Optional Night Battles for Ground Realistic Battles

No. This did not come with yesterday’s update. Should be coming in the future though, we’ll announce it in a minor update.

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I agree with this.

I’d like to also see night battles at a lower BR with flares, and spotlights. I’d love to see tanks running around with lights on.


This. I have played with this enabled since the first day, tried 10.0, 11.7, and have not gotten a single night match still. I would prefer a further option to WAIT for a night match. These rewards are going to be 100% impossible with less than a 1% chance of them happening. Thanks.

(Copy from another comment I left):

I have found 1 person in all the games, so over 100+ other players, and only ONE has seen a night battle since change. I would not mind waiting 10+ minutes for a night battle. ESPECIALLY since there are rewards now, going to be literally impossible if it is only less than a 1% CHANCE of happening. I would personally not mind waiting 10 min or hell, even 20-30 min if I could be sure to get a single night mode. There are many of us who would be fine with waiting, however, shoving us into a normal Ground RB in seconds is what is preventing us from grouping up, not the demand for night games.

Final note:

I have been asking people in Ground RB’s to flip the switch if they are interested in Night Modes, and off hand, I have had probably 100 people NOT realize that they still needed to flip the slider to actually have a CHANCE at night games. These were all people who were mildly to strongly interested in night matches, but just missed or closed the popup when the update happened that they needed to actually opt into night modes. I would suggest another round of updates/popups/launcher news links etc to get the word out. There is a LOT of interest in night modes from what I have heard from players in game, its just that the info about where the switch is located, and that it is required to do so in order to get night matches. (The Moon icon’s location, AND the slider at top once in that menu was unknown to at least 90% of the people who were interested in the night games.)


You can see all the rewards after you click the Moon icon (next to the gear icon on the Realistic mode selector.)

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At this point it doesn’t make sense to argue about the BR of night battles if the chance is so low you wouldn’t even care if you finally got into one.

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Another user commented about allowing VERY low BR’s here: Night Battles

And I FULLY agree that I would LOVE to play some VERY early NVD games, like down to 3.7 (or lower.) WW2 had night battles, WW2 has some very primitive NVD’s. I would like to utilize them. And since this is a fully optional game mode, I see no reason to lock it to 10.0+. (And yes, that means I would be perfectly fine going in with some/all tanks that dont even have NVD’s. That happened in REALITY. Hence, why should it be excluded from “REALISTIC” modes, that players opt into?)

And I also agree, I do not care much about the BR discussion, as much as I care about getting SOME Night Matches at all :D


6 Hours, still 0 night games. Yeah, imo a force queue option needs to be implemented. The rewards are literally never going to happen at this rate. (I have still seen 0 night games, not a single one.) Thanks, cheers.

Why is it BR limited? Its optional there is no reason to limit BR of night battles. Personally I play all BRs I have from 1.0 to 11.3 and I would love to have an occasional night battle in any of those BRs, and by reading the comments there are lots of people who would want that.
Also it should be proper night battles without or at least less flares and random weather.


After add this option the regular MM is completely destroyed and you are stuck in the same 2 or 3 maps all the time. Really how is possible be so incompetent ???

i’ve seen you post this in other places as well.
i don’t have this issue at all, so it seems more like a bug for you than anything else.
i also see that your average time per battle in like 30 seconds. what are you even doing?

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You have more people complaining about the same, is impossible a personal bug when all players play the same client.

Leave a battle because i just play it o dont want play it and the game give me the same map again again and again.

not at all, the bug might be dependent on specific windows version, graphics card, processor or a combination thereof.

i am very uncertain but this might be your problem, they might have some system to combat people leaving matches because they don’t like the map by giving them the same map again. or something.

Again, is IMPOSSIBLE my MM is broken by a windows, graphs or proccesor problem. Is a code problem and this can be altered by players.

Dude, im not the only one.

Is more simple, the broken the MM after the addition of night battles options. Because this issue apeear only after this.

If something is broken, and is “impossible to be for just some” wouldn’t then everyone have the exact same problem at the same time?

And what I have seen is that only people who leave the game after 1 minute or less and then immediately join another one has this problem.

So why couldn’t the “problem” be a thing gaijin added in that update to get rid of that exact issue (people leaving games because of a map they don’t like)?

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has anyone in this thread gotten a single night battle yet?

I’m exclusively playing 10.0 and up, setting toggled ON, with NVD/TVD equipped vehicles and nothing.


Still 0 Night Battles for me so far. And I have not found anyone who has seen even 2.

Did you see the links???

Thats sound extremly stupid even for Gaijin is just another fucking bug.

yes, but that’s just some more people, not EVERYONE.

i don’t think it does, many people on the forum actually have a problem with people leaving games because of one death (search ODL) or not liking the map. many want Gaijin to implement things to stop this happening, you personally might not like it, but i think many others will.


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You think giving me same maps over and over again will stop me one death leaving if I wish to do so, or if I don’t want to play that map?
I’ll just do something different lol

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Alright guys, this is the thread for Night Battles. And the official one at that. Could you please take this discussion elsewhere now? Thank you.

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