One Spawn Quitters

This game is for enjoyment, if people aren’t enjoying the game they have a right to quit. You can’t force people to enjoy themselves, it doesn’t work like that.


Less players is bad for games, especially ones that are a free to play model. I wouldn’t play Warthunder anymore if I got a 3 day ban because I left a game because I had to use the restroom mid match. You are speaking from a point of view that somehow won’t justify any reason for leaving a game mid match. Why would a video game take precedence over anything in real-life?


look at the steam chart graphs, gaijin almost increased the number of war thunder players by 10 times in the last 5 years. I’ve been playing since 2014 (this account since 2016). I definitely wouldn’t mind cutting out 30k of these ‘new players’ to get better matches.

Punishment always resolves, punishment is the path to dialogue and understanding. u_u

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Players which want hardcore commitment play either squadron battles or tournaments. Random battles were always and always will be for casual gaming.


You wouldn’t but Gaijin might if those 30k players invested in premium account or premium vehicles.


That’s where you hit the point, the gaijin doesn’t care about the quality of games, but rather about their money. AND

The history of mankind shows very well how far we have come with punishment. Not a single problem has been solved … only shifted to other levels.
These players have completely different problems, low understanding of the game, low self-esteem, low ambitions … Punishment won’t turn any of that into a positive.
In the end, these players will only be excluded. And here, too, we have seen very well in human history what happens when you exclude people.

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It’s not they don’t care about quality of the games. They care about money more which is understandeable from free to play company POV.

I don’t really worry if the player who dies once and quits would be angry. As I said above, if you cut 30k of these new premiums then the game would be much better. Playing a land vehicle in 9.3~10.0 is horrible, it’s definitely the worst range in the game because it’s infested with these players.

free to play with lots of microtransactions, cell phones have already shown that this is enriching

But thats how free to play games work. They are free to play but everything else inside them costs something.

I know it’s unlikely that the snail would do something like that, but how about showing the players how to play the game properly?
Because many have no idea and think they can do everything, but have no idea about anything. I would like to emphasise once again that punishment doesn’t help. They don’t learn anything.
It’s the same here in the forum … Say something that the masses don’t like. You get flagged and punished. It has certainly made this a better place …

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Tell me you’re intellectually braindead without telling me you’re intellectually braindead.

Go on, keep sharing with us your functionally clown mode ideas. Make me laugh, clown.

You’ve no idea how to make the game succeed, let alone maintain.

You can be mad at me, but I guarantee you that punishment would solve it. And the examples are out there, if you don’t see it, it’s because you’re the ‘braindead’, not me. It’s kind of obvious that it solves it hahahaha

No. It wouldn’t solve jackshit, clown. I’ll break it down barney-style for you, so try to keep up.

War Thunder is Free2Play.

Gaijin NEEDS players to spend money on the game on premium, vehicles, etc.

Not enough players or no players; Game shuts down.

Do you understand, clown? You want to suspend players for the dumbest bullshit - They will uninstall. Even people who don’t ODL will uninstall because such bullshit will be intolerable even to them. Then the game will shut down because of lack of playerbase and funding and even the clowns like you will be out on their ass.

Do you comprehend now, clown?


lol it’s free and there are much more severe punishments for those who play and quit in match. Do you see lol going bankrupt? Do you see people dropping lol en masse? I suggest you go look for your brain, it must be out there and lost somewhere.

No need to be pissed. Whether you like it or not, punishments always solve things. It’s a pity, take one of these players home and hug him

You’re comparing League of Legends to War Thunder?

Are you genuinely retarded or are you just pretending?

I’m not comparing the game directly, I’m comparing the game company’s economy system to the punishment system. I told you, go search your brain

The games are literal apples and oranges. You are absolutely, functionally braindead to even try to compare the two.

You’re not a clown; You’re the entire bloody circus.

You are beyond stupidity itself and I’ve no further interest in wasting anymore time on you.
Welcome to the shadowrealm, Jimbo.

It feels like I’m talking to a wall, you don’t have the interpretation skills to understand that I’m not talking about the game itself.