One Spawn Quitters

I think it would be much easier to give realistic damage to all the bullets, so you wouldn’t have the need to suffer with the HEAT-FS until you get the APDS-FS, since the HEAT-FS would do more damage and above all more consistent, so it would be more acceptable to use those bullets until the APDS-FS is unlocked. The problem is that gaijin has been committed for years to converting all chemical ammunition (except the HE) into a real piece of garbage that borders on total ineffectiveness and with damage. completely random and absurd. You can perfectly shoot someone with a HEAT-FS and kill a single crew member, and the next shot do absolutely nothing but then the third one destroy the tank, which shows an RNG in the damage of this type of bullets In short, you depend entirely on what the game decides.

There isn’t RNG in this game. Situations like that depend on multiple factors, and even though you think you are hitting the same spot. you aren’t. The tiniest deviations in impact angle, projectile speed, armor angle (vertical and horizontal) all make a difference for penetration and post penetration damage. No two shots you ever take will be exactly the same, ever. That isn’t at all because of the existence of RNG in Warthunder. Random chance is not the same as RNG.

If it is not RNG, it is simply a critical error in the damage model, in which in some shots it does not detect the damage correctly, which would turn it into an RNG but without the devs wanting it, because it is impossible for two shots almost in the same point and with the target not moving, that they do not do similar damage.
I am already very tired of seeing and suffering errors in the damage model, with bullets that do nothing when penetrating, or that stop all damage in a module or crew member (like with the sights stopping 250mm penetration bullets), and not You have to play many games to realize that something in this game is very wrong, and needs to be corrected. Although as I said before, I almost don’t care how the devs leave the game, I’m only going to play sacrificed tanks, dying on many occasions because of this problem and raising tanks without bothering to play well, since a point has reached where it doesn’t matter what you do.

ALMOST is the key word here. No two shots are EXACTLY the same, so they will ALWAYS differ.

There are many issues with damage models, that I will agree with. But in a game this complicated overall, it makes sense that some things will not be absolutely perfect. In terms of overall quality, Warthunder does pretty well for itself considering the sheer amount of complexity within the game. I will always say that Gaijin does not get enough positive credit for the game that they’ve created, especially because it has no equal.

But that small difference in angle doesn’t make you go from doing no damage to killing all the crew members.

At first the errors could be tolerated, but it has been almost 10 years now, they have had time to create a correct damage model that correctly records the damage, if they have not done so it is because they simply did not want to.

I think this is the biggest problem, if you have strong competition you tend to do things well and find a way to attract players while maintaining a balanced game, well balanced and with as few errors as possible. But since there is no direct competition, They allow you to leave the game as is.
Honestly, if another company released a similar game but with a realistic damage model, I would go for that game without a second’s hesitation. I already left WOT for War Thunder, and I have to admit that I had a better time in WOT and not I was as desperate as I was in War Thunder, but what I like most is the realism, and since War Thunder is a little more realistic than WOT, well here I am.

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This is such fun gameplay, 5 minutes into a game.

It really needs sorting out, any BR with popular large scale prem purchases especially (anywhere from 9.3-11.3). Most games just end like this. Its unplayable, and incredibly unfun. People need to be fully crew locked out or something else if they 1 death leave like this.

And frankly, for anyone who complains about “Whaaaa Its not fun on this map/being bottom tier/the only tank I wanted to play I died early in whaaa!” as their reason for 1 death leaving. You know what? I Don’t care. You are directly ruining MY fun by doing this. IF you are allowed to complain about your fun being effected so you should deserve to not play the game if you don’t want to, I get to complain that my fun is ruined for actually WANTING play the game. I dont 1 death leave even if I hate the map, Some of my best games have been on maps I typically hate. Just play the damn game.

I dont know the answer for all the newbies who make an account and immediately buy a top tier prem, other than not letting them buy it (which gaijin will never do) but If you can make a lineup, you should be playing at least that full lineup until you run out of spawnpoints.

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You blocked the names out so now we can’t see if they weren’t all lv 100s. I think I found it, I’ll check and report back after my game.

well yeah, I wasnt trying to name and shame, just make a point.

it was 11.0, so lots of 10.3 prems in that specific game. There are a lot of non prem players that 1DL too though

Out of your team, there were 9 lv 100s, a lv 93, lv 83, lv 10, lv 2, lv 94, lv 85, and a lv 56. Please explain to me how 11 players quit with one death (one player didn’t spawn), but only 2 players were brand new and bought a premium? That doesn’t account for 9 other players in the game. Even if you add the lv 56 in there too, that means 8 lv 80+ players left with one death. Explain your point of view with that information. I’ve said it 100 times, it isn’t just new players with premiums that ODL, it is experienced players that only have the single premium at that BR or experienced players that don’t want to continue that game for whatever reason. Next time, if you post a replay of “new players with premiums one death leaving”, make sure it is indeed new players one death leaving…

This is the stuff that kills me about this whole argument. Make claims with no information on who does what, and then everyone gets mad and starts insulting each other. No player has the numbers of who actually leaves after one death the most. No player will ever have this information. only Gaijin has this information and they are doing with it what they will.

You have every right to complain that you aren’t having fun because of people leaving. If you see a game has 9 people that left after one death, LEAVE THE GAME TOO. Move on and go to a game that isn’t empty. You can also leave if you aren’t having fun, there is no minimum contract required when you hit the To Battle! button.

Taking away or punishing a player for exercising their choice to leave a recreational activity any time a player wishes is a surefire way to drive off players. Just imagine if you got even a two hour crew lock because you had to urgently use the restroom. That is a ridiculous thought, but people have called for more harsh punishments regardless of the reason for leaving.
Two cool things:

  1. Warthunder is not more important than anything that happens outside the game.
  2. If a player isn’t enjoying the game they are in they have every right to leave it. This game is for entertainment, and I feel like a lot of people on this forum have forgotten that.
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If people are not having fun and ODL, seems like they just need to take a break from WT. It helped me a lot when I took a break multiple times throughout the years, should help others too. Why ruin others fun when they themselves are not having fun?

^This is why. There is only so much effort one is willing to put in to have fun. Why would I spend more time and extra effort into a game where I’ve already gotten frustrated and annoyed? I can leave that game and the frustration behind and have a brand new chance to have fun. This has been going on since video games became multiplayer. Hell, I’m sure people have rage quit Pong when they got frustrated with it. Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, literally every single multiplayer combat game has had people who leave when the game gets frustrating and loses the fun. Rage quitting hasn’t become a normal term in video games because no one ever quits when they get frustrated. Leaving a game when you are frustrated is better than the frustration getting worse and turning into anger. Some need a break from Warthunder as a whole, some just need to leave that current game and try another one. Noone should be punished for doing either. If Warthunder changed to an active matchmaker like Call of Duty, then this whole problem could go away, but no one wants to join match that is already lost because other people left. Hmm, weird, it’s almost like there is going to be problems either way with people leaving and the way Warthunder does it is actually best for a game of this type.

I am quitting after the first death - or even before joining the game - because:

  • I hate the map.
    I routinely complained about maps being reduced to the size of the handkerchief. I’ve been told that my opinion is important, please continue to hold. So now if I am spawned to a map I dislike, I simply quit after first respawn.
    I hate maps where vehicles just line up and shoot each other from point blank range. Like 38th parallel. Or Stalingrad. Or Berlin. I flagged them as “dislike”. But I’m still put into these. It seems like no one in WT cares about my personal preferences in this age of Big Data, when even a schoolboy can construct a predictive model for customer satisfaction. Instead, WT explicitly limited the number of dislikes and likes for the map to 3 - which tells a lot about their priorities and intelligence;
  • I am badly uptiered. I have a BR7.3-7.7 spread. I am put into a BR 8.7 game. After a first death… you got it, right?
  • I’m experiencing ridiculous bugs in the game mechanics that I previously complained about and told… what? You got it, that my opinion is important. For example, when 152mm HE shell pens a 152-mm front armor of T26E5. Or when a Jagdtiger shell can’t pen IS-4 side if fired almost at the surface normal.
  • CAS plane dives onto me in a kamikaze-style dive, kills me with a rocket salvo, crashes right near me, and suffers zero penalty. If this behavior is sporty enough and is not punished, why quitting a match should be?

“rapid quitting” is my little personal philosophy I developed in response to constant ignorance of these issues by developers. If this particular match is not fun, I’m not gonna play it. Life is too short to waste it.

I recently got a new lineup of German (BR 7.3-7.7) and American (BR 6.7) tanks. I paid $50 for things like silver lions (to buy tanks and retrain crews), spare parts, or FPE, or AP shells. Now I want to get pleasure from the game. Not to “endure” it for the sake of some random players I’ve been teamed up with or some other greater good. I am definitely not looking to buy myself a “silver bullet” to oneshot people. That won’t be fair, that won’t be sporty, that won’t be fun, that would be boring. But I don’t want to be a punchbag for people 1-1.5 BR higher than mine. If I’m paying money to Gajin I expect some enjoyment in return.

Somehow, World of Warships can be both a challenging and fun game; their MM spread is reasonable, and all their maps are good and enjoyable. They had their f…ups (subs), but now they are listening to the community and making changes to meta to address that (detectors, improved depth charge damage, etc). WT can’t do the same? Let it be Gajin problem, not mine.


As a lifetime freeloader we all should thank them for spending money, else how do we freeload the server until the earth becomes uninhabitable? don’t be ungrateful bro someone has to pay rent

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I’m really not sure what you are arguing against me about. All you are doing is saying the same thing I was saying?

I DONT WANT people One death leaving.

I’ve spent a decent amount of money on this game too.

I said I didn’t know the answer for newbies like that aside from something Gaijin will never do. But you still shouldn’t be able to ruin the enjoyment of the game for other people just because you paid some money. And the people who paid money wouldn’t have a game to play either without all those Free to play players filling games up.

Since Gaijin refuses to make Abrams worthwhile to use I will ODL as I spade the rest of them.

One at a time.

Minimizes my suffering against Russian Bias.
Maintains my sanity.

Win-win for me.


And I’m having fun driving ground units, so for me ODL tactic works. I don’t see the problem here.


It is normal that it works for you. Simply because of how the maps are made and the quality of many players, it is easier to leave the game after losing a tank to get a better game, than to continue a game in which everything is a disaster , with the enemy controlling a good part of the map and with your team devastated.


Well this is what you get in MM based non-competitive game designed around grind. And new players buying premiums probably generate more money than veteran players. Also playing solo if you fun is so dependent on other players is not good idea. Coordinated squad of 4 people can be very effective even if they are outnumbered.


It all depends on what You see as ‘fun’.

If I want to win then I will be playing in a squad.

If I want to just have fun, I will play solo doing what I see as ‘fun’.

If a player already killed more than one player before dying, he is not bad for the team.