Landing hook sould deploy with the landing gear, but it doesnt everytime, and for landing on a carrier its pritty inportant, also landing hook wount deploy if the landing gear is demged. So I suggest to have a key just for the landing hook.
- Yes
- No
Landing hook sould deploy with the landing gear, but it doesnt everytime, and for landing on a carrier its pritty inportant, also landing hook wount deploy if the landing gear is demged. So I suggest to have a key just for the landing hook.
If your hook isn’t deploying then there is either A. a modification that restricts the tailhook from deploying (like the 'MAW’mod on the Mirage 2000s) or B. You are too fast or too steep for the hook to register as you landing on a carrier.
I do not think it wise to add yet again to the keybind maze that is currently wt.
Although if the implementation of this does occur then I’d like to see arrestor cables placed on airfields at top tier for rapid landing and rearming
Tail hook can be deployed at any speed
And that is the problem, you hope it registerd that you are landing on a carrier, if you just let players to deploy it by themselfs it would be much easier and practical.
Bruh, the keyboard is already cluttered wth everything, there is literally no need for this
It is, with landing gear, but the possibility of deploing it self is unpridictible, and it would be easier to heve its own key.
form a bug report then, so it always deploy with landing gear
It dont thats the problem.
Man, do you land on a carriers?
I think it’s more fun to be able to operate various devices manually, so I’m all for it.
However, I think people who don’t want to have to do unnecessary operations will be against it. So there should be an option to switch to automatic in the settings, so that the hook can be raised and lowered automatically as before. I think it would be good if automatic was the default, and only those who want it could turn it on voluntarily.
Also, if it’s related to the landing gear, I’d like the nose gear to have the ability to extend and retract during takeoff. The A-4 and F-5E have this function.
What’s the problem?
Why do you not for a bug report? Do you just want to complain on forum?
Its a suggestion, and its not for a bugreport. It has its way pf function but it doesnt work that good, and haveing a key for it would solve this hole problem.
Problem would be solved by fixing the bug so the hook deploys with landing gear
I agree with that, players landing on airfields woudnt need that.
Well it has its system, read first 3 replays there it is.
Guess you really just want to complain on forum instead of trying to fix the problem.
Oh well, you are not the first one to do this
I showed the problem, made up a solution and suggested, only one complaying and being agrresive is you. And with your 15 hours of gameplay in sim, I gess you havent ever landed on a carrier. In sim you dont even know if your landing hook is deployed, the cocpit isnt fully animated so you never know.
Yep, just wish there was more carrier ops. Aswell as normal carrier for blue side
Why both sides have different carriers? And why isnt there also the Kuznicov from the triler?
I wonder when the day will come when we can land an F-14 on the USS Forrestal…