Paper Vehicles: Should they be added, or forgotten?

I have waited a long time to see an idea like this.

It would be a good mechanic. You get to level 100, then you can reset your rank, and research something removed.

I like to think of the Tiger 105 as a prototype E-75, both are the same, the E-75 is just a standardized Tiger II with a larger gun

I would rather have a WW2 paper vehicle to fill a gap than a 1970/80s prototype facing 40s vehicles. I think they would be far less of a shock when playing against them and feel more natural. The game is starting to feel like war of the worlds at around 6 BR now.

As you say so many vehicles already in the game that never saw service, why be a slave to realism in some ways then totally abandon it elsewhere.

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Tiger 105 is same as KT-2H,… E-75 was designed to have more armor in front.

Not really, the Germans considered upgunning the Tiger II and set the idea aside. The E-75 I would be happy to see as a blueprint tank. The Tiger II 105 as it exists in game is Gaijin’s creation basically.

I would like to have it and play it, but if it hadn’t been put in the game already, I would be against its addition. I just don’t think it should be limited to some players only, it was a mistake to put it in the game over historical paper alternatives but denying it to new players does not actually fix that mistake.

As you can probably guess, my answer to that is “why not both”.

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I do like blueprint design vehicles, so I wouldn’t be against them being added.

But in a perfect world I would actually like if the models of those paper things can be tested in a windtunnel simulator (for aircraft that is), that way you can get a rough idea of how it would perform instead of relying on the planned performance when it was being designed.

For tanks it would be more simple, it’s just a case of see if the thing can stand up on it’s own (if the suspension can handle the weight, and if the engine can get the vehicle going up a hill)

When it comes to naval I think we will start to see more and more project stuff soon. And eventually maybe even blueprint. When it comes to battleships there are only so many you can add before you run out of battleships that have actually been built.

Since Russia is the main focus of the game, they certainly won’t be left out of the battleship race. Aside from Stalingrad and Sovetsky Soyuz, Russia will be running out of battleships unless you add the blueprint designs.


I think this is the best approach, particularly for Naval, I would expect them to go back to the blueprint rules as Russia doesn’t have a lot (although what they would have would be good despite IRL being completely infeasible).

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So you wouldn’t be against vehicles like the Panther II and Tiger 105 being re-added?


Not in their current form. The Panther II has the wrong turret and wrong gun. It was never planned with a 88mm gun. Instead it had a early version of what would become the Smallturm on the drawings. And a 75mm gun.

And the Tiger II 105 has a lot of things wrong about it. Such as an engine that never existed on a Tiger II, the 105mm gun that doesn’t fit in the Tiger II turret, and a rangefinder that too doesn’t fit (it clips through the gun breach)

If the Pather II and Tiger II 105 can be updated/remodeled so that they exactly match the blueprints then I would like to see them back in the techtree. In their current wrong fantasy form I would want them to stay hidden.


There is a Panther II at Fort Moore (see image) with an Ausf. G turret. Perhaps that could be implemented?


I had several proposals to re-add these vehicles like the Maus: For the anniversary. But they got shot down

Sure, tho that representation in that museum is a American modification of the Panther 2 hull. When it arrived it either had no turret or only a turret test weight. The turret was added by the americans.

It is certainly a nice way to add the Panther to the American tree tho.

They’re all arbitrary lines in the sand, I don’t really see the issue with anything that realistically could have existed or that is beneficial to the game.
US and RU trees are full of prototypes that would have never seen combat either, but just because they prototyped something it’s valid, despite most of them being rejected from production for good reason.

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I would prefer the actual German Panther II.

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Why do people ask for paper vehicles for “variety”? Do you guys know just how many armored vehicles / tanks are out there which were built, saw service and/or combat? There’s a lot of vehicles existing in-game which don’t have their upgraded/retrofitted/modernised counterparts. There’s still plenty vehicles yet to be added that were in service for various nations, take the FV601 Saladin for instance, used in many wars after the 1950s but still not in game.

It’ll be many many years before Gaijin exhausts their options of new content based on real life machines, before they need to start looking at blueprint drawings.

Also if we start going down the route of adding blueprint vehicles, realism, historical accuracy, immersion, even game balancing etc. All get thrown out the window. A lot of the paper vehicles will need made up stats. I mean look at that other tank game we aren’t allowed to mention and how much of a **** show that game has become as a result of paper tanks being added with made up stats.

What drew me to WT away from that other game was the emphasis on realism and immersion, okay yeah WT is no realism sim but it’s built on those principles. I wouldn’t want to see blueprint vehicles added to WT


I’m heavily against paper vehicles. In most cases we don’t actually need them and they can’t really fit in a game properly.

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Anything which had a complete and feasible blueprint set should be fair game. As long as the devs aren’t making up their own designs (Wirbelwind with eight barrels or something) I’m fine with it, as it’s part of history.


Because history is a thing and it left gaps in some trees that cannot be filled with vehicles that saw combat or were even produced.

Then you live with it simple as that. Copy-paste while being hated by the community is still better than any Paper vehicle.

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