Night Battles

But dude, with some stealth and some darkness, the things you could do in a bushed up ASU-57 is truly despicable. It would be hilarious. It would literally be gaijin’s new horror game.

When I heard that they’d make night battle optional, I was super hyped, however I was extremely disappointed when they made it BR 10.0 and above only.

Leuchtgeschossen R:


Doesn’t truly further the discussion but I found it interesting my votes were all in line with the top votes. Meaning the majority for each was exactly how I also voted.

Might be something in that how the WT majority thinks.

People don’t enjoy Night battles since in-game it is poorly executed, to effectively make them possible would involve baked lighting that doesn’t cause lag but still illuminate textures. Which some devs have done before. However, I do not believe the Dagnor is capable of doing this. Due to it being essentially a 22-year-old engine. Just like how the BLAM engine is over 27 years old, the Creation engine is just a modernized Gamebryo engine which is also 27 years old.

While there are no innovations for the said engines it doesn’t necessarily mean there capable of handling certain tasks. Simply due to the age of the engine. There is only so much you can do to make an engine run higher-demanding games in a stable state.

Anyway, I digress, unless Gaijin figures something out that allows us to use our vehicle lights that’s baked so even lower potato tops can use the said feature. It probably won’t happen any time soon.

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Why research NV in lower tiers if they are not being used, waste of my time & resources researching them!!!


Heya guys! My Night Battle toggle got turned off (I assume by itself, as I absolutely want it on). Maybe it reset after last update? If you enjoy NB’s and/or are still working towards the NB rewards, check to make sure it’s still on!

Bring back night battles for planes too at least for top tier.
Even if the spotting system has to be changed so that the spotting range is the same as day battles. Night battles in jets look amazing.


I don’t mind the illumination flares every now and then on BRs without NVDs, but after that, yeah, drop 'em.


Heres my opinon on this.

  1. I’m very split on the BR limit for night battles. I would defenitly go with no BR cap for NB, but that would make the game more tougher on newer players. I think there should be an option where the BR limit is lower by defult, but a player can choose to have no BR cap for themselves and they can participate in a vechile of a BR thats lower than the defult BR cap (they can also go back on the descion if they want to).
  2. Flares should be removed, thats it, I don’t like them. I think if a person really wants light, then I think lights/lamps that are common on many ground vechiles could be made functional, but this will also illuminate you wilst having them on. Also, I agree on the natural lighting of a NB, it would change depending on what moon phase it is or the cloud/fog cover.
  3. I think when it comes to the chance of when night battles happen, I think by defult the chance should be higher, but you could have custom options for having only day or only night battles.
  4. This might seem stupid and pointless, but I would also like to see night battles in Arcade mode. The markers will negate the point of it being night, but I think it would still be cool to fight at night anyways, at the very least it would look astectitly pleasing. I guess one thing that can be done to make night battles in arcade not worthless is to have the range of the markers (like in Air RB) be reduced signifigantly.
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  1. Night battles are currently opt-in, so you have to choose whether you want one or not. Usually new players won’t do this. I think the 10.0 limit is stupid because many tanks below it have NVD. I only have 2 tanks above 10.0, which means I basically can’t get them.

  2. Agree fully. The flares make thermals/NVD useless.

  3. Are they really not a thing in arcade?


I don’t think they are in arcade, unfortunatly.

No, they are not in Arcade, GRB only.

I think the BR cap should be lower, you have vehicles in lower BRs that have Night Vision devices that are useless if not included.

One day I hope they make it so the lights on vehicles function as then all vehicles could enter into night battles and still have an option to see if they dare!.

The flares are a plague on night battles, they may as well just be in the daytime as you can always see and only thermals make a real difference to vision, standard NVD get blinded under the flares. Maybe they could be shot from light vehicles when needed or something similar?

I think the low chance is fine, but I personally wouldn’t mind a 50/50.

Night battles are awesome, but the fact flares still remain ruins it for me personally.

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You actually CAN shoot down the flares with SPAA missiles etc, but it’s not worth the effort as they almost immediately respawn. I agree that they should be removed completely, they ruin the “night” part of Night Battles.


make the flares part of the player called in artilery strikes. Each time you call a arty strike a few flares come with it.

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That’s a decent suggestion. Maybe increase arty cooldown to make sure it isn’t overly spammed as well.

The problem with it being connected to something that happens as often as Artillery:

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Excellent points. I will go back to abolish flares then. Operational lights, NVD, and TVD would be more than enough.

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Also remov ethe gamma options for night battles because they simpply negate the night spect of being dark by just a few settings. Nights are dark and shoudl stay so for EVERY ONE!!! if you dont take out the option or force a server site setting night battles in there whole are pointles.

This is cheating in its most basic form.