Panther II

The Coelian / Panther II / Tiger 10.5cm are all fake tanks

They never saw working prototypes, the Coelian had a wooden mockup, in the case of the latter two their guns literally don’t fit inside their turrets.

Paper tanks don’t belong in War Thunder. They should have never been added in the first place and were rightly removed.

The MAUS / E100 both had prototypes built.

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The panther 2 in game wasn’t the I tended build and the gun wouldn’t fit in the turret, it’s too big and the recoiled would blow out the back of the turret. The same with the 105 on the king tiger, both tanks defy the laws of physics. That’s why they won’t come back.

There’s a difference between fake and paper.

Coelian is paper. The ingame Panther II and Tiger 10.5 cm are indeed fake though.

no. The production would simply never be the same as on game, hell I am sure if they would actually asseme at least one it would be underperforming just as a lot of late war Germany tanks compared to how good it is in game.

They never even put these conponents inside of one.

Or just move the Kugel down? A Pz 4 chassis shouldn’t be anywhere near 7.0 at any point, especially after nerfing the HVAP belt.

Good idea too.

Blatantly false. Semi-complete and physically possible.

Strawman and Slippery Slope fallacy. We already have this issue with fake Russian Stats and Performance.

Unbanned again, got whacked for “politics” because I spoke up against a certain Guy on the bug Report section. Fyi.


Yes it was physically possible as a wooden mockup was built. It was not “semi complete” unless you consider the Panther’s chassis being the complete part.

I am.

Well paper is made out of wood. But if we are stretching “semi-complete” To include any vehicle that uses a mass produced chassis as basis that opens quite the Pandoras box. But there was probably some components made for the turret.

Those images tho are afaik just a wooden mockup.

I do wish these made-up/paper vehicles returned once a year in the halloween event to remind us of the shitshow that is creating vehicles out of thin air.

If you have a bug report to make, please do.

“Not a Bug”


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There is some amount of consistensy to the required source material. Usually this is easier for vehicles that get sold to literally anyone or are really old.

I don’t think this is ground for fantasy projects to be added to the game

Edit: there are reasons as to why i haven’t made a 90kph Leclerc bug report, and thats cuz i have not got around to finding a second source

I think what they could do is make a “legacy” battlepass every now and then instead of one with all new vehicles, that includes ones players have already had a chance to get in the past. This way people who have been grinding them all this time can take a break from BP fomo if they want and people hyped to get once-unavailable vehicles will put up the money to incentivize Gaijin to bring some of these vehicles back.

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It is paper by WarThunder standards, as wooden mockups are classified as such (will try to get a screenshot when I get home).

Edit: Found the screenshot. Meant to make a reply but I’ll ping you here @richthofen122.


This can be found here:
Rules, Guidelines & Tips For Creating Suggestions (Check Before Creating A New Suggestion!) - #3 by leroyonly

IS-6 has mockup turret.

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The difference is that the Turret for the Panther II that’s hidden wasn’t built hell wasn’t even designed. It also wouldn’t have had a night vision device and while it did get partially built it wasn’t finished because a German scientist realized why to build a new tank when you could just add metal skirts or metal to the sides and rear of a turret to older vehicles to deal with Anti Tank rifles.

For the Ho-Ri do consider there isn’t a lot of Publicly available information but what was sourced stated that the gun was in its testing phase, and the hull already was being produced. Which mind you wouldn’t have been difficult since it would have been a superstructure version of the Chi-Ri Medium Tank.

That is one I haven’t heard before.

Any documentation?





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We do not have plans to bring back that vehicles. We have stated our reasons here: Changes and Optimization in German tech-tree.
If you want to continue discussing this, please use already created threads related to this vehicles in Machinery of War section.