One Spawn Quitters

A lot of different scenarios to consider. Idk what happen that match so hard to say what to spawn in. If there are CAS, I’d use SPAA/SAM. If no CAS has arrived yet, I’d use another Tank. Since air isn’t an option then would consider grinding one to fight CAS or do CAS.

My current top tier line up. Don’t have a top tier jet or heli unlocked yet. So will have to make what I got work while I grind the rest.

Players stats card means nothing now. If a player knows his team is going to lose, why play a line up and add negative to it

I occasionally use quiet moments in the final phase of battles to check the stats of the remaining opponents.
The number of vehicle deployments reveals a lot about your opponent.

I under stand where you are coming from as when i play a new vehicle or 1 am struggling with i will seek out good player that are playing it and i have to check stats in match to find them, but now with players choosing to leave when the match is not favourable to them can cause inflated results. Bit like saying i have 6k/d but they only uses x vehicle on x map against x team x time of day

So you want to tell the Forum that after 708 battles in the CV, you were not able to form a lineup? Bad Excuse

He does not need excuse to be one death leaver. Game allows you to take just one vehicle lineup and there are no rules how much vehicles you have to take in battles. So taking one vehicle in battle is technically also intended way to play.


I’m able to fill a lineup with it now. I wasnt able to at the start…

Everyone is missing the point and i may of all ready posted it here but i shall do so again.

Just because you can creat x line up does not mean you have to play x line up. The purpose of line ups is so you have a selection of vehicles from whice to select 1 depending on the conditions you are going to face, from types of enemys to the terrain, for example snow, desert, swamp, city, rural, hills, flat

Every game should allow players to decide when they want to quit a game regardless of cimcumstance. At the end of the day, this game is for entertainment. If a player is not enjoying the game, then they alone have the right to decide to stop. That could be stop playing an active game or stop playing Warthunder. Crew lock is already in place as a punishment for bringing a crewed vehicle in the game and then leaving.

I was on the side of “if a player leaves you are hurting your team”, but lately I have seen why ODL/leaving early is a popular thing. I’ve started leaving early if I see my team collapsing because I know the game will not be fun, and this has helped me not get as frustrated while I play. The crew lock comes in and is a reminder that I need to change what I’m doing and play a different BR/mode for a game or two. It has helped me enjoy Warthunder much more than I used to. It is good for competitiveness? Nope, but I don’t play Warthunder to be competetive I play for the enjoyment of it. I will put forththe effort if the team/game warrants it. I enjoy a challenge, but overhwelming odds are 99% not able to be overcome in Warthunder. Not bad game design, just the reality of combat sometimes.

This comes down to player choice at the end of the day. If you don’t like the actions other players take, then that is your own problem. I don’t like when I’m the only person to spawn on one side of the map, but I don’t want to force the spawns to be evenly split because it isn’t fair for everyone that wants to decide how they play a map. Taking away player choice in matters of how they play is dangerous for a company. There is no game rule regarding how long you need to be in a game or how many spawns you must use for a reason. Gaijin can’t force anyone to have fun and punishing players for leaving games would be an attempt at forcing someone to stay in games (have fun) against their will.


well first of all, to clarify, one death leaving isnt the problem.

One death leaving, In under 5 minutes (especially with them doing nothing, or even 2 to 3 deaths, in the span of 5 minutes, or less)

Ive ODL Plenty of matches, but i normally am top 5, and have the most kills. But when i die, i check the scoreboard and see that half my team has left, or more. Im not going to Spawn back in, just get get obliterated, or shot from 4 different sides of the map. No amount of penalty will change that either.

So a possible bandaid would be to lock them out, if they one/two death leave and have played less than 3 minutes, or so (ideally if they have a negative KDA, or no assists/kills, etc)

But really… nothing can be done… You are expecting people to be decent and support their team, and not be selfish
and you are expecting players to be good… which… neither of those will happen, or be fixed… Especially not in a video game.

If a player isn’t getting enjoyment of playing, why would they want to support their team? The lack of motivation that comes with not enjoying themselves can be just as, if not more, detrimental as a player that leaves.


If you play MBT, medium tank or light tank you are good on all maps. Heavy tanks are atleast OK on almost all maps. Only ATGM carriers and casemate TDs are more map dependent and I do not play those as I do not find them interesting.

The best motivation you can give to a player who respawns once and quits is to put a punishment of 1 to 3 days on the account. So I doubt the guy will do it again.

Also great motivation for players to not buy premium tanks as they eventually run out of backups. This is why suggestions like these will never be considered by Gaijin.

Or they would found workaround like simply taking Reserves to lineup and just dying with them as they do not have any repair cost.

Or a slap in the face … punishment is always good. Really!!

That sounds like a great motivation to get people to quit the game.

Punishments are stupid, it’s like saying “the beating will continue until morale improves.”

Make matches good, and worth staying in, then people won’t leave.


If you don’t punish people, they act selfishly and don’t play. When the game gets tough and the game gets difficult, they quit. So, rubbing your hands over these players’ heads doesn’t do any good. They changed everything in the game, economy, they changed RP mechanics. None of this helped, punishment is always a good solution. It always works, It works in CS, in Dota, in LOL in battle field, and it would definitely work in war thunder.

That isn’t how motivation works. Encouraging enjoyment of the game will keep players in a game longer.

They will never do it again, because they will stop playing Warthunder completely.


In CS you get punishment only for leaving competitive, where you try to progress ranks by winning games. War Thunder has only casual mode where you just go to grind tech trees. Other games are also not comparable as War Thunder main purpose is to grind, because most matches you face those +1BR vehicles to show you better stuff and if you do not want to be on bottom you have to grind to the top. Teamplay and victories are just secondary optional objectives of this game.

I’m glad they’re going to stop playing, at least they’re going to leave the queue with more decent people