One Spawn Quitters

Ehh, i hate it when they ODL, i prefer them trying than giving up even if it gives enemy SP. I had those moments where I died 3 times without any kills/assists once in a while. But also had moments where I get 0 kill, die, spawn again and carry the game for trying or making myself useful for the team. I like to keep a high morale to allow my team to try. Once they see a whole bunch of ODL, their morale is lowered and they quickly leave. I’m not gonna partake on that.

That’s the reason why sometimes you have 12 kills and still lost, while the second best guy in the team has 3 kills and 1 cap, and still lost. Because you are cleaning up the mess they created, half the team has 0 kill and two deaths lol I mean it’s fun if your team doesn’t get steamrolled at one point, maybe take it as a challenge but most of the time you wouldn’t be able to shoot your way out.

i mean… i would not be a fan of that.

sure, a lot of players are absolute trash at the game (consistently)

but even the bad ones can be distractions.

Plus its pretty frustrating losing by a Tiny margin, when all that had to happen is one of the 10+ leavers stayed and helped cap a point or kill an opponent, etc

However they have not changed the maps, or the balance in a very positive way.

It helped a bit.

Punishment will just make people quit the game. I don’t want a 3 day ban because I had to do something mid-match, or if I’m one of the last players left, being spawncamped.

War thunder is a casual and non-competetive game. Punishment will make players quit, and players quitting will not be good for the future of war thunder.


Happens. You won’t win every battle, but point is ya gave it your all, did your best. Won 8 battles, lost 2 in my last 10 games. All in which I gave it my all resulting in being top player each game, literally.

Honestly, wouldn’t mind teaming up with yall and go a few matches together. Maybe Luck is just on my side every time I play.

EDIT: Found an old picture from 2017…Good to see I havn’t changed xD Always tried to carry.

Or when they die revealing enemys.location 😆 your enemy is where your team is not

But this does not change the fact MM will force you against superior tanks to remind you there is better stuff you should get even if those players are not interested in. There was a thread were people were complaining about WWII vs Cold War tanks.

If you want to grind Israel tech tree then do it with your premium and do not care about others. You spent your real money on it so you can it without explaining yourself to strangers on the internet. Especially if you enjoy playing it. There is allowed minimum of 1 tank for reason. Also it is not worth to listen to some imaginary rules from random players just to make them happy at cost of your enjoyment. Simply put it is not your job to make other players happy it is up to Gaijin to make environment that everyone enjoys.


A bit like the story of the ever lasting light bulb, if we had them then no one would buy light bulbs anymore

As long as ppl without lineups buy straight from game download too 60$+ top tier premiums - there wont be any answer or attempt to solve this

Combat in general is a “team game” in terms of it taking two sides to fight, but Warthunder doesn’t reward team based actions very well and surely doesn’t encourage it. Most players are in the game to get kills in their favorite vehicles, not much more. Even capping bases isn’t really worth the time because if a teammate helps you cap everyone’s rewards get spread out instead of a full reward for a cap like it used to be (like 90 percent sure here). Striking bases with bombers used to be a victory condition where teamwork made the win happen, but now there are bomber limits and most Air RB games don’t have the destroyable airfield. Naval is just ground mode on the water when it comes to objectives too.


Yet most people on this forum still don’t get it.


why do you quit after 1 death? bc only good unit you had is lost - and the others suck. or the key areas are taken and you have no options. so you go another match and not waste time knowing you cant win. thats why people quit. its not about penalties. its about map options and good tanks.
maybe we sholdnt blame people who play - but people who are making this game instead?

I still don’t understand why there is such a push to go after other players to make the game better when it is Gaijin’s job to make a game that people will want to play. If after 3 minutes, over 50% of your team cannot be persuaded to play the game anymore, consider maybe the game is just going rotten with problems and it’s not the player’s fault they don’t want to be there anymore. If you really wanted a game where people would play in healthy competition, maybe pressure Gaijin more to design better maps with less spawn camping and snowballing. Get them to take the balance of vehicles more seriously so more of them are actually usable for the average Joe.


If ya skip to 1 hr and 46 min. ( 1:46:15) can see a clear example how I normally deal with CAS at 7.3Br matches… I have the tools to do so, I have fun using my tanks. Especially on that last match. I kind of don’t understand how you guys really don’t enjoy this game, but the same time I do, then again I don’t for the most part. Welcome to watch my gameplay as this is how I play my games. I don’t quit, I try regardless if I ruin my precious K/D or stats or if I’m losing a match. I play my favorite tanks still, which is most of the Japanese tech tree. But the Ho-Ri is my most favorite, now the Type 99 SPH as a TD and a SPAA…I learned to use the HE(PF) rounds for planes. Was hard at first, but became easier, will be my 2nd choice after my first death from now on. I hardly touch my planes now in GRB.

I also get the feeling that players are copying Youtubers with 1 tank only thing which results in them ODL. Something that players need to realize, they do it to showcase vehicles, not to carry or compete.

I think that the game declines exactly due to the fact they are trying to adjust it to the average Joe. Redzone sniper map location bc average Joe cant shoot. Tunnel maps and turn the game into click shoot bc the average Joe cant think and is getting flanked. Reducing possible map options by cutting away plenty of area. BC too many options for an Average Joe.

Overall - they dont seem to have a vision of what they are building. Just responding to forum complaints trying to please everyone. Oh and banning plenty when you over complain. Russia.


Just because you enjoy dealing with CAS does not mean everyone else enjoy it as well. Some people just do not enjoy the fact, that you have to die to CAS to be able to counter it. And in combination with current kill cam implementation it is just toxic game mechanic.

I personally do not like dealing with CAS at all. I play GRB for tank vs tank combat and one tank lineup is best way to achieve it for me. It would be nice if gaijin added more modes but currently it is up to us to adapt and people will mostly choose easiest path to achieve their fun.


This is the moment I will leave the game after:

I know how it will end. I can always spawn the air, deal with the player, bomb someone and in the same time my team will lose/win. But it is not what I wanted to do, I wanted to play the ground.

So the best option for me is just to leave and go for another match.


I get it, I had a match yesterday where I died to Pe-8 twice and a Tu-2 once that same match. However I spawned 8 times using back up cards and resulting on a victory. I failed to shoot CAS down, like horribly, but didn’t give up on spamming my main tanks using back up cards resulting on a victory and carried…quitters are for the weak…