then at least you’ll be punished a bit for doing what you’re gonna do regardless

Then why are you here on a forum that’s occupied by 1% of the playerbase feeding your time to a game you don’t care about?

Well that was a no win situation so no matter the repair cost I would do that

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Because it brings the blowhards off their sofas and out of their basements, I think I have achieved this in this instance. Thank you for your contribution to my ongoing quest.
I hardly ever bother to play much these days and spend even less time visiting a strictly regimented forum that just regurgitates the same old topics, with the rabidly, frothing at the mouth entrenched views such as you proscribe too.
You lost a few games because your team folded and was not interested in sinking more into a shit situation and now they must burn and be punished for their perceived transgressions against you, if you stress this much at an online game your heart will give out long before Gaijin changes the situation to suit you.


ive started to do it more and more lately.

Since the sale, the game have been infested with low levels with little to no knowledge of the game and little to no real line up to be effective.

It feels fairly pointless to keep on fighting when you suddenly see rows of low BR stuff rolling out because thats what they got, if they do that and arent just sodding off.

Gaijins way of selling to everybody, no matter what BR they have, makes sense for their revenue, but it hurts the gameplay and fun WAY to much.

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I’m just a man who believes that you reap what you sow. I’ve noticed that most of the people who defend these kind of things are usually the people who seem most unhappy in general. It’s almost like being pessimistic with a quitter attitude tends to make you a not very likable person. I call out someone that’s actively doing their best to ruin the game for other people instead of the standard 1 death leaver MO where they simply leave the game. In return you generalize me and slap me into one of the “tribes” you see. Just like that, your opinion has lost all potential value of being something remotely constructive

I agree with you on everything you said.
It’s pretty gutting when your team is doing great at the start of the match, controlling most of the map, only to see 4-5 people ODL because they have nothing else to spawn that’s even a bit usable.
What should be a sure win turns out to be a curb stomp from the enemies, with ODL being one of the biggest reasons for that.

I’m sure Gaijin is making loads of money by doing this, but I can hardly find someone that doesn’t think it’s a scummy move to do. I want Gaijin to earn money, but they are basically ruining certain tiers just for the sake of earning the most they possible can, which isn’t really a good move if you ask me.


Give everyone enough SP to play out every ground vehicle they carry instead of binning them after two spawns.Lets just see how dedicated to players sticking around Gaijin really are.

They aren’t, that’s the main problem here.

Repair costs are part of why some people leave.

The reasons I do it sometimes are as follows:

  1. I am spading only one vehicle, and that vehicle just died.
  2. The map is small and obnoxiously campy, where there is no practical ability to get to a useful spot now that everyone’s pitched their tents.
  3. Repair cost on machine that just died is too large and I’m cutting my losses.
  4. Map is too large and getting to a useful spot again before tickets bleed out is not practical.
  5. Looking at the scoreboard after I died, I see most of my team is dead or in AA meaning they can’t afford anything else, so I know that round is going to be a loss and rarely is worth staying in.

The only way to truly get people to not one-death leave is to remove the bonus rewards from match victory and instead have the victory reward rate be the reward rate for everyone regardless. When they sent out a poll on reward bonus for winning about a year prior, I voted to axe the win bonus and loss penalty completely. Let it be just bragging rights, naught else.

Oh man I can’t wait for Ivan the lvl 5 with Tier 5.7 planes to somehow 1 hit my pilot from 1.2 km away.

Cause some of you geniuses leave at the beginning of the match once you die. You end up calling it a lost cause yet you didn’t participate in the first place. There are also likely a ton of matches that you left immediately that your team won. Not thanks to you or anyone else who leaves after a single death.


Punishing players for leaving is a great way to prevent them from even joining in the first place.

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I am not a friend of penalties. I always prefer the path of reward. The problem is that some players barely manage to motivate themselves. It’s a fine line to motivate people with rewards. If you give them the little finger, some tend to want the whole arm. What do I mean by that? Some then want even more as soon as Gaijin makes concessions.
Personally, I hope that concessions are made in the direction of the players to signal that we are being heard at all.

I always blow up the anti-aircraft gun and leave the battle when enemy tanks are approaching.
I always close the game through Task Manager if I can’t continue by simply pressing the Enter button.
When it rains and winds, my internet constantly goes off, which throws me out of the fight.
If they punish me for this, so be it. It won’t stop me from playing.
I’ve been waiting for an anti-aircraft simulator for more than 30 years. And only death will stop me from playing this game. hehe

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The only RP cap in GRB is only on kills. If you cap multiple points, get some assists, and maybe even kill an aircraft or a few, you can easily get 15-20k RP. It mainly limits people that just sit in a strong position or behind a house with their engine turned off and snipe at unaware players, or those that rush a spawn to J out and sit in a heli or plane all match. Not playing caps isn’t helping your team win, in toptier there’s often matches where 6 planes are up for a team, but the other one has all caps and wins because NOONE is on the ground anymore, or the 1-2 tanks that are, just camp on the edges of the map.

People leaving their vehicle should just be credited as a kill to the closest enemy, problem solved. If you disconnect, your tank is still in the game and can be killed.

Something like a 10% bonus for your 3rd respawn and a 20% bonus for your 5th one could motivate people a little bit. the bonus would be small enough that leaving your vehicle and respawning isn’t worth it, but it could compensate your repair costs a little bit and give you an RP incentive, too.

Though in reality people don’t realize it is alot easier to get more RP late in the game, when capping becomes alot easier and there are less people that can catch you off guard or kill you because you’re still reloading after killing someone else.

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fear me … I’m getting better ^^ still noob but not a fail (all done in GRB)