One Spawn Quitters

So how do you enforce it/what are the criteria?

Quit after 1 death, get massive crew lock but spawn in a second vehicle, any vehicle, zerg rush to the middle of the map firing into the air until someone kills you, then quit. Technically not 1DL. Or heck, could just pressing J after spawning in in that second vehicle be enough?

1DL is a symptom, not the problem.

without addressing the problems, 1DL doesnt go away, it may change, but if people want to quit, then they’ll just quit.


1DL will never go away, and increasing crew locks will not solve anything. Warthunder is enough of a grind that its not always “fun” to play.

I know that if i get a map i hate, or am just having rotten luck i will leave a match, you can lock my crew for a day if you want. Ill just go play something else that is less of a job.

The gring needs to be reduced, the repair costs need to be lower or just removed completly. Maps need to be better designed in a way that 1 team spawn camping the other isnt guaranteed every single match. We could add entrenched positions near spawns to give players that just spawn a advantage in cover and firing arcs for example.

They could increase rewards for the winning and losing team and add bonuses for completing a match and sticking around.

They should NEVER punish players for leaving, instead focus on incentives and rewards for staying.


“You get more flies with honey than with vinegar”


It’s actually more an excuse than anything… You can spawn as many times as you can, but you choose to only spawn once…

You could easily use a backup.

It’s not the games issue, nor a symptom of anything other than players thinking they are psychic and that all isn’t favoring them.

Again, just a straight up excuse as to why someone doesn’t try again because they think they know already.

Very much the same as those who cry that the teams don’t do what they want… It’s just no-one wanted to do what they were wanting to do, so it’s not the team that is the issue, but the player expecting them to do what they want and save them.

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Actually they should, because it’s the players choice to leave.

And make the ex-players look for better games than this one?


Also, there is a similar thread going on, here is it’s link:

I think repair costs do actually play a part as to why 1DL does happen, but I think it would be more about taking low rank/BR or just troll vehicles into their lineup in this case.

Not sure. We need the cannon fodder sometimes, and that cannon fodder has to have… some kind of enjoyment to continue being cannon fodder here.


But they don’t like dying, only die once, and leave so what good is thier fodder…

I’d rather be without the moans and groans about how bad they have it when they leave the team in the lurch because they want to not play the match because they can’t handle the outcome…

But they’re fine to handle killing multiple players, but they can only die once…

This hypocrisy is absolute next level idiocy and ignorance…


But maybe there’s a way to compensate or go around that? Some kind of reward, encouragement, to continue with a reserve vehicle at least?

Thing is THEY DON’T DO THIS BY CHOICE… So why in the actual would they even want to do it in the first place…

This is how stupid your stance has become, you’re bending over backwards to forgive someones ASSUMPTION that they can’t do anything, and excusing every reason they can put up that they can’t play…

The reward, is not being crewlocked, and if they’re avoiding it, then it should be extended and improved to further deliver the message that they’[re here to play a game, not pick and choose because they are that bad at functioning.

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So they do it out of lack of skill, You think?
I think they do a 1 death leave/1 vehicle in a lineup by their choice. Otherwise, we’d be seeing reserve vehicle… reserves, at the very least.


That’s not a reward. And a lack of crew lock can’t be a reward. They are (potential) players, not slaves or… some sort of masochists… I think.
A reward is an encouragement to continue playing. And those rewards typically are various prizes, like silver lions, research points and trophies.

So You’re in favor of making the game playable for only the select few, who are… good at something?
That’s not an economically beneficial approach to the game. Especially, with such size of the game.


If the gauge of a good player is being able to play the game accordingly and function in that game without bailing out at the first instance that it doesn’t look good or favour them, then… Ummmmm… Yea…

It definitely is a choice that they make, and it’s not something to even reward, or even slightly compensate them for it.

They deserve crew locks and even game locks for not playing the game properly.

I’ve just seen someone in chat saying they’d quit 4 matches in a row because of them not liking the setup… So I have no issue with those sorts of players not actually playing.

they should remove crew
People will 1DL what ever. Crew lock just prolongs that problem.



Well, I guess I have a solution then - we need to borrow some mechanics from warthunder’s cousin - enlisted.
Allow custom battles to also reward some experience, while full rewards are given when they have enough players and these players get enough score (like 500).

I think this should alleviate 1DL to some extent, since customs generally have more motivated people in them.

Maybe dont make shitty maps and balance the nations and not just have russki blyat and murica being the best


Sweden has the best 11.7 ground lineup in the game.
And they make fine maps.

Giving in to them, is encouraging extortion.

All they need is longer lock times to force them to actually play the game, not just one and done thinking they know how anything will go…

It’s much the same as those who complain about teams, the game and everything in general… Do we really need those kind of players, playing? Really?

So. Massive lockouts for 1Dl. So you are pissed off or the game is lost and respawning is a waste of time.

Well now, lets just respawn in a reserve vehicle, zerg rush to cap zone, and wait to be killed. Quit after 2 deaths. no penalty.


You’re trying so hard to validate reasons and excuse the action, that I think you actually do it yourself.

It’s time that some harsh truths got passed out to people, and the excuses need to stop being made or accepted.

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