One Spawn Quitters

Sorry but dying against something I can’t do anything against (while dying, not in next spawn) doesn’t encourage me to play more.

If I die to a tank, then there is no problem in spawning more.


Then do nothing and tell people to “get gud”, because the alternative of trying to punish your playerbase into behaving the way you want never works.

isnt taht exactly what gaiijin does? pushing people to play the ywa they want by redzoning everything - and do nothing when people complain on the forum?

I j out vietnam 100% of the times and sweden 99%.

Sometimes even one tank lineup is not enough to have some tank vs tank combat at higher tiers. Fortunately getting into position and shooting down first spawn heli rushers is somewhat possible with Leo 2a4 thanks to its versatility. However this was on maps with cover if it was some open map than I would probably get obliterated as trying to shoot down 3 heli rushers at once would be almost impossible. I do not blame that one poor guy who died at all that he left immediately.

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The people on the forum don’t represent the average player. Most average players don’t think CAS is a huge issue, most players don’t see the WW2 and Early Cold War vehicle compression as a huge issue, most players don’t care about losing a game as long as they have fun. This forum is filled to the brim with the extreme of each side, not the average. Most of the complaints you see in this forum are ones that probably never cross the minds of the average player.

I would disagree with it, especially after seeing what people say in normal games.

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oh yes, and a new holland map is a NO.

I really wish Gaijin could do something about it, but 1 death quitters are more of a symptom than a disease. People leave on the first deaths because it’s more damaging to stay on the battle than simply quitting.

If Gaijin were to do something, there could be a crew lock for the first death if the player quits before certain amount of score, so maybe a guaranteed crew lock if someone quits on the first death and the player has a <600 battle score (with the exception of having only one vehicle on the line up or not having enough battle points to spawn on other vehicle).

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Sorry, not gonna play anymore when something like this happens:


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This mentality just ain’t worth it… Just makes ODL plague worse by promoting it. By doing anti-team plays like ODL, miss out on comebacks. I could of ODL after dieing to that CAS, but then I would of missed out on the other kills. Sure, didn’t get to go on killing spree on Ho-Ri, but did on the Type 99.
Like we complain about ODL, but we also do the ODL…even if a tank killed me instead of a plane, would still spawn again.

The one promoting it is Gaijin by allowing such a situation happening and not giving any alternatives.


ODL Premiums spam is one thing, cant really be stopped as it makes Gaijin money to continue running and allows players to grind the TT quicker. But the other ODL reasons are players decision making, in my honest view, its the players who have the most control over it.

Sorry but if something like this happens:


I don’t see the point in playibg anymore and so many people. If I die to a tank it is bcause I made a mistake, If I die to a plane there is nothing I could do.


so quit? give up the fight? Throw in a towel because of CAS?

I play the game in order to have fun, not to suffer.

If I want to play ground units I will do it, there is no point in forcing myself to play planes/spaas as I can just join another game.



Whats the point playing more if I’m going to just die to someone I am incapable of killing while they can kill me using no skill, I will not spawn again.

Even if you do spawn SPAA, it is hard to use effectively at lower BRs.


For war thunder and having fun it is like day and night. It has reached a point where I play without any motivation, throwing the tanks forward almost to suicide and without worrying about anything, these entertaining games from 5 or 6 years ago are gone not to come back and now there are only damage bugs, rebound bugs, CAS, defeats due to beating in the 4th minute and chained in 4 or 5 consecutive games, super small maps full of CQC zones, and finally the people who make ODL. Although to be honest, what player with a healthy mind doesn’t ever do ODL? That’s why ODL seems to me to be the least of the game’s problems, and above all an effect due to the real problems that the game has and the negligent work of the devs.


If you do not care about result of battle it is really easy to move of to another battle when you know there won’t be any CAS for some period of time. Tbh victories in games like WT or WoT were never relevant to me as amount of effort to put into game to win battle with full team of random player, where you do not know, if they are on same boat, is just not worth it. I used to focus on victories but I was not enjoying game. Switching my focus only on kills and not caring about result of battle made it much more fun.


Their main focus is to milk playerbase dry from amount of premiums that came last updates. Everything else is secondary. Yeah, there were some QoL changes that improved game little bit, but still not significant enough like stock APDSFS. It was great change but not done correctly. They should give it at least to all rank VIII and VII vehicles or make it to be connected to BR instead of rank. Right now anyone trying to grind french tanks will be hit hard reaching first Leclercs as those are 11.7 like all other rank VIII vehicles but are still rank VII so you have to fight all other 11.7 with stock HEAT-FS. I bet stock 11.3 are also suffering to stock grind as they are probably sucked against 11.7 all the time. If they wanted to made this change correctly, they would give all those high tier vehicles stock APDSFS without any stupid conditions.

This is a hard concept for people on the forums to understand. I mean who would want to enjoy their free time?

Yea @JuicyKuuuuki, just like getting killed as soon as you try to leave the spawn on Ardennes at the beginning of the match, or when you are the only person to spawn on one side of the map and then meet 6 opponents alone. That isn’t fun, and I’m not going to try to make the best of EVERY single match. Some matches are worth the fight, but others just aren’t worth the effort for the fun. I even used to keep aircraft in each of my lineups, but when you don’t want to play planes then it doesn’t make sense to, same with SPAA. I have alot of fun using SPAA, but not constantly. Don’t even get me started on the SPAA TDs like the Gepard and shit, nothing makes me want to leave a game more than SPAA killing me frontally because they have belts of pure APDS to kill your barrel, tracks, and slip shots into your turret ring at random.