Paper Vehicles: Should they be added, or forgotten?


If i see that actual relevant planes like the Fw 190 A-9 or the pure bomber Mosquito are not implemented after 11 years it is simply sad. And even if they would add those planes - i would not buy them as the FM of the 190 As is actually a joke.

The whole topic (and the 160+ posts) is circling around the main questions historical/actual relevance and/or filling gaps in BRs of Nations without considering the differences of realism and reality.

Seeing mentioned aircrafts like XP-50s, R2Y2s or Ho 229s it is obvious that they were added due to balancing reasons (XP-50) or to fill BR gaps due to the BR balancing approach of gaijin. The last 2 aircraft being a JP paper plane and an actual existing plane - dealing with the defeat of JP and GER and the 10 year period after WW 2.

So from a technological pov the Ho 229 made sense, but it is actually a “luft46” plane and might have fought vs P-80s & B-29s.

I appreciate every aircraft with significance regarding technological milestones, but imho the implementation should follow some basic rules.

So: Did they saw combat or not and: Was it likely that they would have seen combat or not. Everything else is useless from a historical and realism pov.

The other topic to fill gaps in Nation TTs - imho also a dead end. The relevance of minor nations is simply zero - so we have axis vs allies until 1945, Nato vs WP 1950-1991 and US/Nato vs all since them - flanked by India/Pakistan and Iraq/Iran - everything else is useless besides rather very powerful nations like Turkey or South/North Korea.


imagine your late war german tanks transmissions exploding whenever you go to fast is hilarious to me


Ultimate sim mode. 😁

You obviously missed the part that WT is unable and unwilling to create that kind of realism - and stating this is just a sign of lack of knowledge regarding actual circumstances.

Following your logic you would have to send out T-34s without cannon ammo, kill 60% of T-35 right after spawn as they never made it to the front, simulate disintegrating hulls of RU tanks due to wrong heat treatments of armor, decrease mouse accuracy in all RU tanks due to shit optics, etc - besides the lack of simulating soft skills like ergonomics which were actually important…

Just try to research how many engagements of US armor with Tigers happened…and look up the BRs in the game…


i read it i just found the part of how unreliable late war german transmissions were funny as if the game was uber "realism like some people want you would be able to full speed at all without your transmission giving out maybe calm down a bit before you post

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Ok, fine for me.

O-I had a unfinished prototype I belive. So its not really paper. Unlike E-50. And gaijin is adding so many paper or unfinished ships recently to the russian naval tech tree and plans to add more ships like that like Sovetsky Soyuz.

Tho I dont really care if they gonna add unfinished prototypes or projects (tho I am not really fan of adding russian ship just for sake of begin at same navy level as other navys and fucks all the other nations projects because they are not historicall) but then do it to all nations and make no exeption if they do so.

Yeah. Just would love to fight the KV-4 in my E2 75…

Essentially we’d need to have some sort of strict set guidelines. Like, was there atleast a wooden mockup/hull/gun made/means to produce/intent to produce etc.

Whatever those guidelines would truly be, I dont know

There would be no guidelines, like there aren’t now: Gaijin correctly does what it thinks it’s best for the game. The “rules” are post exo facto rationalisations and change when their business needs change, as they should.

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Russia has one paper ship with another in the files, Italy has two paper ships so paper ships are sort of out the window.

Ostwind II had a single prototype built, so it was never a paper vehicle.

The Ostwind II is an odd vehicle because there isn’t any solid evidence of it being built. From what I was able to find there was at least one or two documents stating something of the sort was in development but nothing conclusive, and absolutely no photos of the thing. There is also at least one Czech document talking about a twin 3.7 being found on a modified Panzer IV chassis but still nothing conclusive.

Furthermore, in conversations with the German Armor historian Hillary Doyle, he was asked about the Ostwind II and stated unequivocally that the vehicle was little more than a late-war German Project based on his current research. He also stated that the vehicle could not have been realistically produced or prototyped, as the vehicle would have required a completely new turret to fit the twin 3.7cm Flak 44, something that Germany lacked the industrial capacity to produce by 1945.

The problem is a majority of the tank designs in WOT aren’t even real. At this point every vehicle they add is fake. Then they forge a lot of non-existent documentation to “prove” its existence.


i am working on the statistics of the j7w2 and working out the speed, thrust, weight, arnaments and ect. ill post updates and recuest gaijin to add it.

Tbh → no more PAPER vehicules please,… enough seeing Bullshitted Stats from prototypes already.

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J7W2 is a bit more than a paper vehicle since… well, it wasn’t even really a project that they actually started working on. The name itself was made up for it in the post-war years.

The idea of a jet powered J7W1 did float around when people were working on the prototype, but despite what a lot of websites might say, it was neither Tsurunos original concept of the plane, nor was it meant to be it’s fate. The concept of the “J7W2” was simply a representative suggesting to the engineers working on the J7W1 to consider putting a jet engine in the future.

So basically… it’s literally more paper than the R2Y2.

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Yes, I’m all for paper planes and tanks. I’m also against the removal of R2Y2s. On this particular R2Y2 topic I think a compromise can be made, namely keep the first R2Y2 in the normal tree and make the other 2 more bs ones into event or premium vehicles.

I understand the concerns in general over paper vehicles. You go into the game with your “real” mass-produced iconic tank/plane and get roflstomped by some fictional napkin thing. Not a good feeling I’d agree.

Now if the paper vehicle was supposed to be some ultrasuper war machine and the project only abandoned due to its technological complexity and thus costs, well, I’d agree that balancing such vehicle would be a pain in the ass. And no matter how over-BRd it would be, players would still be annoyed if killed by one of such “BS vehicles”.
The solution (which I hate) is to make such vehicle a very rare, hard to get event vehicle that also would cost a lot to field into games. Players would sell it (in fact Gaijin cause they own the “”“real”“” money to GJN) on the market for like 2000 GJN and that would be it.
Again, I’d really hate it if this thing becomes a common occurrence before nations that really need paper vehicles to fill their normal tree ranks get them…
(like rank 5, 6, 7 Japan planes, also a heavy tank for Japan, rank 4 France planes, also rank 2 France tanks, rank 5 Italy planes, also rank 4 Italy tanks and a heavy tank for them)

Even the “real” vehicles we have in the game are so different from their IRL counterparts that they’re paper vehicles anyway.

So long as the paper vehicles in question are correctly balanced by performance, it’s barely even worth making a distinction between paper and real.

My personal set of criteria for paper vehicles is this:

  1. If it exists and hasn’t been added yet, a real world vehicle should fill a tech tree gap first. Paper vehicles are second choice.

  2. The paper vehicle is a real world design, done by real world engineers, not invented by Gaijin.

  3. The design in question was something that could have reasonably be built and used by the relevant country under ideal conditions, not something crazy that would have never “stuck” in the real history of tank design.

  4. The vehicle has strengths and weaknesses compared to similar vehicles in the tech tree, rather than just be “more of everything!” because paper does not concern itself with the compromises that emerge during R&D.

Put a blue ribbon in the lower left corner of the vehicle “box”, like the yellow one they use to mark new vehicles, and call it a blueprint. Then balance it by performance. That’s it, done.


That’s not how vehicles work in War Thunder, they will not become premiums nor event vehicles just like the Panther II, Tiger II 105, and Koelian they will be hidden. The only reason the Maus and E-100 don’t is because they existed in partial construction. That and the E-100 being an extremely rare marketplace vehicle.

What will happen is those who have it researched, haven’t purchased it, will retain ownership but those who haven’t even gotten here will never be able to obtain it once more. However, we are long from this happening as there are no replacements currently. That and the more time goes by the more information is uncovered.