Optional Night Battles for Ground Realistic Battles

Alright guys, this is the thread for Night Battles. And the official one at that. Could you please take this discussion elsewhere now? Thank you.

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I’m really confused why would they announce this optional game mode with additional rewards for participating in it if the chances of getting into night battles are so low you cannot really expect to join a single night battle after hours and dozens/hundreds of matches.

Anyone got into night battle already? Is it really intended the chance is extremely low or it’s more likely there’s an issue with matchmaker? Anyone knows if we can check somewhere types of maps played with day/night mode?

And like I say AGAIN. You and some others are NOT everyone. Which means that it DEFINITELY can be an issue/bug/thing that only some people experience. Bugs can absolutely happen because of different pc settings or components. Do you know if map selection happens on the server or if it gets chosen in the client when you start search?

That is not even close to what I am saying. I am saying they are trying to hinder people leaving matches to change map. I have absolutely no issue with getting the same map over and over like you do. Gaijin might be punishing you for leaving early by giving you the same map again. So I agree that no one likes the same map over and over, so it can be used as a punishment.

You are really start boring me. In any moment i say this happen to everyone and PC settings or components can create graphical issues or crashes but cant affect or altered the game code is not to hard understand. Or you really think for a driver issue the BRs can be changed only for a few??? is just stupid.

Ok good for you. For most of the normal people is boring and stupid.

For the moment and until someone of Gaijin confirm this is a bug in the MM.

you misunderstand, its not that i like it, its that it does not happen to me. i get different maps every time.

this does not make sense.
but depending on where the factors are chosen (server or client) then things can get weird for only some and not everyone.

I think it will be ok in the end. This just shows how much a Night Battle only queue is needed. I personally see this as not different from having a separation of RB/SB. Some players want more/different degrees of realism. Night Battles are a fact of history, and reality. If so many of the “Realistic” mode players are so vehemently against more actual realism in their RB matches, then let us have our cake too and play Night modes only. Give us AB/RB/NB/SB.

I will repeat my view that anything under 75%-50% “chance” of getting a NB while Opting into the NB queue is unacceptable. There is a switch now for a reason, we can go back to normal RB any time we wish. There is simply no reason to have the odds so low, or not adding a dedicated 100% NB queue (also, the queue times for Ground RB are instant, 24/7/365, no one will notice an impact from a NB queue.) Furthermore, since NB’s are going to be so different, and we will want differing tank lineups and presets saved, it makes even more sense to have a dedicated NB queue so we can adequately prepare to go into a NB with only the specific tanks and CAS we wish to use (very important for CAS as the list of NVD/TVD CAS is limited.) Some lower BR CAS have NVD/TVD while some high/max lvl CAS have none. It could make sense to bring these lower BR CAS simply for their NVD/TVD capabilities.

Aircraft/Helis with NVD/TVD: https://wiki.warthunder.com/Night_Vision_Devices#Aircraft

Side note from above about BR/Tiers that should be allowed into a NB queue (I say probably Tier 3 minimum) : Optional Night Battles for Ground Realistic Battles - #25 by W_Wolfe

As to your question about getting any Night Battles: I have still gotten 0 NB’s, and I have yet to find even one person who has seen more than 1 NB. And I have only found about 3-4 people out of hundreds who have even seen one NB.

Update on my NB point grind:

Typical responses in game (these are all queued/joined with NA and EU selected, to give as large a chance as I can):

That is 10 screenshots, one in the main in game chat. 0 people surveyed have seen a single Night Battle in all the Ground RB matches I have played today. Before even talking about seeing a possible two NB’s.

It is time for AB/RB/NB/SB, 4 separate game modes & queues. Night is a huge part of the past, present, and future of warfare. If the vocal Ground RB players should be allowed to have their all day, all the time, year round Ground RB Daytime matches, then we too deserve to have a queue for all Night, all the time, year round. We have the technology (NVD/TVD) what on earth is the point of having all this tech without the night?


We need this from ANYONE… We need confirmation…


I still have yet to play a single night battle and I activated the option my first game after the announcement


Night battles should not have a BR cap. As is, 10.0+ is where everything with thermals are, which makes the lack of light basically a non-factor because of the thermal imagers. I think it would be really cool to have low BR night battles, especially if something like headlights, lanterns, etc. are implemented. It would make a cool dynamic for lower BR vehicles between being able to be seen, and being cloaked but blind. In that way it would be like the “low tech” equivalent of IR spotlights, which is another thing. Due to the BR cap of 10.0+, playing anything with IR spotlights is not feasible. These were generally the first “attempt” to counteract darkness for AFVs, and I think they are underrepresented in the game, previously and now. Lowering the cap would also let people get adjusted to night battles as technology improves, and maybe not feel so vulnerable in top tier (or generally higher tier) night battles.

As for flares, I think they need to be either removed or reworked into replacing/supplementing artillery. With so many AI flares in night battles it makes the “night” part disappear, because they are just always there. Player commanded flares would be different as there would be a tactical reason for a player to drop a flare in a specific area, and maybe with less light, to see something.

And finally for the matchmaker, I think night battles should be more common. Maybe even have their own queue. Presumably, because they are opt-in now, everyone who wants to do them will play in that queue and everyone who doesn’t want to will play in the other queue, if they are separate like that. A mixed queue could work too, with like a 65/35 split between day and night battles, only for those who opt-in of course.

I hope some changes come to the night battle queue, because as is it seems like a great idea that just isn’t being used at all.


Hmmm, I likey… Smoke rounds, flares, or big booms.


If flares are added/kept in, first NO AI automatic flares. I detest that part of NB’s. If they are called by players, there needs to be a strict limit/cooldown etc on them. Perhaps they need to be dropped by CAS? That would add good layer of cooperation between players imo. If they would be called in a similar fashion to Artillery, I honestly think that more than 1 per tank spawn is too much. Maybe it needs to be build up after getting some points/kills. Because 20-40 players all with 1 flare is still a close amount to what we had before. The entire map could be lit up for the entire match, just as with AI flares. But more annoying lol.


Yea that would be crazy having every player firing flare artillery at the same time lol…

Dropping things from planes could also be the same for planes with smoke… That could be a good use of spotting for planes…

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A simple solution is just to have Gaijin just use bake lighting. For all vehicle headlamps.
That way when a night battle does happen, we either rely on all destructible lights or we rely on vehicle headlights. This would benefit Night battles greatly since everyone would have some form of sight and baked lighting causes less lag compared to realtime lighting which would be more suited for higher demanding graphics as a toggable feature.

While you are right, I think having flares be “player induced” adds to make a more connected experience. You aren’t just in a battle but you are actively influencing the terrain around you (by lighting it up). Although yeah, maybe tone it down a bit. Longer cooldowns, less use in general, etc.


I think they added the slider for it but actually haven’t added it

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I’ve had a few people tell me that they have had a night battle, but I don’t have “hard proof” yet lol. So you may be right, but it seems like the odds are just infinitesimally low. Like lower than 0.1% chance.

I’m starting to think you might be correct, that the slider is there, but either it’s a bug and GNB’s simply are not happening and/or they forgot to flip the switch to actually enable them. I had one person yesterday “say” they had a GNB, but I asked them if they were 100% sure, if they actually got any points on the rewards, and they said “maybe it was just late/hazy/bad weather”. So, yeah, maybe even all the people who told me previously that they got a GNB, actually only had an incliment weather match.

Another day, another update, still 0 points:

If anyone reading this actually has some points in the rewards, please post screenshot. Because if @Mytho61734 is correct, none of us has seen any real proof yet of an actual GNB occurring. Also, does anyone know anywhere we can easily check to see if there have been any GNB’s happening in the stats/records? I did a cursory look, but I am not well versed in looking up that sort of data. If anyone has ideas/sources, please share, ty!

i’ve just noticed that when you go in to select night battles on or off, the tasks stays locked.

What do you mean with locked?

I just realized that i have misunderstood the symbols.

I thought the “lock” at top left of achievement ment that it could not be obtained.
But now i realize that it means that it has not yet been completed.

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