I, as an Italian player find it ridiculous to put the OTOMATIC at top tier WITH LIMITED APFSDS ammo. I just dont think its fair to put the OTOMATIC up to top tier when other vehicles like the 2S38 are just overall better and are placed at lower battle-ratings, ALONG with the 2S38 having unlimited APFSDS and 148 ready rounds. As a member of the War Thunder community, Please put vehicles in more REASONABLE battle-ratings, especially with USSR and Germany receiving crazy vehicles at overwhelmingly low battle-ratings.


You must be new around here. Make yourself at home. Copium on left, hopium on the right.


I, as a Russian player find it ridiculous to put the 2S38 in same pair to OTOMATIC with the argument “148 ready-rack ammunition”. I just don’t think how both vehicles can relate to each other. It’s overall better playing with any other Italian light tank that was designed specifically for engage ground vehicles but with capabilities to engage air vehicles in certain conditions,

As OTOMATIC as SPAA you have also a hand of options to play with vehicles on similar position to 2S38, I know the argument that OTOMATIC could engage ground vehicles but since Gaijin doesn’t want to give it unlimited access to full ammo capacity for APFSDS I’ll consider it: Use it as SPAA and not as IFV as people tend to use.

Please consider reviewing your game tactics specifically you ignoring the vast majority of Italian light vehicles that was, again, designed specifically to engage ground vehicles but with anti air capabilities (IRST).


Doesn’t matter if he is new or not. His point is valid. The 2s38 has been broken since its release, and it still remains as a pay to win. If you disagree you are either bias, or blissfully unaware.

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Oh here we go, can’t wait to see this reply

The 2S38 has a search radar, a 76mm APFSDS round, and 76mm HE VT round since when?
2S38 also uses a dual-feed mechanism since when?
HSTVL, 2S38, Strf 9040C, VCC-80/60, and Begleitpanzer are different to OTOMATIC. VCC-80/60 being the lowest BR’d among them.

OTOMATIC should lose its APFSDS round and be moved to 10.3 - 10.7 IMO so it can finally be a SPAA.

Also @Bulletspam claiming HSTVL, 2S38, Strf 9040C, VCC-80/60, and Begleitpanzer are all overpowered in this post: OTOMATIC BR Nerf - #4 by Bulletspam
lol Prove it.


First, prove where I said any of that. Besides the 2S38, as which it is overpowered.

It isn’t modelled for OTOMATIC either

Nope, it should lose its SAPOM it never used, get proper autoloader implementation (with APFSDS loading in additional mechanism, 3 ready to fire + 9 in first order ammo rack next to loader), possibility to carry additional APFSDS shells in the reserve ammo rack next to driver and then BR adjustment according to its capabilities.


This requires an ammo storage overhaul for all vehicles in War Thunder.
Cause right now ammo is stored as one pool with modifiers for a select amount.
So right now they can’t restrict ATGMs in T-series effectively, let alone extra rounds for dual-feed systems.
All they can do is restrict the specific amount.

I support them overhauling ammo storage; it’ll just be far more work than removing the AFPSDS round to make it ~10.3.

I know and I agree. But thinking it’s going to change is also blissfully unaware

Something that i absolutely despise is the fact that AT rounds are limited for any modern SPAA.

I get it, it’s realistic: they are dual-fed and they have a second,limited,pool reserved for self-defence

But Gaijin,dear Snail Lord,i want to defy the natural order of events and use any modern SPAA as a makeshift turbo-tank destroyer. It’s not either ahistorical,since there’s no technical limitation (nations simply want to stick a tank for a primary goal)


Oh, I’ve been around long enough to know Gaijins business model. The 2s38 will only go up to a proper BR when it stops making money.

Yes but in this way the OTO would be too close to the SIDAM mistral and the Italian TT wouldn’t have a top tier SPAA. So, I agree that the OTOMATIC should be moved down in BR, but a new SPAA (even an Hungarian one) should be added at top tier.

You are aware that the Russian military classifies the 2S38, a platform not yet in service, as an SPAA right?

i believe that OTOMATIC should have its APFSDS taken away and put at 12.0

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Welcome to Italia

Yes I’m aware that the Russian military classifies the Derivatsyia, a platform already in service, as an SPAA.

The 2S38 is not in Russian armed forces service as of yet.
And going by your logic, since theyre both SPAA they should both be restricted

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Yes it is in service and no there’s no logic here, they’re completely different vehicles, people tend to affirm that OTOMATIC and Derivatsiya are the same thing when it’s not.


Actually with all honest I don’t see OTOMATIC being 10.3 even with just AA capabilities. It can be not that braindead as 11.7 SAMs, but still useful even at its current BR. I can see it being 11.0 or so, but at 10.3 it would just delete everything in the skies, especially abusing helicopters.