Ah yes… you’re somehow calling Gaijin and the dataminer community liars at the same time…

Ammo in WT is currently stored as one pool with limitations on specific types where applicable.
This means that T-80U has 45 rounds of ammo.
29 are given special treatment by being allowed to reload faster, and ATGMs are limited to 28 of that 45; but the pool is still 45.
The reason for the 28 round limitation is cause ATGMs can’t be stored outside the carousel [allegedly].

And right now, OTOMATIC stores those 12 rounds among its total capacity of 90 rounds, which could be in the hull if you fire HE-VT for most of the match.

Which counters my point how? Every source about the OTOMATIC suggests that APFSDS was able to be stored in the hull as well as the turret ready rack - there is no limitation. All they need to do is let people fill the hull storage with APFSDS, so that it would look like:

Total Pool: 90
APFSDS Limitation: 12 (only in turret ready rack) → 38 (12 in turret ready rack, 26 in the hull)

Glad you agree with me.
This doesn’t matter since War Thunder doesn’t allow this in its code currently.
Gaijin has to re-write how ammo is stored in all tanks for this to occur in-game.

other 2s38 crying post, why ppl dont get it its post pen damage is garbage even a bmp2m is way better and I see nobody crying about it.

The post is about the Otomatic, spud.

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Gaijin would have to rewrite the code of the game just for one tank to have multiple places to store ammo? I could’ve sworn nearly every other tank in the game had multiple places to place ammo, but I must be wrong about that (/s).

Ooh Ooh! I know! Maybe he means the game currently can’t store a specific type of ammo in two different spots? Oh wait… no Alvis is just wrong again

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@SpeclistMain1 @Italy_Suffers
It is common knowledge that the game only sees ammo as one object.

Now both of you are accusing War Thunder’s own code and the dataminer community of being wrong without evidence.

Tanks in War Thunder are not coded with separate ammo areas at this time. This is common knowledge and why “first stage” ammo isn’t actually first stage ammo, it’s part of the total ammo storage.

It’s also why you can bring 28 ATGMs in a T-80, yet first stage fire APFSDS when the ATGMs can only be loaded in the carousel.

Keep claiming everyone in the world is wrong…

except first stage is always taken from the same spot and is actually a different area of the tank than where the rest of the ammo is stored on many tanks if not all…

That is exclusively a visual feature. Visual, meaning non-functional in the game code.

You and I want ammo storage that we SEE to be what is functionally used in that order.
Right now it’s not, and the feature can’t be added if people incorrectly think the feature exists.

I’ve had a lot of fun in the OTOMATIC and I haven’t even unlocked the darts yet. Just don’t engage ground targets unless absolutely necessary. Remember, the SAPOM-shell can absolutely nuke light vehicles but won’t scratch most MBTs.

Helis are literally an all-you-can-eat buffet for it, and any pilot dumb enough to fly in a straight line with their plane will be crushed by the HE-VT.

Overall a semi-enjoyable vehicle, but it relies far too much on the incompetence of enemy players in order to justify its BR. A competent pilot in an 11.3 jet with guided ordnance should have no problem staying at high altitude, flying evasively and bullying all the OTOMATICs.

What does ANY of this have to do with changing the singular value of the number of APFSDS from 12 to 38???

Cause the first stage for APFSDS isn’t 38 rounds.

There is no first stage for APFSDS in game, both the AT and AA rounds are considered as one first stage of 29 rounds. All that needs to happen is have the APFSDS limit raised to 38.

Can’t happen, cause the first stage for armor piercing isn’t 38 large.
Gaijin would have to nerf the first stage of OTOMATiC to 12 rounds before implementing that.

So what you’re really asking for is a nerf to OTOMATIC’s first stage.

All they would need to do is have the first stage be 29 (it already is that technically), and have the others be stored elsewhere. It’s not that complicated.

I believe that the OTOMATIC’s issues extend beyond the limited quantity of APFSDS ammunition. The speed at which ready ammunition can be transferred from the mechanized ready-use rack is also a significant concern. The OTOMATIC’s reserve ammunition racks are not mechanized, meaning the crew must manually load ammunition onto the ready-use rack. This results in the OTOMATIC having a far lower sustained rate of fire compared to other high-rating SPAA. It’s difficult to imagine that Italians relying on such an antiquated weapon to confront aircraft likeSU-25SM3 or F-16C. In many cases, proximity fuzed rounds simply cannot engage targets beyond 5 kilometers.

you realize that sometimes they have no choice? and that they were being attacked by a flanking vehicle, or maybe even that they had to go to a point to restock on ammo, as OTOMATIC can’t exactly kill everything in oneshot

I have absolutly no problem with lowering the spawn cost, cause this game is mostly played by one-death-leavers. So your argument is pretty weak.

Why should the 2S38 retain the scout ability and drone? LVKV9040 is a SPAA on a light vehicle chassis and does not have them.
So why should the 2S38 get another exception??

2S38 doesn’t have exceptions.
Wiesel 1A4, Chaparral, ITO-90M, ASRAD, Lvrbv 701, AMX-10P, SANTAL, Roland [all], Tor-M1, Type 93, Type 91, Stormer HVM, Strela, Ozelot, FlaRakRad, Wiesel 1A2… as the primary examples.