One Spawn Quitters

OK, they nerfed the heck out of win modifier to appease the player base who were getting more and more “Yolo”, true (was it 150% before? now down to 120%?).

It might be naive but I prefer the game not to cater to the lowest common denominator in terms of effort within a match. Ideally, if the game had a bigger population, a “competitive” mode would be better alongside the current ones. But the game will always be hamstrung by the Grind Mechanic which the whole game centers around.

Still when grinding winning more often than not will speed research/spading compared to mainly losing. And winning is rewarded so you can see the goal of a match IS to win, even if the goal of a player might just be “get this research/spading/task done”. I admit there is a fine line between fun and working together to create a better match. I am sure you prefer people that fight back rather than just be a sitting duck to experience?

In every competition losers are getting nothing, and I only want to penalty the quit heroes.

Another option is to make the quit hero gamers all in one team each time, so have a nice xp pinata for the players who try to win and play the game with more than one vehicle.

I just don’t get the rage against ODLs and the desire to ‘punish’ them. Thinking it through, punishing the ODLs will only drive them away from the game. And that is surely not what the OP wants; longer queues, fewer matches, BRs with fewer slots filled, etc. etc.

The only way to get the ODLs to stay longer (assuming they are not grinding for some BP task or other, or other reasons to ODL) is to reward the amount of time you stay in the match - currently it is pretty pathetic. Sure, that is to increase the incentive to buy premium time/vehicles. Makes sense from the snail’s point of view and that is the only one that counts, in the end.

If you prevent people playing the game you reduce the player pool. That will kill the game real quick. Besides, who are you, or anyone else, to determine what is good for a given player? Me, I mostly play through the lineup, even in losing matches. Mostly because I play for fun, and have plenty of time. For someone without those luxuries (e.g. family life, work, whatever) they have to prioritize. If faffing around in a losing match giving free kills to the other team is what is on offer, sure, plenty will bail out. And why not? Just because a few people want to pad stats at the end of the match by spawn camping doesn’t mean the rest should suffer.

It’s only a game. Relax, enjoy it your way and don’t bother about what others are doing. It really, really doesn’t matter that much.




Still because many copies what they see.

You can’t place penalties on them, they are one of the main reasons why this game is profitable.
Gaijin is making a big buck on premium vehicles, and we all know ODL is most noticeable at tiers where popular premiums sit.


I don’t need to squad anywhere, because I don’t actually expect my autosquadies to do anything, and more often I call on the team to do things, and they do so.

Whilst I don’t expect my autosquadie or teammates to actually do anything, I don’t write them off as being a waste as many do, and I don’t bail out on the team assuming all is lost.

Hope that may clear up this ‘guilt’ that you maybe feeling.

On that one vehicle, and at the normal rate… It doesn’t make you not spawning other vehicles to also grind out thier moodifications less of a thing.

It’s a very closeminded thing to fixate on that one premise, when it’s quite obviously not really true… It’s just a perception, based on the spam of matches you can do because you’re just spamming matches without care.

On that one vehicle, and at the normal rate… It doesn’t make you not spawning other vehicles to also grind out thier moodifications less of a thing.

Not really. Most of fun action is in early game. Late game is slow and boring and not much is done. Especially when it always ends up same by one team spawn killing another. At least at BRs I play. I prefer to skip this waste of time and go to another battle.

Also from my experience, when I spawned second time it always end up in one of two scenarios

  1. I did nothing as battle ended before I returned into battle.
  2. Got oblitarated by CAS or someone camping spawn after I simply rage quit current battle.

Both of those scenarios does not speed up any process on other tanks. Second scenario was more infuriating as it used to just eat all your profits you made in battle.

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That’s just anecdotal, it dismisses anything that comes from securing the win and actually supporting your team to provide that win.

And ANYONE that has issues with ‘CAS’ should be spawning at least 2 SPAA if they’re even thinking of going ODL…

Nah I know, because negative people will always dismiss the effort in anything because they’re genuinely not looking to excel, just wallow in the mire…

And that’s not sarcastic.

Still waiting on Gaijin to remove the Russian Bias code from the game so Ivan MBTs can start taking damage and dying properly when shot at.

9 times out of 10, especially in top tier, I die because of the absolutely insufferable Bias code nonsense. Matches like that I don’t often entertain spawning again. I hate being cheated.


That’s just anecdotal, it dismisses anything that comes from securing the win and actually supporting your team to provide that win.

The neat part is I do not care about victories. So much hard work just to have around 50% chance you win. It is not worth it. I learn it in WoT, that focusing on victories is just pure frustration in random battles. I play for fun, that is why I play only vehicles that are fun. And fun part in war thunder is mostly killing other tanks and longer you are in battle, less kills you get. SPAA is not fun at top tier. Especially second spawn where CAS basically focuses spawn because they know there will be SPAA spawning probably. Not to mention 2 of my 3 main nations does not have viable top tier SPAA.

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Ahhh the old complaining of cas, to proclaim that the SPAA isn’t ‘fun’…

There’s a reason for it, and it’s needed, so you should be using it, no matter if you actually think it’s ‘fun’ or not.

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Alot of these people play for their stats.
Maybe on the player card a quit game after one death stat could be added

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It’s clearly not fun getting destroyed by something you had no counter for from the get to.

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Then suggest more SPAA to add to make up for that ‘gap’, but if there are vehicles at those ranges, and even sub those ranges, and you’re merely avoiding using it, then it’s not the games fault.

You are missing my point.
People in non-SPAA vehicles have little to no counters to CAS, and let me tell you something, getting shot and killed by something you couldn’t even fire at isn’t fun for most people, including me.


That’s also a great idea, ruin there stat card with this ^^

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