Once again, Russia gets the better treatment

Legit an option in the GFX menu

(Not to mention only RT cores can run it)

Well yeah, they’re working on the open-source raytracing as well for a future update afterward, as well as FSR.

Shadows and lighting have needed an update since 2017, and I’m glad we’re finally getting good lighting.

I wish the International forum wasn’t so addicted to Russia… this forum talks more about Russian vehicles than the Russian forum. I can only imagine they talk about NATO vehicles more than this forum.


Ppl are always

“OMG ItS obVioSlY pLaiN eViDenCE oF rUsSIaN BiaS!!!”

Get over it, NATO has better tech in game, so why complain.


If anything it just shows that most WT players are playing ground than anything else, otherwise it would be 24/7 crying about USA bias in air.

Yep, but nope, it’s always “Muh freebrams is trash” when you have a 5 second reload, and insane turret armor + blow out panel.

Not to mention people are just ignoring the GBU-39


GBU-39 is just a glide bomb. A gimmick in ground, and not that usable in air in its current state.

Not in air EC

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the best thing they can do to this patch is either A add a system so spaa can shoot down missiles and bombs, or B just remove these weapons from the aircraft, 120km for the groms and the spam of bombs in the f-15e is just way to op and gives no chance to spaa or interceptors. Gajin either needs to upgrade or remove

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NO this laser guided only missile doesn’t exist

Grom 1 isn’t being added this patch.

So F-15E is going to be very much superior in EC.

All F-15s are superior in EC whether Grom 1 is added or not.

I have not played Top Tier for a loooong time to personally know how it plays atm. But does the red teams really have many that players who not only try to get bombin points but also manage to destroy them? My understanding about the top tier has been that red planes get just shot down by superior number of Blue side and way before they get to bomb bases? Lobbing cruise missiles against every base from their own airfield sounds a lot more likely way to get some of them destroyed than trying to fly through hordes of of enemy missiles.

And you can always target the enemy airfield with your missiles (I imagine on maps like Tunisia you don’t even need to leave your own airfield in order to do that) if you want guaranteed target. Might even get a lucky plane kill when targeting airstrip module.

Depends, cause I was fragging “Blue” planes rather consistently in my inferior aircraft for sim [playing Yak-141 with a HOTAS is not funnest experience].
I make sure I have all servers on so I can get into a map that isn’t Sinai or Denmark, and I tend to have a good time either hunting bombers or being a bomber.

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Does the balance team even exist doe? I feel like some guy from the dev team checks win rates every now and again and balances according to that

Less win rates, more silver lions.

That’s their openly admitted balancing metric: Normalized (for modifiers, boosters) silver lion earning potential.

This probably has terrible consequences for sim, given the UA mechanic.

they removed it now cuz of your complaining… good job

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What did you expect, this game is L on L.

They reduced the reward for killing ground units, they reduced the frequency of appearance of ground units, now they remove Grom-1 weapon.
Even now USSR teams have less players in teams.

Soon you will see battles of F-15E VS F-15E.

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Before you cried abput “Topgun academy” players(afaik that was any figther) which “ruined” your PVE sessions… now everything else?

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And yet Russia gets ANOTHER SPAA

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