Ok, we had laughs, now lets get serious

Originally there was “Planes only” mode. ARB is still for “planes only”. No reason to not have “Tank only” mode.

I’m not discussing to win the argument, I’m just pointing out when people are wrong or lying as I did in this topic.

The plan was always combined arms.
There’s even a infograph of planes, tanks, and ships all in one game mode, which would definitely need a new AI at this point.

“They made this game cold war when their original intent was WW2 only!”
Yet they started the closed beta with cold war, and the open beta had cold war. With official release being into the 1970s.

Of course, people are like “Well, the game had 98% WW2 vehicles on first open beta update.” Yeah… it’s almost as if their previous title, as well as WW2 vehicles being far more open access and matured in game development, helped them with WW2 assets.

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When you THINK people are wrong or THINK they are lying. I stand by everything I said because I can have knowledge without being good at a video game. You seem to think knowledge that contradicts yours is wrong or a lie. My opinion can differ than yours and still not be a lie or wrong, as that’s how opinions operate. I’m sure you’ll disagree with that though, because you are the most intelligent, well learned expert on Warthunder in the forum. Stats prove it too.

I look forward to seeing your ideas become a suggestion post that is considered by Gaijin instead of a pointless argument that means virtually nothing.

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In-game stats don’t lie, no matter what You THINK about it.

I remind You that I’m talking from the perspective of someone who is using air in ground modes ;)

anyone saying that “the CAS is INSANE” and happenned to be playing before 2014, are just stupidly throwing themselves into CAS.

the game have evolved since then for best that is.

the current gameplay allows you to win with only taking tanks, if you care enough about the skies (don’t mean you have to kill Aircrafts, but care that they do not target you)

also you have been provided with multiple ways to counter them: using Roof MG’s or taking SPAAG / SAM / Aircrafts yourself and get in there.

dieng from an aircraft at BR under the AGM/GBU systems are presents only meant that either:

  • the pilot performs both identification of your position and Attack perfectly and being unnoticed
  • the tank driver was not paying attention to his environnement.

Yes, and the original ground mode has always been tanks and planes.

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I play 8.7 regualarly, the CAS gameplay is fun, and easy, anyone with any remote knowledge of knowing how to to point their nose in another direction can avoid SPAAG’s. Now, the STRELA-10M2 is another story…

The CAS at 3.7-4.3 is OP for US and Germany. The DO-335 Pfeil is extremely good; and decent at fighting planes too, and the F-4U is fun too, decent at both as well, fairly balanced if you know how to counter it. Bringing a Fighter and a CAS aircraft in a lineup is a solid choice to deal with enemy CAS.

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When was the last time you tried low tiers?

That’s the point, 8.7 is fine.

But 3.7 - man, i am far from complaining, but 3.7 made me rant in this topic. Like, imagine getting killed 10 times couple last battles and none of it was from tank to tank combat

I was 200SP off a nuke in 6.7 uptier and got killed by a P-51 pilot with only 2 kills the whole match, one of which was me, did it piss me tf off, yes, was it annoying, yes. Just counter with a Fighter or CAS of your own, simple as that, especially if your a AIR RB main, I refuse to play ground without a Viable CAS plane and Fighter, because that’s the only way to have fun.

If you’re a German low tier enjoyer:

I think my lineup for 3.3 is the StuG III F, Pz. III M, Sd.Kfz. 251/21, FW190A-1, and the BF-110-G-2.

My lineup for 3.7 is the, Pz. IV H, Sd.Kfz. 234/2, and wirbelwind, the FW-190A-4, and BF-110G-4.

Now imagine getting spawn camped by CAS

In game stats are numbers based on more variables than just knowledge. Intent is probably the most important variable because it defines how people approach this game. If someone intends to sit back away from the objective and search out only kills then they will. I enjoy playing the objective and attempting to flank which is much more dangerous and worse fory stats than sitting 15 meters from spawn and trying to kill people that actually move. I don’t know what BRs or nations you primarily play or how long you’ve played them (and nor do wish to know), but not everyone cares about their performance. If I cared about my ratios I’d probably stick to meta BRs with meta lineups for 1000s of games, but I’d rather play as many interesting vehicles as I can instead of playing the same 6 for months at a time. I have very little interest in playing vehicles I’ve spaded. For exmaple I’ve stopped playing US 9.3 because I spaded the 9.3s and moved on even though I could still use them to research the vehicles I want in the US tree. By all means, continue to think that singular player stats are the be all/end all of knowledge levels in a team based game with 16v16 battles, but keep in mind that your broad assessment of the correlation of knowledge/stats may not be accurate for every single player.

Meh; doesn’t happen very often, shouldnt be pushed back to spawn anyway…

If you want a solid lineup, you can look at mine.

Besides, if I’m getting spawncamped, I probably wasnt close to doing great.

i have a feeling that you hear me but you dont listen to me

So this is yet another CAS whine thread, huh?

Stop whining. War Thunder is a game with 3 modes: air battles, and then two additional modes for air players who get tired of fighting each other and want to take a “vacation”.

“Ground RB” is just Air RB where the ai ground targets are player controlled, nothing more.

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Nah, fighting other planes in Ground RB is more interesting than Air RB because of the lack of spotting indicators and ability to still use pointer aim. More interesting when the game doesn’t track location of the other vehicle, you know, like Ground RB ground vehicles.

To a point yes, also a game mode where those ground targets can and will attack you in the air. Much more interesting gameplay where you can pick a certain aircraft and counterplay specific things instead of a hodgepodge of everything together.

I wasn’t the one whining…

About a week ago.

And apart stomping on people and shooting down planes with Roof Mg, it was easily won.