OI tank should be added

I’d say 150 front and rear and 70 for the sides are good, as the sides can still be angled. Though the way the 35+35 is done on the sides makes the idler wheel shot a big weakpoint when angled.

Sadly that one is proven to be a misconception though, based on sparse Soviet reports and an image of a naval fortification turret using a ships cannon. It is likely just that, and never was a tank.

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yeah, for sure. I just don’t know where it would be added. It obviously doesn’t have the armor of a maus but a 150mm gun would be significantly too powerful for the lower tiers… maybe 6.0-6.3?


That would’ve been my guess as well.

I guess there are other 150mm howitzers at lower BRs, KV-2 for example, but O-I boasts almost twice of the KVs front and rear armor, two secondary 47mm and more crew with the only tradeoff being the lower mobolity.

Depending on how it’s implemented I’d say from 5.7 to 6.3 would be suitable.


That’s a lie. Most vehicles being added are of Cold War and Modern descent.
In the 3 most recent updates->Seek & Destroy, Alpha Strike, and Air Superiority in total over 32 were from various periods of the Cold War and some from Modern Day with one that is just a meme and almost no one can find anything even to confirm if it had existed which is the “Clickbait”.

The only WW2 Ground vehicle out of all 3 updates for ground vehicles was the Hungarian Tigris. Even then, that’s just a copy and paste with some extra tracks to the front not as remotely unique as the Heavy No. 6.

While I respect your statements, right now updates are not WW2-centric they’re Cold and Modern Centric. Interwar and WW2 have been sidelined to the point that it’s pretty much 1 vehicle for 1 single nation rather than one per nation.

I do not count Ships and Planes however to a varying degree Aircraft from these periods were also sidelined. My apologizes for going slightly off topic however I don’t agree with what you had to say since it is not even remotely true when the development blogs for vehicles say other wise on how many Inter-War and WW2 Air and Ground vehicles remain none existent from the game. With maybe some random WW2 ship that a niche minority of the community will love. I welcome the ships but still do not look great over all.


This, i agree on this.

There a still plenty of WWII vehicle options left and yes, people want to see more modern day stuff, but people also want to see an equal amount of lower tier stuff.

I think we are seeing less WWII vehicles because it isn’t profitable enough.

They like the one time 75 euro purchase from level 20 players who create HUGE problems; like one-death-leaving, vehicle decompression because of the lack of experience and they usually leave way earlier with the game then most other people.

In this way, Gaijin prefers to satisfy the one-time-purchase players over long staying loyal players, like me and many others.


Indeed on the last part since that is the case, however, the Game isn’t dying as some like to claim on the forums or else where. It just got stagnant/stale.


Every time I see this tank’s name I can’t help but to think:



Gaijin done kill me suggestion and took my bloody track link.”


Tetsuo’s face:



It’s not a lie. Sadly just because you don’t count ships and aircraft doesn’t make it false. The majority of content in game (Ranks I-IV/V) is from the WW2 era. So the overwhelming majority of vehicles in game come from this period

We have had added multiple WW2 era vehicles in the last couple of updates such as the BF 109c, Fokker G.1, Gladiator Mk I (Belgium), Firefly Mk IV and others alongside a plethora of WW2 ships and naval vessels.

Indeed the majority being added to the game are of the modern or cold war era as the vast majority of the game is already primarily WW2 era content and the community has a desire to see more of this era (modern) being the focus right now.

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Nobody claimed they were and the reasons for this have been explained.

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I never got why people complain that updates aren’t WW2/postwar-centric anymore.

Of the 2,600 vehicles currently in War Thunder, around 1,900 of them (about 75%) correspond to these time periods.

Ranks I, II, III, IV and V are WW2 and immediate postwar; VI is Cold War… and only the still fresh VII-VIII are modern warfare. There are very, very few interesting potential WW2 additions left anymore, compared with all the potential left on the still growing modern eras.

Even if it were true that these last 2 ranks are getting more attention, it’s only natural- they are the highest growth potential, rather than the already quite fleshed out historical eras which were exclusive to the game from 2013 until 2018.

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I never made any mention of every vehicle. I would advise reading it once more since it feels more like you’re putting words in my mouth that I didn’t write down. I am referring to the current cases in which a majority of recent updates have reduced the number of World War Vehicles to non-existent. Not how many WW2 vehicles are in the game. Now with that going to name 3 of the recent updates and how many WW2 vehicles are in each one of them this will not count as model and cockpit change as that is not adding new vehicles it’s just a texture or mesh replacement.

Now let’s see
S&D, Alpha Strike, and Air Superiority:

Total: Of WW1esk->WW2 Vehicles: 17
Aircraft: 9
Ground Vehicles: 2
Naval: 6

Total Of Cold War->Modern: 80
Aircraft: 44
Ground Vehicles: 32
Naval: 4

Unsure why the Wiki calculates up to 111. Could be slightly off the calculation but for me I manually counted everything for nearly several hours just to post this says otherwise.
There are about only 39 Vehicles in total from WW1->WW2 from updates King Of Battles, Sons Of Attila, and La Royale for reference.

This pretty much just dictates to a lot of us that the WW1, Inter-War, and WW2 of Air, Ground, and Sea have been sidelined as I predicted and thought. With Cold War to Modern being prioritized for Air and Ground. Naval does not count since it is one of the smallest communities for War Thunder. They also BRs behind Ground and Air.

In the end, most of these decisions are made to get more people in the short term to make more money. Cause you get an influx of new users who will pay for an F-14A, F-16, F-15, and whatnot rather than grinding the tree, and once they get bored leave the game. I’m also not the only one who has shared this sentiment bunch of other people said similar things including some CC just not the very big ones at least not to my knowledge or anything. But then I don’t often watch WT CC’s mostly cinematic CC’s.

Anyway time to sleep, I tired.


Not even close. For example, there’s entire aircraft lines we don’t have… yet.

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No? Just take look at the nearly 200 (and still more to come) suggestions of mine. (That are only for Germany btw.)


I would recommend you go back yourself to what you originally quoted initially and called a lie:

To which you responded:

There is no lie here. The majority of the content in game is of the WW2 era, and whilst we continue to add examples of them, the focus currently is on modern vehicles which is what the community most wants to see.

The game had a WW2 focus for many years. Now we are building more on the modern aspect, whilst still continuing to add WW2 vehciles in-between. However the game has more WW2 era content than modern currently. That is a fact.

Once again, nobody claimed the current updates are WW2 focused. It’s been explained multiple times now why that is.

That can be the only thing I assume you got confused about from my post.

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Once again it really shouldn’t. Since people have made tons upon tons of suggestions that don’t ever seem to go into consideration. Now I cannot claim I know how the inner workings of stuff work but from a surface layer. It’s pretty obvious what going on has been affecting those on a surface layer. You have a ton of players including myself who are rather irritated by the fact that Cold and Modern get a ton of vehicles but WW2 gets nothing but a slither now.

When updates should be providing Interwar/WW2 and Cold->Modern Players 50/50.
50% of the new vehicles are from those eras and vice versa. ->Something that the community should have a say in when it comes to how content is distributed. Otherwise, you get a giant boiling pot of angry, irritated, annoyed players who will purposely cause headaches by the number and disregard what is politely told to them->to stop. Angry people only form when something angers them, it is always because of that, remedying those issues gets far less.
Anyway, thank you for this rather interesting discussion. Imma just take my leave now.

high quantity of vehicles does not equal high quality. While there is in raw numerical terms, a LOT of WW2 additions they could go with.

At the realistic level, there’s very few that are different enough to warrant adding to begin with or to focus on. Because not only do you risk bloat, or destroying tech tree progression if you pad a tree with too much pointless stuff.

But a large majority of your suggestions fall between niche or there’s already something that does the exact same thing. So you need to realize that while quantity wise there’s a lot to add, that doesn’t tell the full story.

It’s the same reason a lot of modern fans wont suggest minute differences in the same tank as new vehicles. Because it’s not a vehicle of substance. Modern Era deserves the majority of the focus now, simply because it’s the least developed part of the game and has the most unique variety of things to introduce.

Edit: As for the topic of this particular channel, since this conversation derailed so badly. The O-I is a tank that borders on non-existence due to the fact it’s completely paper. Adding this vehicle continues to encourage an already bad precedent set in the japanese tree. Japan players, I grieve for you, I understand that the tree is barren and needs help. But if Gaijin keeps caving, and keeps giving you things that are either paper or completely fake? that precedent will cause the other 9 nations players to start asking reasonable questions “when is it my turn?”


I forgot to reply, but you did to perfection. I’m sorry, but the truth is, as you said, most people are more interested about the legendary F-15C or the venerable T-90M than they are about a 17th slightly different-looking Sd.kfz with 15mm machine guns/75mm gun.

Quite indeed. We only ask for vehicles with minute differences when there’s no alternatives, like Japan and Type 90/10.

But beyond those exceptions, we always ask for vehicles that would actually bring something new to the table, not for 17 slightly different-looking variants of vehicles we already have ingame.

For example; after Leopard 2A6, we asked for Leopard 2A7V for its extraordinary armor and electronic improvements. We didn’t ask for Leopard 2A6M, Leopard 2A6MA2, Leopard 2A6MA3 or even base Leopard 2A7; we went straight to 2A7V.

So… yeah. I am aware there are a kajillion potential slightly different Sd.kfzs with 15mm and 75mm guns left to be added, but it should be understandable that the focus is currently put on a BR range that is still new and needs more work; a BR range that is incredibly successful and profitable, at that.

I mean, yeah i can see what you mean, but there are enove and still many unique and not represented vehicles to in game.
Unique field mods as well, such as the 7,5 cm FK 231 (f) on a Bren carrier.
But also stuff like the Pz.Sfl.II 7,5 cm K. L/41
Or other fan favourites like the Sd.Kfz.231 and 233, which are a key askpect of German Armored cars.


It is not. The whole point is that it was built, just not completed. This is what Gaijin calls “unfinished prototype” acceptable for all trees in game.

Please do not spread misinformation about it, there’s already way too much of that.


here is the issue with the O-I. There is very very limited proof it existed to begin with, beyond that hurdle however most of the info for it would need to come from the blueprints since the thing was never finished it has no extensive performance records, just engine tests iirc (which are hard to prove). This is a vehicle that, for all intents and purposes, is completely paper.

It was designed, sketched up, maybe a hull was built (because some of the images posted online don’t even look the same as the actual schematics), but there is just no substantial information for this vehicle to be added. That is a bad precedent.

If you add the O-I as it stands rn, with the basically zero hard information that exists on the vehicle. You can by that same logic, add things like the Strv 2000. Which is something we do not want to have happen.

this extends to the O-I suggestion itself that was posted and passed to consideration. The 2 biggest sources, are Sensha (which has several sources that are hard or impossible to find or even prove), and Wikipedia… The tank probably did exist in some capacity back then, but as far as we are concerned nowadays? it’s like Atlantis.

Edit: As much as I’d love a lot of personal favorite vehicles of mine added which are in the same boat as the O-I, I know they shouldn’t be because at the end of the day a lot of the stats/specs of the vehicle would need to be gaijin guesswork, and that’s just a recipe for disaster for the game as a whole. You start doing it for one person, then everyones gonna be asking for that treatment.