People should stop complaining about CAS

Go record yourself shooting down an A6E above 8km or super entendard


I voted for “more expensive” … I interpreted this to mean the SP costs.
There are planes that can carry such absurdly heavy payloads that they can psychologically intimidate an entire team and encourage them to ODL.
That’s why it’s so important not to be intimidated so quickly by the opponent’s CAS. Ruin the opponent’s day. Japanese fighter planes are an absolute hit for this. Due to the tight combat space, many tend to turn fight.



Would top tier be a better game if CAS was taken out ?

We have drones in game already.
Also why is Ukraine still asking for more tanks and Russia building tanks, if they could use the ressources for more drones? Both are needed and tank warfare changed again. But it still exists, and will exist even in near-pear advisary conflicts.

It isn’t as simple as saying one thing making another thing redundant. It is way more complex, so aknowlege that and don’t say (like many), that some technology is a hard counter to tanks, and therefore they are no longer a good thing to have or in all areas worse than something else.

CAS should still be in toptier it just needs to be reworked so its not so heavily in favour of CAS, it shouldnt be so simple as killing 1 guy or capping a point and then being able to spawn a fully loaded F-16C and dropping 20km range Mavericks or 12km+ paveway III, the only toptier SPAA that can counter this kind of gameplay wherein you throw guided weapons and just stay around the edge of the battlefield 12km+ away is the pantsir but that has the issue of the SACLOS nerf

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The solution is very easy. Make the AA missiles as good as they used to be.

And have AI on the map shooting SAMs. .50 AI is cool on WW2 generations, but anything above that is shooting very different munitions and they should have to dodge them.

You have to understand air superiority in any warfare to understand how CAS will always impact any tank game. If CAS is OP then it should be so why the fuss? If you drop a five-thousand-pound bomb on a battlefield then you may destroy six tanks, that will happen so why complain about it? Helicopters will destroy tanks with impunity as will bombers so what? You want combined arms you got it.WW2 Germany had no air cover and they lost as a result in the end.

CAS is made to destroy your pretty tank game that’s it.

Yes, it is strong, but even when playing tanks, I am fine with it. It is, how it should be and adds a different challenge and the need to play aa.
Wanting to remove such an impactful thing, that is realistic and historical accurate (one of the few), is imo bs.

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Gaijin might say that if players jumped into a fighter as quickly as they jump into bombers or helis then CAS would not be such an issue to land based units. You could argue its the player base who is at fault not Gaijin maybe? Air superiority comes from fighters not Close ground unit bombers. Fighters give true air superiority.

To whoever made this topic and is voting to reduce the SP requirements… I guess this is what you want every match to be, right?



There are even specific players who literally do NOT play ground vehicles AT ALL.

I know a squad of players who go from KA-50, to MiG-27, Mi-80NM, SU-39 and others over the match. Their lineup uses no ground vehicles, it’s all C*S and helicopters. They only have 1 ground vehicle to be able to queue in, but they never use it.


Sounds like the team failed completely to me. Ya get good games, ya get bad games. Tough luck.
Screenshot 2024-01-29 100128


The difference here is the Su-25 gets long range weaponry without the guidance equipment to properly use it at range so its limited to about 6km if you’re good and the su-7 only gets unguided bombs, if the enemy had a single Q-5L you would probably be dead and be swarmed by CAS for the rest of the game

After this,

I want to start complaining that CAS needs buffing. This is kinda ridiculous

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Some SP costs need a reduction in my opinion…for example

Tornado Gr1

1k LGB, 1k GBU and 2k GBU have an identical SP cost.

In my opinion, the 1k LGB should be lower to insentivise it’s use over the GBUs and the 2k GBU potentially should be higher (though on the tornado Gr1 you are replacing 2x 1k GBUs with 1x 2k. So it’s not quite as critical)

This is why you use assault fuse on guided bombs you wont have this issue

Yeah, I’ve swapped now, playing air as well. 1.5 seconds is my default for that. But still, that is a 1k bomb lying on top of a tank and only taking out the MG. Wouldn’t necessarily be mad if it only did some major damage but not kill

Just killed a A6E lol

Granted he was 3.4 km away when i saw him all late due to looking in the forums lol Took me 16 games to get match facing the US and one to use the A-6E. I’ll try to get a proper one later on.


I don’t think there are any problems with CAS, it’s part of the game and I really don’t mind dying to it. I just wished Gaijin would actually reward players for playing fighter aircraft/SPAA. At higher tiers it becomes trivial because of the Pantsir and VT-1 missiles just delete the possibility of any helicopter or strike aircraft to have any meaningful impact on the battlefield.

But if you really wanted to be aggressive about nerfing CAS there could simply be a cooldown, I.E you can’t spawn a KA-52 and a fully loaded MiG after you have died in one of the two, or a cooldown depending on the amount of friendly CAS in the air, with fighter aircraft not having this limitation.

Even just runway spawn would be enough imo