Optional Night Battles for Ground Realistic Battles

Why is it BR limited? Its optional there is no reason to limit BR of night battles. Personally I play all BRs I have from 1.0 to 11.3 and I would love to have an occasional night battle in any of those BRs, and by reading the comments there are lots of people who would want that.
Also it should be proper night battles without or at least less flares and random weather.


After add this option the regular MM is completely destroyed and you are stuck in the same 2 or 3 maps all the time. Really how is possible be so incompetent ???

i’ve seen you post this in other places as well.
i don’t have this issue at all, so it seems more like a bug for you than anything else.
i also see that your average time per battle in like 30 seconds. what are you even doing?

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You have more people complaining about the same, is impossible a personal bug when all players play the same client.

Leave a battle because i just play it o dont want play it and the game give me the same map again again and again.

not at all, the bug might be dependent on specific windows version, graphics card, processor or a combination thereof.

i am very uncertain but this might be your problem, they might have some system to combat people leaving matches because they don’t like the map by giving them the same map again. or something.

Again, is IMPOSSIBLE my MM is broken by a windows, graphs or proccesor problem. Is a code problem and this can be altered by players.

Dude, im not the only one.

Is more simple, the broken the MM after the addition of night battles options. Because this issue apeear only after this.

If something is broken, and is “impossible to be for just some” wouldn’t then everyone have the exact same problem at the same time?

And what I have seen is that only people who leave the game after 1 minute or less and then immediately join another one has this problem.

So why couldn’t the “problem” be a thing gaijin added in that update to get rid of that exact issue (people leaving games because of a map they don’t like)?

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has anyone in this thread gotten a single night battle yet?

I’m exclusively playing 10.0 and up, setting toggled ON, with NVD/TVD equipped vehicles and nothing.


Still 0 Night Battles for me so far. And I have not found anyone who has seen even 2.

Did you see the links???

Thats sound extremly stupid even for Gaijin is just another fucking bug.

yes, but that’s just some more people, not EVERYONE.

i don’t think it does, many people on the forum actually have a problem with people leaving games because of one death (search ODL) or not liking the map. many want Gaijin to implement things to stop this happening, you personally might not like it, but i think many others will.


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You think giving me same maps over and over again will stop me one death leaving if I wish to do so, or if I don’t want to play that map?
I’ll just do something different lol

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Alright guys, this is the thread for Night Battles. And the official one at that. Could you please take this discussion elsewhere now? Thank you.

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I’m really confused why would they announce this optional game mode with additional rewards for participating in it if the chances of getting into night battles are so low you cannot really expect to join a single night battle after hours and dozens/hundreds of matches.

Anyone got into night battle already? Is it really intended the chance is extremely low or it’s more likely there’s an issue with matchmaker? Anyone knows if we can check somewhere types of maps played with day/night mode?

And like I say AGAIN. You and some others are NOT everyone. Which means that it DEFINITELY can be an issue/bug/thing that only some people experience. Bugs can absolutely happen because of different pc settings or components. Do you know if map selection happens on the server or if it gets chosen in the client when you start search?

That is not even close to what I am saying. I am saying they are trying to hinder people leaving matches to change map. I have absolutely no issue with getting the same map over and over like you do. Gaijin might be punishing you for leaving early by giving you the same map again. So I agree that no one likes the same map over and over, so it can be used as a punishment.

You are really start boring me. In any moment i say this happen to everyone and PC settings or components can create graphical issues or crashes but cant affect or altered the game code is not to hard understand. Or you really think for a driver issue the BRs can be changed only for a few??? is just stupid.

Ok good for you. For most of the normal people is boring and stupid.

For the moment and until someone of Gaijin confirm this is a bug in the MM.

you misunderstand, its not that i like it, its that it does not happen to me. i get different maps every time.

this does not make sense.
but depending on where the factors are chosen (server or client) then things can get weird for only some and not everyone.

I think it will be ok in the end. This just shows how much a Night Battle only queue is needed. I personally see this as not different from having a separation of RB/SB. Some players want more/different degrees of realism. Night Battles are a fact of history, and reality. If so many of the “Realistic” mode players are so vehemently against more actual realism in their RB matches, then let us have our cake too and play Night modes only. Give us AB/RB/NB/SB.

I will repeat my view that anything under 75%-50% “chance” of getting a NB while Opting into the NB queue is unacceptable. There is a switch now for a reason, we can go back to normal RB any time we wish. There is simply no reason to have the odds so low, or not adding a dedicated 100% NB queue (also, the queue times for Ground RB are instant, 24/7/365, no one will notice an impact from a NB queue.) Furthermore, since NB’s are going to be so different, and we will want differing tank lineups and presets saved, it makes even more sense to have a dedicated NB queue so we can adequately prepare to go into a NB with only the specific tanks and CAS we wish to use (very important for CAS as the list of NVD/TVD CAS is limited.) Some lower BR CAS have NVD/TVD while some high/max lvl CAS have none. It could make sense to bring these lower BR CAS simply for their NVD/TVD capabilities.

Aircraft/Helis with NVD/TVD: https://wiki.warthunder.com/Night_Vision_Devices#Aircraft

Side note from above about BR/Tiers that should be allowed into a NB queue (I say probably Tier 3 minimum) : Optional Night Battles for Ground Realistic Battles - #25 by W_Wolfe

As to your question about getting any Night Battles: I have still gotten 0 NB’s, and I have yet to find even one person who has seen more than 1 NB. And I have only found about 3-4 people out of hundreds who have even seen one NB.

Update on my NB point grind:

Typical responses in game (these are all queued/joined with NA and EU selected, to give as large a chance as I can):

That is 10 screenshots, one in the main in game chat. 0 people surveyed have seen a single Night Battle in all the Ground RB matches I have played today. Before even talking about seeing a possible two NB’s.

It is time for AB/RB/NB/SB, 4 separate game modes & queues. Night is a huge part of the past, present, and future of warfare. If the vocal Ground RB players should be allowed to have their all day, all the time, year round Ground RB Daytime matches, then we too deserve to have a queue for all Night, all the time, year round. We have the technology (NVD/TVD) what on earth is the point of having all this tech without the night?


We need this from ANYONE… We need confirmation…


I still have yet to play a single night battle and I activated the option my first game after the announcement