One Spawn Quitters

I have never once denied that I do it. Are you telling me that 100% of your matches you stick it out the very end? with 5 or 6 respawns every single game? If so, I call BS

Entire enemy team camping our spawn, meaning respawning is an instant death? 1DL

Game is lost with the enemy team 3 capping and half our team quit? 1DL

Spawn in and sniped cross map from some BS spot within the first 30 seconds of the game? 1DL

Nail an enemy tank 5 times, scoring multiple crits just for him to turn around and 1 shot me with a round to my tracks? 1DL


All of which are perfectly valid reasons to quit a match. More often than not, its not worth respawning. I’d say 75% of the time I do respawn in a tank. Im killed either in spawn, or shortly after leaving spawn. That 25% of the time I do respawn. It makes no difference to the match outcome. Which is why, If I do respawn, I’ll respawn in a heli or jet and do some good that way. Providing CAP or CAS support for my team. But that costs so many SP points to spawn in, rarely can I sapwn again if Im immediately taken down by a heli camping the spawn point or an enemy jet. Again, wasted respawn.


What are You talking about?

They can’t play if they’re in a crew lock.

Who tends to spend money, and thus, keep the game existing? Somewhat dissatisfied players.
So unless You want warthunder to cease existing, I suggest to rethink this.

What’s with this preaching?


I wouldn’t say 100%, but I know I can spawn 8 times in RB tanks, planes included, so I do indeed fight till the end… Many times part of the people who save the matches and turn them around.

But yea, you can try and turn it around on me, but where do you actually tell someone that the reasons they give for leaving, could easily be related to thier actual skill level and them being too expectant, or over-confident, or just too timid and playing like it’s a waste anyway just throwing their tanks into it because they’re gonna requeue anyway…

It’s pessimistic, and it’s just a bad view to keep because it honestly makes you a bad teammate by passing on that bad vibe.

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Maybe you want to read more, what I said was pretty clear.

Those people often proclaim they aren’t spending money as a rage and a blame as to why they only spawn once…

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Doesnt change the fact though that there are reason to quit a match early. short of perma-bans for anyone that quits a match before it has ended. Wont change a damn thing. Instead they should address many of the reason WHY people quit in the first place and fix them. Overhauling spawn points would be a major first step to addressing multiple issues in GRB, and would also help in ARB and NRB too.

Just did a match. Spawned in, going fine, died, respawned, taken out by a BMP camping just off to the side, respawned in a SPAA, got an Air kill, got a ground kill, died by another guy just by our spawn. Respawned in a heli, match ended.

Thats 4 spawns, still lost the game, 2 extra deaths I had to pay for because of people camping the spawn point. I knew the game was going to be lost at the start, but figured, bugger it, lets see what happens if I stick around a bit longer. TLDR, nothing, made no difference at all, we still lost.


The constant ODLs are the ones we’re mentioning here, but you’re trying to make out that any ODL is able to be picked up by my action upon something…

And that’s your want to make that linkage.

I’m merely saying, the same as I see TKing, that there should be more punishment for those who intentionally do it… Constantly…

It’s not hard to see who is doing it, and who is the constant purveyor into the matches as to why they are doing it.

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Free to play players can spawn up to 5 times only. Unless You count backups, but that’s not taking spawn point costs and battle success into account.

Clear for who? It’s confusing for me.

I know that there are countries with just 2 vehicle slots. So, it is possible that they didn’t even spend SLs to get 5 slots, and I can see a situation where a player picks a plane and a tank in a lineup, but fails to get enough spawn points for a plane, to continue battle.
Another option is questionable selection of vehicles in the lineup - 4 planes and 1 tank.
Would this also be considered a… purposeful sabotage by You?

From this discussion, I can see some solutions:
Give tutorials/tips for players with questionable lineup (Like, SPAAs and fighter, bomber planes have a separate SP costs from tanks and SPGs);
Give tips to those who have less than 5 vehicle slots unlocked (remind them they can buy more slots for SLs);
Remove premium vehicles… - this would be a VERY controversial and economically infeasible move, but it could reduce the amount of 1DLs;
Other solutions include economical boosts to folks who stick to the end of the battle, that have a proper vehicle lineup.

Teamkilling and 1DL is NOT the same.
In a way, 1DL is better than teamkilling, because at least the other players don’t not have to bother with reporting the TKer and hoping the system kicks him/her off the match; not to mention that players who lose a vehicle, lose team’s score.
So if they are not present, that means that they won’t be a drain for team’s score.

It can be hard to notice it, when You’re in the heat of the battle.
And, do You even know WHY they bother with 1DL? What are the reasons why they 1DL?


That only counts if they are in the immediate area of your spawn, which is irrelevant when that area is 100m but people can spawncamp you from across the map.

You think I can leave here and the game considers this spawncamping?

You can easily stay out of this circle and spawncamp them without allowing them to avoid crew lock.


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And I use backups… Like damn man, your whole spiel, done in by your straight negativity and ignorance…

You’re also ignoring that we’ve all been seeing people proclaim for ages why they ODL, and why they keep having issues… From nation combos to straight up bad teams, and upteired matches, we’ve heard it all…

So much crutch, so little actual learning. It’s time to start fixing players, because there are a lot of moaners, constantly… It’s so easy to throw out in a chat ‘OMG the game is playing AGAINST ME’ and a whole heap of pre-warmed up cope is served up by other fellow sufferers, but when anyone comes in with any level of thinking or advice, they are merely picked apart and niggled at until they give up…

And really, that shouldn’t be how it works, but numbers and ease of excuse, leads to a sheer argument, of which it’ll only subside when we all turn around and say ‘there there, it’s alright, we’ll get the game changed for you’…

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Yesterday I played and 1 death left. Over 50 matches were full uptiers. I did that just to see how bad it is and I can see why everyone 1 death leaves, you only get uptiers.


What negativity and ignorance? I give them benefit of the doubt. Rather than just blindly assume the worst.

Maybe. But, have You tried to evaluate how correct these concerns are, and perhaps notice that at times they do have a point?
At the very least, maybe there’s a way to make players interpret the situation they are in differently.

You can’t. The only way You could do something like that, if You yourself were a WT’s game developer. And introduce the incentives that You think are, in Your opinion, right…
I wonder how long would Your “incentives” last in the game, and how long would You remain a WT dev with these suggestions of Yours…

You know, if You’re so unhappy at Warthunder’s playerbase, why don’t You try creating Your own game? That way, You can select whatever elitist target audience You want.


Oh it’s not the playerbase, in fact, it’s not even a large portion of the playerbase… You could say, it’s just a very vocal, vindictive, minority.

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If gaijin doesn’t fix the BR compression and sets the br range about ±0.7 because “long queue times”, what makes you think they will start banging players for ODL?
Also the economy was ONE of the problems. You fix that, you ease the problem. You don’t fix the others, you don’t solve problem. Simple as that

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I hate having games like these, we could have pulled it around if it wasn’t for the people thinking that a game is lost after one death. Its also the fact that all the AIM/PL users don’t have backups.

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Yeah, agreed there. Im also exclusively uptiered. Br 10 line up vs 11s sucks.

Why you want 8 people who did almost nothing to keep respawning, getting killed and giving spawn points to your enemy?

It doesn’t mean that they aren’t going to have an effect on the play…

They are taking a shot, that would’ve hit someone else. Who says they’re only going to be negligable in thier actions.

Everyone who dismisses them as being unworthy or any form of shortcoming is ignoring that they themselves, have had bad matches…

They should keep spawning because it’s not over till the red teams mom is singing.

It’s like people join a match, then bail out because they’re facing a nation they don’t like, and you thin kthat’s fine because what would they have done against that threat… But who said they even tried, let alone were bad at the game…


What FlyingDoctor said is more than true, I had one zone capped and then I got killed by a rushing KA50. I could have said “fuck this” and left but I got in my next tank and got 6 more kills and one zone. Just because your first life was a bummer does not mean that the next one will be the same.


Nor does respawning guarantee a different outcome. I have been in the situation where I have been killed in a manner like you’ve described, decided to respawn and almost immediately been killed again. With not enough SP for a third spawn. At which point, I regret respawning because i’ve just wasted a back-up for my main tank.

So next match, when something similar happens again, and the match feels much the same. I hesitate. Do I risk respawning again, or do I call it quits and save that back-up? Usually its down to the map. Some I enjoy, Some I dont mind, some I absolutely hate. If its 1 I hate, then the choice is easy.

Are there situations in which people 1DL because it saves them SLs, sure. But if the game is lost, or the enemy team is camping your spawn. Why bother respawning? At which point. Punishing those players for leaving is going to benefit no one.


I get rushed by helis I don’t spawn anymore. I see my team spawning heli, I jout and warn enemy team about him. I think they should get removed.